I reached GOAL!

LiveOnceBeHappy Posts: 449 Member
edited April 2022 in Success Stories
It took 241 days of tracking and learning to lose 45 lbs. It was thanks to people like you who are reading this. Thank you! I couldn't have done it without this utility and this forum.

I am 52 years old, mom of 2 young adults and a wife of a tall, skinny guy. My family genetics suggests an early end to this adventure. My mom died at 43, dad died at 63, and my oldest sister died at 59. I decided last summer to do my part and to get a healthier body. I had reached 170 lbs. on my 5' 2.5" frame. I ate poorly, and I had started drinking far too much.

3rd week of August, I took a trip to DC with a good friend, and when I got back I had lost a couple pounds. I was 90+ degrees out and humid, and we got around by biking and walking a lot. Since I lost a couple pounds, I decided to keep going. That was 241 days ago.

I then had a physical at the Mayo Clinic in November and got all kinds of tests done. There were a few concerns that need 1 year follow up appointments, especially given my family history, but I'm otherwise good.

I lost 45 lbs and now have a BMI of 22.5 at 125.0 lbs. The internist at Mayo advised not going below a 22 BMI for me. I mostly keep to a 1200 calorie diet with occasional weekend overages, and I increased my walking a bit. I get about 10000 steps, sometimes less, over the winter. For me, it's been almost exclusively about learning how to eat. I think my diary is open. I eat a lot of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.

I do enjoy hiking, and we got new e-bikes for this year that I'm excited to use. The next challenge for sure will be increasing calories slowly and continuing to track for a long, long life!

Thanks for reading. If I feel courageous later, I'll add pictures below.



  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    You GO girl! And that's how it's done, make a plan and stick to it! Kudos to you for a job well done. And I hope to see you in my corner, the "I'm gonna live forever" one! 😉😁
  • GoRun2
    GoRun2 Posts: 448 Member
    Congratulations! I hope to join you in a few months
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Awesome results and Job well done! I will be 54 in September and hope to be near my 50lb loss goal.
  • Go_Gal_Grow
    Go_Gal_Grow Posts: 1,240 Member
    Congratulations on your achievements!
  • WestCoastJanice
    WestCoastJanice Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats! Height wise, starting point and goal are very similar to my own - wishing you much success and health as you begin the maintenance phase of your quest!
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