Food help...

Okay, I normally don't start my own topic, but I need help...or amazing suggestions on how to eat correctly. I know that may sound a little silly, but I have a problem. Basically one day I don't eat enough calories and the next day I eat way to many. I'm 26 years old and I'm sick of being this size. I know starving myself one day and pigging out the next day isn't going to help me in anyway shape of form, but I've been recently thinking about just strictly eating fruits, vegetables, and salads. I just have a hard time knowing what I want to eat...unless it's junk food, and I think just restricting myself to that for a while will help get me on the right track. I just really need help with food or planning my meals. Any help would be greatly appreciated in this matter.


  • virginiawest76
    virginiawest76 Posts: 12 Member
    I have found that sometimes when I hate my body I hate food to because it is the reason I feel so badly about myself. Then I don't eat. There is a certain high that a body goes through, something to do with glucose and insulin levels when you don't eat. So there are times when it feels good not to eat. I feel in control and powerful. But the skyrocketing and deep drops of insulin is a big predictor of obesity. I had to realize that food wasn't my enemy. It's not inherently evil. Remember the junk food is a comfortable pattern that you've developed over years. It will take a little time for your palate to get accustomed to healthier choices, but then you too will crave the better choices. Your body does need a well-rounded balanced diet. I am not a medical doctor but I think that others will probably chime in with some good choices. Another idea would be to friend someone who already is on this path and then view their food diary to see what they are doing.
    I wish you all the luck in the world! But I don't think you will need it. You sound like a very powerful person.
  • torshi
    torshi Posts: 107 Member
    I just want to say thank you, those words mean a lot to me.
  • virginiawest76
    virginiawest76 Posts: 12 Member
    You are so welcome. I find that I am a little shy here on MFP.
    Another couple of ideas that I thought of are that when I crave something sweet sometimes I am actually just thirsty for water. Crazy. I also struggle with the foods that I love but I am starting to be able to make better choices.

    I love this website that I found through MFP it is called her recipes rock and are really easy to prepare. They are so good I don't know that I am eating healthy :) I also like they even have a place that helps plan menus.

    Just starting on this path is difficult so you already are winning!