New On The Block

Hi Everyone my name is Mary. I am starting this journey tomorrow and I am already stressed from it. Is Finess Pal a hard program to follow? Any suggestions would be appreciated...


  • AKM0282
    AKM0282 Posts: 36 Member
    I wouldn't say hard. I would say it's more a matter of motivation and self-control that's hard but isn't that what is always hard when you start trying to get healthier? My suggestion is to take it slow and just start with tracking your food every day and getting your steps in. If you're tracking every day you'll see where your problems are and are better able to correct them. At least, that's what I've always heard and have found to be true.

    Best of luck friend!
  • lnickell23
    lnickell23 Posts: 13 Member
    Can you track your steps with my fitness pal?
  • AKM0282
    AKM0282 Posts: 36 Member
    @inickel711 I have MFP connected to my Fitbit, that's how I track my steps. I know MFP can be connected to other apps as well. I don't think MFP tracks steps on its own, but you can just get a basic pedometer for $15 or find a free app on your phone (but then you'd have to keep your phone on you at all times).