False hunger - does it disappear?

Hi all,

Before doing MFP I also had "false hunger" problems, I'd eat a meal 30 minutes later I'm back to being starving again. I've been checked medically, nothing is wrong physically. I've been sticking to the calories MFP have suggested for me and tracking my calories like mad. I usually drink 8 or sometimes 12 glasses of water a day. I'm usually over on my protein intake even on the days when I do exercise and put it in MFP. It's probably been about 7 weeks since I've started eating healthier and about 5 weeks since I've been using MFP.

Just wondering if at any point does the "false hunger" disappear? I don't have a problem with dealing with them. Also - Is there anything you've found that works better than mind over matter?

I just feel like i'm constantly hungry and it is slowly working away at my motivation, but the scales are definitely still moving :)


  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    If you have a diet high in protein and low in carbs which are your body's PRIMARY source of fuel, the chances of "false" hunger going away are slim.

    Not impossible....just slim.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Drink lots of water (dehydration sometimes takes the form of hunger) and eat foods high in protein, complex carbs (whole wheat products) and fiber! Complex Carbs have more fiber vs. processed or empty carbs and they will keep you feeling fuller longer. I even carry around some Fiber One bars in case of a hunger emergency, they are a better choice than a candy bar.
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    usually if I feel hungry, I'll drink about 2 glasses of water before deciding on whether I'm actually really hungry. My biggest cue to eat is usually time, if I'm hungry anywhere between my main meals and snacks I have water.

    Maybe i'm missing something in regards to fiber. Do you stick to your recommended MFP goal for fiber? Mine is set at 15 and I think most days I'm going over that. Definitely going to try that. I don't eat a whole lot of carbs in general on the basis that recently they hurt my stomach and I feel bloated and lack of complex carbs is probably what I'm missing.
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    have you noticed any emotional triggers? Eating is something that we use to take care of discomfort and sometimes ill have a stomach ache for whatever reason and my first response is to eat.
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    I had noticed emotional triggers when I first started, but most of those I have replaced with gym. Usually it was feelings stressed or angry, perhaps even boredom. Having to put my food into the MFP food diary is usually what stops me because I know I'd be putting junk in my body and doing all this hard work and spending money on PT and gym not worth it. So now, if I'm feeling low, bored, stressed or whatever I hop on off to the gym to stop myself eating.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    When I first started on MFP, I was always hungry at bedtime. I actually decided to embrace the feeling--while falling alseep I would try to connect the hungry feeling w/ the knowledge that I had eaten the proper amount of calories for my body--it was a sign I had done well with my eating for the day. I decided to retrain my brain to accept the feeling as normal and it worked. After a week or so, I didn't even notice it anymore. Now, if I eat too close to bedtime, I feel uncomfortably full even if I haven't gone over my calories.

    Another thing I do if Im feeling hungry throughout the day is eat a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. It's light but the volume fills up my stomach--I like the kettle corn b/c it satisfies both salty and sweet cravings. I keep a box on my desk at work and one at home at all times.