Taking Charge!!!

Hello my name is Amanda! I am 22 years old. I weigh 320 lbs. I have decided that I am ready to take charge of my life! I am SICK of food overtaking my life and my body. To me it is my drug... I keep eating unhealth knowing that it is killing me taking my life one bite at a time. No more. I am here to make a change, today is my day. I take back my life now!!! This addiction STOPS here! I have over 100 pounds to loose. I understand that this will take time and serious commitment. My husband and I are going to join a gym and he is planning on helping me stay motivated because he needs to loose about 30 lbs himself. I am looking for support... Maybe someone who will keep me accountable... Someone who will text me like crazy to say HEY YOU NEED TO WALK... HEY NO SODA... :) you know a support system I do need help. Thanks.


  • evelynr14
    evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
    This is amazing! So proud of you because you decided to make this choice, many people push it off. Congrats this is the first step of a successful lifestyle change! If you need help or support add me! Good luck!
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    welcome!!! I too have over 100 pounds to lose! Good for you in deciding you are worth the effort! I find the journaling helps the most. I am honest even on a bad food day so I can look back if i don't lose and point to the reason why. I work 12s so i am not on here a whole lot, primarily use it on my phone those days but I try to go back and read and comment on posts! Good luck and add me if you would like!!
  • mikoperez
    You can do it Amanda. You are in charge, don't let anyone or anything take that away from you!
  • theradiantbride
    If you want, feel free to add me! I'll do everything I can to push you along. :)
  • idlivru
    You can do it! You have taken the first most important step...you acknowledged you have a problem and you joined here! Being accountable is the most important! You can add me if you want
  • Jessicaallen48
    The first step is making that decision. This site is a great place for support and it is full of such kind people. We all have one thing in common and that is losing weight. So excited for you!!!
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Good job for making the choice to take charge of your own health and weight! This site is amazing. Feel free to add me if you need someone who is dedicated and looking for mutual support on this journey.
  • rhinovr
    rhinovr Posts: 14 Member
    You should be sooooo proud of yourself!
  • misspoetic
    misspoetic Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Amanda
    welcome :)
    enjoy the ride:)