Flexibility question

I have really tight hips do when I do cobra it hurts my back also sometimes I get knee pain when cycling , especially when I didn’t stretch. I’m trying to get a bit more flexible so I guess should I focus on my hips first and then work on my back. Like when I do a yoga class my back is literally like pulling and in pain when doing cobra. When I stretch my hips I can really feel it which
Makes me think I have tight hip flexors.


  • LaBellaHarris
    LaBellaHarris Posts: 63 Member
    Not too sure on backs and hips, but I'm prone to Runner's Knee and tend to have achey painful knees in general, and started lifting to increase the surrounding muscles in my legs, in the hopes of keeping the joint more stable. I haven't pulled my bike out this year, but running and rowing are both knee-pain free so far. Otherwise, I'd suggest a brace or KT taping the knees (there are videos showing how to do that both on the KT website and on YouTube).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,672 Member
    Are you sure your bike seat height is where it needs to be? Non-ideal height can increases knee pain. (I had to raise my bike seat after I lost weight: Less fat padding my rear meant I sat closer to the pedals.)

    The other thing that improves knee issues for me - and this will be individual - is stretching my quads. I mostly row (boats and machines) and cycle, both of which tighten up quads, for me. There's the normal quad stretch where you hold your shoe/foot/ankle behind your butt and press the hips forward, but I do better with a stretch where I put my foot up behind me on a bed, sturdy chair-arm, or other proper height thing, step back against it so the quad is stretched, then do some combination of pressing hips forward to increase the stretch, or bending the supporting knee to lower my body to increase the stretch. Foam rolling my quads also seems to help.

    Back isn't so much a focus for me, though I'm finding that it helps my low back open up if I do low squats in spare moments (ATG or as close as I can get when . . . oh, . . . brushing my teeth, waiting for the microwave, or whatever . . . especially if I make it a point to step a bit wide, make sure the knees stay out over my toes while squatting. Seated forward folds also help me with low back, and seated butterfly stretch can help with hips/back, too.
  • soldodunja2910
    soldodunja2910 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Ann. I do believe there is a connection between my tight hips \ back \ and now quads. I will try stretching my quads as well thanks so much for your input.
  • soldodunja2910
    soldodunja2910 Posts: 16 Member
    Come to think of it… I think the issue is probably more my quads then hips!
  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 921 Member
    90/90 stretch, side-laying hip flexor stretch (which is really like a standing quad stretch but you are on your side, so it allows you to flex back more with that hip muscle), standing lunge stretch, seated butterfly, seated IT band, supine pigeon pose (or regular pigeon pose, you can also have your lead foot flat on the floor for that instead of down).

    Those are all good stretches. My fave is actually the lizard pose, but I put my back foot down on the ground (like with the top of my foot on the ground, not with the ball of my foot on the ground)....then I can do that stretch to feel it in my quad/hip, but I can also rotate my body and lean in to feel it all along my side (lateral stomach muscles too). I do this daily to help with tight hip flexors (my left in particular).

    Generally speaking, if you sit for large parts of your day - your hips will continue to be tighter. Also look into some mobility flows which can help stretch and increase strength.

    Also, since you mentioned some knee pain as well (depending on where you feel that pain) -- strengthening exercises are just as important as stretching. Things that target your glutes/hamstrings/quads/lower back --- bridges, lunges, squats, deadlifts, etc. Can all also help hip pain/tightness and knee pain.