What "Plan" are you following/focusing on?

I've decided (for health reasons, weight loss is just an added bonus) to focus on lower carbs/sugars. I have several cases of Type 2 Diabetes in my family & also have higher than should be cholesterol myself. My doctor has recommended lower carbs/sugars. So that's where I'm going. Trying to focus on 4-5 smaller meals/snacks each day instead of 3 larger.

Also walking 2-3x a week for at least 20 minutes. It's not a lot with the exercise, but it's a start.

Y'all - I just want to eat all the food in sight! Does this get easier? (Joking - I know it will. :smile: )

So what are you focusing on? How is it going?

This is my first post, so I'd love to make some friends & keep each other accountable along this journey. :smiley:


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Welcome to the forums! You'll get so much great advice here. :)

    My focus currently is losing the last 8 #. After actually regaining 2.5# over the past 2 weeks, I no longer wanted to be on the slippery slope. Again. :/ So I restarted yesterday by entering all my new stats and goals.
    Personal goals I've made for myself include:
    Drink more water.
    Eat more protein and veggies at each meal, also more basic foods and less cr@p.
    Stay consistent with exercise.

    I had let those 3 areas lapse and it was showing in the scale creeping up.
    And yes, sometimes all I want to do is eat. It's challenging to get past those moments but I keep finding new ways to do it. I've always been an emotional eater, a binger, hard to stop once I start. It's a work in progress.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,838 Member
    After a substantial weight loss, I find myself-yet again- in the weird and awkward position of looking “puny”, and considering adding another two or three pounds back. (Many people continue to lose size even holding at a fixed maintenance goal. Our body may continue to “remodel” for years even once we reach that goal.)

    I’m trying to listen to my body and eat more when hungry, pay attention if I’m getting spindly versus not fixating on a number on the scale.

    As for plan? Same old same old. Weigh food accurately and log it honestly. It’s worked thus far, would be silly to change it up, and it gives me a hella database to work off of, if accurate.