CLOSED GROUP-Get Ahead With The Shred!



  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Those challenges look fun. :-) I had an excellent food week except for today, where I hit maintainence calories and not weight loss calories. But oh well. I haven't missed a day of the shred yet at least! I'm worried I will weigh in with a gain tomorrow because when you start a new fitness program you retain water weight repairing your muscles, and I hate seeing a bigger number!

    I have admittedly been admiring my flatter tummy and hip bones poking out all week though lol. I feel like it's making a difference. :)
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Here we go: I weigh in at 181.5 this week, a gain of about a pound and three quarters since last week. I'm not too worried since I'm smack in the middle of TOM's visit and have been trying hard. But 181.5 is still a LONG WAY from where I started which was at 200+ lbs last August and I'm proud of that. I'll check back in later which my three proud things and three things to work on. Good luck everyone!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Here we go: I weigh in at 181.5 this week, a gain of about a pound and three quarters since last week. I'm not too worried since I'm smack in the middle of TOM's visit and have been trying hard. But 181.5 is still a LONG WAY from where I started which was at 200+ lbs last August and I'm proud of that. I'll check back in later which my three proud things and three things to work on. Good luck everyone!

    I'll be interested to see how many people actually gained/lost, due to water weight from starting a new fitness routine vs. calories burned and eating right. Wish I had a tape measure to take measurements!
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    I apologize for not posting much. I have been keeping up. I can't get into a good groove on posting my meals and exercise. Just trying to do too much and we all know where that goes. Weighed in this morning at 163! That is 2.2 lbs loss!!! Yay me! I got my student loan disbursement and was able to buy some healthier food. I have been a bit sluggish so I am considering doing a toxin cleanse. Has anyone done this? I really want to get back to optimal health. Opinions?

    Thanks for the new challenges. I may stay on level one longer as well. My muscles were screaming at me and I had to slow way down. I wish this weren't a road trip but a plane ride!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I lost! Now sitting at 165.5. :)
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I am so mad. I just tried to do level 2 again with my new exercise mat (my hands were slipping on the wooden floor of my bedroom) and the damn mat I bought is just plastic covered foam. I thought there would at least be rubberised strips to hold it in place, but no, it slips all over the place. It was impossible to hold my arms still in a plank position AND keep the mat from slipping out from under me. I'm so mad. What a waste of money. I threw away the receipt too. What a tool.

    Anyway. That's Day 8 down. No more megativity. Back to level one until I get a decent rubber mat.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Well after a nerve-wracking weigh-in because of slipping up a couple times during last week on eating calories, I lost! I started at 267.4 and now I'm 265.6! A total of 1.8 lbs.! :) I'm super excited about that, and I've noticed that my pants and shirts are fitting a little better--my husband even noticed.

    I missed a few days of working out because of a sinus infection and a slight flu bug, but I'm back on the wagon today! I'll be working out tonight and I'll be coming back strong.

    Congrats to everyone who lost and good luck to those still left to weigh-in!! You're all amazing! :)
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Hm, I was 121 up from 119.4. I'm not sure why :S I ate well all week. Hopefully it's water weight and I see an improvement next week!
  • Twoody83
    Twoody83 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi All,

    I gained too! 3lbs! I think I will go back down to regular next week. We were in competition so I had to eat more than usual and I definitely did not drink enough water.

    Three things to improve:
    -Bring healthy (and low calorie) snacks to work
    -Run 15 kilometres by Friday
    -Register and run the 11k trail run
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    3 Proud Things:

    1.) I have completely cut out fast-food restaurants...McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Arby's...gone. I was eating fast food almost every day before I started MFP. The health benefits have been remarkable.

    2.) I'm in size 16 pants and bought a sweater in Medium/Large the other day, instead of my usual XL or much higher.

    3.) I've been pushing myself when I do my workouts instead of stopping at the bare minimum. Before, I'd stop halfway through or do the least amount I'd promised myself. Getting to the gym early in the morning has been awesome too.

    3 Things to Work On

    1.) I am not getting enough water. Hopefully, this will change with my sweet new 64 oz water bottle. It's easier to have all my H2O in one place.

    2.) I need more variety. As of now, I only do 30DS or the treadmill or yoga. I want to do some light weight-lifting too!

    3.) I'm still working on limiting my soda intake. Old habits die hard and it's my major vice. I'm down to one 12 oz a day as opposed to 2-4 16.9 oz Cokes a day.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I love weight lifting, it's super good for you too! If you can, get into free weights and real big boy weights, women get just as much benefit.

    3 proud things:
    1) I log my food in detail every single day
    2) 90% of the time I meet my high protein goal
    3) I have not skipped a day of the shred yet!

    3 things to work on:
    1) I had a cheat day last week, no more of those. I should be able to work my treats into my cals/macros or not "cheat" at all.
    2) Waking up earlier so I have time for better breakfasts
    3) Getting in more exercise and variety than the shred
  • ginny5775
    ginny5775 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey ladies! Just posting my weight from this morning. I'm down to 151.2!!! I started Jillian's new video Killer Buns & Thighs last week too so I've been exhausted but feel pretty good about it. I cheated a lot last week which sucked but I'm focused again. I'm thinking about doing a juice cleanse for 10 days. Have any of you ladies tried it? I'm also feeling really nauseous right now, I hope I'm not getting sick :(
  • DanikaDawn
    196, I gained some when TOM showed up/when school started. But I just got my Nutrisystem order and I'm trying to keep up with my exercise! I'll let you all know how my first few days of Nutrisystem go.

    Glad to hear you're all making progress!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I almost skipped the shred today but I'm so glad I didn't :-)
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Eurgh. Back is killing me today. I'm going to try and do the Shred anyway, but if I don't, that's why.

    I know I'm late, but

    3 Proud Things

    1) That I'm sticking with it. Apart from one time when I lost 28 pounds, I always, always slip up and then that's it, no more diet. Even when I've been a bit naughty, I've hopped right back to it this time. That's a significant change for me.
    2) That I'm cooking more. Right now I have some savoury muffins in the oven.
    3) I always eat way over my 5 fruits and veg a day. No exceptions.

    3 Things to Work on

    1) Having processed stuff as a treat, even if it falls within my calories. I've got to spend those calories nutritiously.
    2) Swim more! I always say I will, but I never do, I end up walking instead.
    3) Join the gym. I'll be doing that next month.

    Hey, so today we're supposed to do a different type of exercise, but I've already signed up for Zumba on Friday, so I'm postponing that challenge til then.

    Oh my God! How funny! I just looked at Friday's challenge and it's to try a new recipe, which is exactly what I'm doing. I had no idea! I love coincidences like that.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I almost skipped the shred today but I'm so glad I didn't :-)

    It's always a great feeling afterwards.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I almost skipped the shred today but I'm so glad I didn't :-)

    It's always a great feeling afterwards.

    Tonight I'm making avocado fries and cream cheese-stuffed chicken breast. Low fat cream cheese with herbs & garlic. So excited hahaha. I have come to looove cooking.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    sorry to do it but, i'm going to take myself out of this challenge. i can't commit like i thought i could! i've been way too busy with the start of school and haven't worked out in days. sorry ladies, i really enjoyed it!
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    I've been REALLY struggling for the past week. I haven't worked out enough like I should and my eating has been going downhill fast. It's been a big stress with my finals for school this week and I've been sick. I know I shouldn't use excuses, but I'm not sure how to get back on track--I really hate that I've fallen off!

    Finals are over after this week; hopefully I can get back on a better exercise schedule and at least eat better and get my water in. Any suggestions on how to come back from this? :(
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I've been struggling as well.
    Even when I don't do the shred, I make sure to get some type of exercise in, even if its only taking the stairs.

    With me, its purely time management. I don't get home till super late and I just don't have the time, or it seems like that.
    However, I'm gonna start trying to do it in the morning.

    Also, I'd highly recommend the no bread thing if you can commit. I've lost at least a good two pounds from cutting back/rarely ever eating it. Even when I grab a burger in the cafe, I peel all the bread off and eat the meat.