A New Start, Hopefully with Friends

I started a weight loss journey in 2014 by 2016 I was able to reach my goal and become a marathon runner. 2018 - 2021 I just made poor decisions to put me last in life and I ended up gaining all the weight back over time plus an additional 12 pounds. I been dwelling on the past instead of making changes and moving forward. So, here I am April 9th, 2022 officially starting a new weight loss journey, hoping to make friends where we both support/encourage/chat/help etc.

Little about me: I turned 30 in December, I am a special education teacher, I have a chronic pain disorder, and I enjoy reading thrillers or young adult novels. I have a 6 years old dog name Lilly and 2, 3 years old tuxedo cats name Seth and Rogan.


  • AlK1971
    AlK1971 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, good luck, hope it all goes well. I did well here 10 years or so ago but covid, working from home and hitting 50 have caused me to let myself go! Back to see if I can repeat my previous success. I have a reasonable knowledge of health and fitness but applying it to myself is the point of failure!!
  • LivingLifeInNY
    LivingLifeInNY Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome back to the journey. The diet definitely affects the way we feel. The processed foods, excessive carbs and even some vegetables/fruits causes the inflammation not only in our bodies, but also our brains. One thing that has stuck in my mind is "you have to get healthy to lose weight". I wouldn't burden myself with exercising at this point other than some walking. Eliminate the processed foods from your diet, cut the carbs down to 50-100 grams a day and prioritize protein and fat. This may be tough the first week or two, but if you can stick to it you will begin to get mental clarity, feel better and even drop a couple of pounds. The weight loss at this point is not the priority. It is to drive down inflammation and gain mental clarity. Final point, don't count calories or weigh yourself. The priority is how you feel. I wish you well.