Binge problems :/

So I have been trying to eat healthier, and vount calories, but its so hard to sas no to food... Like the best way for me is by intermitten fasting but even then i would overeat. So i tried to count calories and do both which is not as bad, but I would still like to get more discipline.
If you have any tips I'd like to hear them! :D


  • Qixuss
    Qixuss Posts: 12 Member

    I would say, it really all comes down to how badly you want to lose the weight.
    (This is me assuming that this is why you are looking to eat healthier.)

    We could also explore the why. Why do you binge eat? Why do any of use binge eat?

    Boredom? It's in the cupboard? You're dieting, but still hungry? All of them?

    My advice would be (what I usually do when I am getting back on the ball).
    1. Clear the cupboards (Got cake? Put it in a cupboard that you don't usually go into, or a place in the home you wouldn't be headed too when you are feeling hungry)
    2. Have a glass of ice cold water or low-calorie soda - a lot of people mistake feeling hungry for being parched... plus, a zero calorie fanta or pepsi would also remove those sweet cravings.
    3. Increase the protein in your diet, to make you feel fuller for longer.
    4. Find something or someone that motivates you to get to where you want to be!

    Feel free to add me too - I am always happy to send messages of encouragement throughout the week to keep you (and anyone else) spurred on!

    Side note: Don't make it too difficult for yourself - slow and steady wins the race. If bingeing has been a big part of your diet and you are really really struggling, take slow steps... work your way down; usually have a chocolate bar, some crisps/chips and a couple of biscuits? Let's say tomorrow, you cut out the biscuits.. and then half the chocolate bar etc etc.

    I believe in you!!