Weight Watchers Now Pointless?

Hi All,

Are there any weight watchers subscribers on here? I subscribed to the online membership at 5 weeks ago, and now that I’ve discovered MFP find it 100% pointless. I’m now thinking of abandoning the propoint system, cancelling my membership and using just MFP.

I will still follow the WW way of eating as that works for me, but think paying for the online subscription is pointless. There is no support there and they just try to sell you more WW products.

Has anyone done and still managed to keep losing weight?


  • hopeforsuccess
    I had lost weight on the old Weight Watchers but did not lose any on the new Pro Points version so I abandoned ship! Am now logging all on here.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I first thought you meant they ditched their point system....

    But I've lost my weight just by following the calorie goals given to me by MFP, adjusting my macro-rations (I have 35% carbs 35% protein and 30% fat) and eating back my exercise calories when I do have exercise to log. MFP works if you're willing to log everything you're eating accurately (don't estimate any more than you can help for portions) etc.
  • IggyL
    IggyL Posts: 181 Member
    I've seen a lot of posts from people on MFP that used to do WW and a lot of them came to the same conclusion you did. Good luck on your journey. :smile:
  • WPoppysmith
    WPoppysmith Posts: 33 Member
    I was going to go back to WW or SW and then I found MFP, I find that I can do well without either, the encouragement on here is fab, and you know your one click away from support and advice. I personaly would not go back to a slimming club as I didnt like the 'weighing in' I used to hate that bit, and wanted to run in, get weighed and run out again. I have lost more weight with MFP than I have with either of these clubs. I am sure they work fine for some, but not for me.
  • kcmg0730
    I lost weight on the old system, too, but hated the pro points. When I found MFP, I cancelled my online subscription; I find this much better, and less restrictive than WW...I swear, I am not doing anything differently, but I find I have huge amounts of calories at the end of the day, so I feel like I've been eating a bit more!

    I haven't weighed in yet, so not sure if it's working, but I do know that I'm exercising more, and I'm definitely not gaining weight, so I guess that's good! :)
  • armadiloes
    armadiloes Posts: 10 Member
    Same here, old points system worked wonders but ended up putting weight on or not losing any on the new system. Now with MFP and endomondo on my phone its working and I'm burning off those extra pounds while still having food I love!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I switched from WW about 6 weeks ago, having done a short trial of logging in both places.

    I did really well with WW, wouldn't say a bad thing about them. But why pay if you don't have to? And also, I like the transparency of being able to add calories - more straightforward than pointing - and I like being able to watch my nutrients, protein etc more easily.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    I tried weight watchers and lost a little.. Results are better for me on MFP :) I joke when people ask about MFP. I tell them if WW and FB got together and had a child it would be MFP..The support on here is 100X better :) Good luck!!
  • wendybrian
    I had lost about 100 lbs on the very old weight watcher system before points. then try to teach me a new trick. LOL Gain it all plus some back. I havent found a better site than this. i hear about the WW site but you pay for it. I love this site and love reading about what others and how others are doing. Keep up the good work!!!!
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    I had lost weight on the old Weight Watchers but did not lose any on the new Pro Points version so I abandoned ship! Am now logging all on here.

    Hi I also used the old points and that worked great, but pro-points just didn't work for me. I then came to MFP and I find it helps you understand what you eat much better :wink:
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    IMHO, WW offers a couple things that MFP doesn't:.

    1) Meetings and weigh-ins for meeting members. (Of course, you could set those up for free if you were motivated).

    2) Since you have to pay to do WW, you might be more motivated to stick with the program so that you can stop paying. (But that can be bad if it makes you lose weight too fast).

    3) WW has some supervision, so they might catch unrealistic goals or an eating disorder.

    4) WW has only a couple plans and trained counselors, as opposed to the wild west of MFP, where you have atkins people, paleo people, slow losers, fast losers, etc. all mixing it up.

    If someone is getting something out of WW, I wouldn't tell them to quit.

    With all that said, all of the various points systems are pretty close to calories, so I personally don't see the point in paying for WW online or meetings while I am also doing MFP.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    The OP said they were online only, so the point about meetings, supervision, etc is largely irrelevant for her, I think?

    And I have to say I had a WW online subscription ticking over for a good year, unused, so I'm not sure the money thing really works either. I didn't want to cancel it because that felt like 'giving up', but I didn't actually track anything....
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    I lost more weight with WW - However I will qualify that by saying that I had more weight to lose at that point and so it came off more easily. I find that I am doing just fine with MFP, and it's a lot easier for me to count calories than to spend 30 bucks for a points calculator on the new WW system.
  • TG55555
    I've used WW online and sat through some dreary WW meetings too! I find MFP better because:
    a) it does all the nutritional calculations for me
    b) the calorie "payback" system motives me to want to take exercise ( even when I'm feeling lazy)
    c) the nutritional data reassures me that I'm eating a balanced diet
    d) when I don't lose any weight, I can check what I've eaten in the reports, so I know why and can adjust my diet.
    e) other MFP members are very encouraging.

    Good losing!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I tried WW with my colleagues a few years ago... I just found it so confusing trying to work out the points and constantly having to refer to the book.

    Counting Calories is so much easier and I now have a really good idea as to what quantities look like and how many Calories they contain.

    MFP is so easy and you get great support here too... so why waste £s when you can be losing lbs with MFP!!! :bigsmile:
  • maxiemills
    maxiemills Posts: 6 Member
    I gave up counting pro points and started using MFP a few weeks back. It was just what i needed to boost my weight loss as i'd been stuck for ages.
    MFP so much more user friendly - i wount be going back to propoints.
    Good luck!
  • mutzzy
    i have been doing WW and lost about 8 lbs easily on their new system and then hit a plateau. I thought I would try this- sounds like it is working. I love that so many brands/ restaurant foods are on here and you do not have to guess.

    I seem to be able to eat more here- somehow I hope this works because more food is always a good thing.

    Are you guys eating your exercise calories or not?
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    I am sticking with MFP. I did the old WW points program and lost 35 pounds but every time after that, when I gained, I could never lose it again. I have friends that swear by the new program but I didn't want to pay and the support here is wonderful. :) Plus, I track carbs, protein and fat this way. I never could with WW points.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I lost about 40 lbs with WW years ago and it worked well, but found MFP when I was debating whether to join it again. The fact that its free, and its working has sold me on MFP!!
  • sheila0321
    sheila0321 Posts: 110 Member
    I am currently following the new WW points plus program. I am trying this too for about a month. I will keep you posted on the results. I am eating more calories on the Weight Watchers program than the MFP is recommending. However when I exercise it works out to be under MFP Goal for the day.. IDK??? I do love the new Points Plus System. I am losing. I weigh in on Fridays. I am down 2 since I have joined MFP and I am down 11 Since WW. I love the support of the meetings I have met some really great people there. Plus I have to own up to the scale in front of someone else.