Stevia Products

First let me give a disclaimer, I know my taste buds are my own and not everyone enjoys the same things; and no, I am in no way going to gain financially on what I am about to say.

Today I schlepped my lazy but across town to a nutritional type store and came across something referred to as flavored stevia; in the aisle where you would find sweeteners. Now I know that stevia is a sweetener as I have been using it on my diet. What I did not know is that it comes in different flavors, chocolate, strawberry, french vanilla etc. So I think to myself .. hmm, this is interesting, I'll try a few and if it does not work out then I will be the wiser for it. OMG!! I just tried some of the french vanilla on my chai tea instead of using any kind of sweetener and :love:!! The best part is that it really hits that sweet tooth without any added calories. Now here is where I really hope to get some help from all of you.

I am thinking that I can use this french vanilla stuff as a substitute in any recipe that calls for vanilla extract or something like it. Obviously I love it in my chai tea, and I was thinking I could even put it in my coffee. Starting next week I will be able to start eating dairy, so I can add a little french vanilla to my milk (instead of chocolate milk or strawberry). But what else do you think I could use it in? Please please please, if you think of anything reply. I may not be able to try out all of the recipes right away because of dietary restrictions but I will definitely file them away for when I can. Thanks!!


  • NorthernCally
    I haven't tried Stevia myself, but from what I understand, just like with some other sweeteners, the proportion you use in a recipe may not be the same as sugar. I would only suggest you looking into that if you are thinking of using it in baking or whatever.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I use flavored stevia in my iced coffees, on my oatmeal, in baking, in smoothies......I really use it everywhere!!

    I love it!
  • cherryObebe
    I use the vanilla creme in my coffee. I just got it this past week and love it!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I love my flavored stevias! I use vanilla cream stevia in almost everything (Greek yogurt, egg nog, etc). Just be careful to go easy on the drops cuz just 1 more than you need can turn the whole dish bitter.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Cool, something else to look for. I use stevia but kind of limited. I don't like the aftertaste. Do the flavored stevias have that same bitter aftertaste? Might just be my tastebuds.
  • luckygrrrl
    I use it oatmeal and yogurt, coffee, tea, smoothies, anything that I would normally add sugar to or want sweetness in.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    These sound intriguing. Is there a particular brand you all are buying? Where are you buying it? I've never seen anything like it around here (not that I was looking).
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Cool, something else to look for. I use stevia but kind of limited. I don't like the aftertaste. Do the flavored stevias have that same bitter aftertaste? Might just be my tastebuds.

    See my post (too much = bitter). Also it helps if you're already used to splenda and other non-sugar sweeteners
  • efwolfcub
    efwolfcub Posts: 99 Member
    Stevia is the one artificial sweetener (other than saccharine) that I absolutely cannot stand - I don't mind the taste of aspartame or splenda, but stevia, the one 'natural' artificial sweetener, just turns my stomach. your mileage may vary.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I've only tried the plain ol' Stevia extract or the leaves straight from the plant in my garden, it IS one to watch your ratio for, it's so much sweeter than straight ol' sugar only takes a tiny amount to replace that same sweetness.
  • oopsiedaezie
    Thank you Everyone!! I am so glad to be able to get some honest feedback and advice :happy:. To answer a some questions. I did experience some of the bitter taste when I spilled some on my finger and it was gross :sick:, so my first reaction was really?! I spent money on this. So yes, do be careful not to add too much. I have been using artificial sweeteners for some time now and to be honest I don't taste a difference, BUT please keep in mind that my taste buds have already adjusted to things like Stevia, Equal, Sweet -n- Low and I can no longer discern an after taste (which is really odd because I used to hate anything that was sweetened with anything other than sugar because I would be able to taste is right away). I live in Southern California, specifically the Inland Empire area, I found this stuff at Clark's Nutritional, but from what I have been told you can also try Henrys' or Sprouts. BUT if you live out of this area there is an online store where you can buy it; which I just went to that was actually a couple of dollars cheaper than the store ( I am sure there are tons of stores online if you google something like Chocolate Stevia. I think the stuff I bought is called SweetLeaf, but there are several brands and as this is my first time using it I am not sure which is better than the next. I hope I was able to answer some questions and again, thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. Yum! I can't wait to try them all out.