Why does my weight change?


I've had this happen a few times now....

I have been currently dropping weight and got down to 50.5 kgs Sunday morning - was this all day and then this morning I was back to 51.0 kgs. I want to know why this would happen is it water weight is it something I did?

My body weight percentage works out at 24.4% so I want to lower it abit too - any suggestions?


  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Could be water retention, solid waste in your body, have you been doing any strength training? Muscles under repair absorb alot of water to repair themselves. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week. I weigh in the same time, same day, same conditions. I have a routine for 36 hours leading up to my weigh in to try to keep everything equal.
  • jannah22
    They say you shouldnt weigh yourself more than once per week as you weight can fluctuate daily. This has to do with water retention or dehydration, the volume of food not 'expelled' from the previous day, as well as many other factors including muscle gain or glucose retention for muscle repair. Unless you binged like a crazy person yesterday, there is no way you would have gained 50g of fat over night,. Relax, it will sort itself out over the next few days! :wink:
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    thats what it is, its only water weight. You can literally hold extra 2 kg of water weight, most people walk around actually 2 L dehydrated and i could infuse 2 liters of IV saline and they would take it without a problem. so after you eat any kind a food, the solutes such as salt and stuff in the food actually pulls the water into your blood and interstitial tissue.

    anyhow, long story short, it is water, no one gains fat that quickly.

    no worries, just look at your week to week weight trend. also weigh yourself at the same day, time and scale.

    good luck :)
  • theradiantbride
    Body weight fluctuates day to day for many reasons. Water weight, a high sodium meal the night before (which leads to water retention/water weight), menstration (which causes bloating), food or water in your stomach, waste, etc. There are so many factors which is why most people simply suggest to weigh in once a week.

    For me, Sunday is my weigh-in day, but I also weigh-in on Friday and Saturday. If I eat really well all weekend and stay below my calories then having weights from three days instead of one will help me judge whether or not my weight on Sunday morning is accurate or if it's just higher because of any of the above.

    But yes, it moves around a lot, up and down, anywhere from 1-5lbs depending on the person.

    As long as you're eating less calories then you're burning, your body is going to lose fat, so I wouldn't worry about the number too much, especially from day to day.
  • Jayra
    Jayra Posts: 10 Member
    weight fluctuates a lot throughout a week. It can be water, salt can increase the water your body holds. During your time of the month, your body will hold onto more water then usual. It can be muscle. You should weigh yourself once a week to watch your weight loss. I personally weigh myself everyday, but I keep in mind that my weight will go up and down all over the place throughout the week. You just have to watch the general trend and not get too worried over a little gain during the week.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't stress about it, your weight will change day to day, and during the day - depending on how much water and food you have eaten, whether you've been to the bathroom, whether you've been exercising..... There are so many variables that weighing yourself each day can be more discouraging than helpful.
    I suggest pick one day a week and just record your weight this day and don't worry about on other days.
  • katemanning3
    katemanning3 Posts: 42 Member
    Did you sleep really well? If you aren't sleeping well, your body will retain water until you do get good sleep in. Also if you are in the week before your expected AF then you will retain water.
  • k3lly89
    Thanks everyone! :)

    I no I shouldn't weigh myself everyday but it's so hard not too!
    I think I might have had to much sodium at dinner and I ate later than I normally do. I slept okay but didn't get 8 hours like normal so maybe that didn't help.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Water weight! Pretty much the only way I have found to really control the water retention is to workout daily. I know not everyone experiences this, but thats what works for me