💐🐣April Daily Log-in & Weigh-in Challenge🐣💐



  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    💐April Challenge💐

    I am ready for an awesome April!

    Heaviest weight: 226
    Current weight:175.6

    I’m Darren, 35, I’m 5’11” tall. Trying to take control of my life and finally not have a protruding belly!

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Get to maintenance by the end of the year
    ⚫️Workout at the gym 3-4 times per week

    Daily Goals:

    🌱Get in my daily pushups, squats, crunches, and lunges
    🌱Log honestly and consistently
    🌱Drink/log 80+oz water
    🌱Not to get frustrated if the scale goes up

    April 1: Happy April Fools Day! 175.6
    April 2:174.8
    April 3:177.5(must be holding a lot of water)
    April 4:175.7
    April 5:174.6
    April 6:175.0
    April 7:173.9
    April 8:174.4
    April 9:175.2
    April 10:176.0
    April 11:176.9(Not been a good couple of days from a food standpoint. Need to refocus this week)
    April 12:175.9
    April 13:175.8
    April 14:177.6
    April 15:178.8(Highest weight in two months. Really need to get back on track)
    April 16:177.4
    April 17: Happy Easter! 179.2(A couple factors at play here. Ate a big meal for dinner last night. And I won't gross anyone out with the other lol. Back on track this week!)
    April 18:179.7(Treating today like it's day 1. Back on track starting today!)
    April 19:177.8
    April 20:175.6
    April 21:176.7
    April 22: Earth Day 176.6
    April 23:178
    April 24:177.2
    April 25:177
    April 26:177.8
    April 27:177.8
    April 28:
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member
    💐April Challenge💐

    Excited to keep participating in these monthly challenges! I’ve lost 11 pounds since joining in October. I’ve been roughly maintaining at 153 last month. My focus this month is training for a 5K in June and work to see if I can hit 149 this month.

    Heaviest weight: 165
    Current weight: 152

    April weight lost so far: 0

    Daily Goals:

    🌱Run for 45 minutes on weekdays
    🌱Do long runs on Saturdays
    🌱Go to Zumba on Sundays
    🌱Take rest days as needed
    🌱Drink 8 glasses of water
    🌱Portion control when going out to eat
    🌱Eat mindfully
    🌱Track weight and log

    April 1: 152 (home cooked)
    April 2: 151 (went out)
    April 3: 153 (went out/ Zumba)
    April 4: 153 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 5: 153 (home cooked)
    April 6: 152 (went out)
    April 7: 152 (went out)
    April 8: 153 (home cooked)
    April 9: 153 (went out/ long run 1hr)
    April 10: 153 (went out)
    April 11: 152 (went out/ ran 45m)
    April 12: 152 (went out/ walked 45m)
    April 13: 152 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 14: 152 (went out/ ran 45m)
    April 15: 154 (went out/ ran 45m)
    April 16: 154 (went out/ walked 1hr15m)
    April 17: 154 (went out)
    April 18: 155 (home cooked)
    April 19: 154 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 20: 154 (went out)
    April 21: 153 (went out)
    April 22: 153 (home cooked)
    April 23: 154 (went out)
    April 24: 154 (went out/ walked 2hr)
    April 25: 154 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 26: 152 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 27: 152 (home cooked/ ran 45m)

    April 28:
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,686 Member
    💐April Challenge💐

    My name is Mary. I participated in the monthly challenges last fall. Back home and would like to start again. A couple reasons why I like this challenge and group is because of self awareness and accountability. I find support in the groups updates and feedbacks. I do hope I able to join this group again.

    Heaviest weight: 204 lbs (I was probably heavier but did not have the courage to step on the scale.)
    Current weight: 182.5 lbs

    April weight lost so far: ⬆️ +2.5 lbs

    Daily Goals:
    🌷start my day with meditation 🧘‍♀️
    🌷start my morning 🌄 with water🚰 and stepping on the treadmill
    🌷reduce my carbs and replace with proteins
    🌷end my day practicing gratitude🌠
    Weight loss goal 5lbs 🖐

    April 1: 180 lbs
    April 6: 180 lbs
    Wednesday is my usual weigh in time. I have been mindful of my calories but exercising could be better. I ended up binge watching Ozark so my evening gratitude was lacking also. Will work on the exercising and Ozark is done.

    April 13: 182 lbs ⬇️⬇️ Well not back to my original weight but I will take it. It helps to have yardwork to add in for extra activity. Keep my nose to the grindstone. The month is halfway over.

    April 20: 183 lbs ⬇️⬇️
    April 21: 184 lbs⬆️
    April 22: 186 lbs ⬆️⬆️ salty food choices the day before
    April 23: 185 lbs ⬇️
    April 24: 189 lbs ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Really what is going on. Under my calories and non stop activity yesterday. This sucks. I have gained 9lbs this month.
    April 25: 185 lbs ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ I didn't do anything different. But yeah 👍
    April 26: 185 lbs
    April 27: 182.5 ⬇️⬇️ Happy to see this but not sure about the why's. This is my usual weigh in day.
    April 28:
    April 29:
    April 30
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,080 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from March 31, 2022): 199.6
    Goal: 194.6 (Five lb Loss)

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    04/01…...199.8…..(Trend Weight 199.4)…..
    04/02.…..198.6…..(Trend Weight 199.6)…..
    04/03.…..199.8…..(Trend Weight 199.6}…..
    04/04.…..198.2…..(Trend Weight 199.5)…..
    04/05.…..198.8…..(Trend Weight 199.4)…..
    04/06.…..199.6…..(Trend Weight 199.5)….. 04/07.…..DNW…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    04/08.…..204.0…..(Trend Weight 200.2)…..

    04/09.…..202.0…..(Trend Weight 200.4)…..
    04/10.…..199.8…..(Trend Weight 200.3)…..
    04/11.…..201.8…..(Trend Weight 200.5)…..
    04/12.…..200.8…..(Trend Weight 200.5)…..
    04/13.…..202.8…..(Trend Weight 200.7)….. 04/14.…..203.8…..(Trend Weight 201.3)….. 04/15……203.0…..(Trend Weight 201.2)….. 04/16……201.8…..(Trend Weight 201.3)…..
    04/17.…..203.4…..(Trend Weight 201.5)…..
    04/18.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 201.8)…..
    04/19.…..199.2…..(Trend Weight 201.5)…..
    04/20.…..200.8…..(Trend Weight 201.5)…..
    04/21.…..200.8…..(Trend Weight 201.4)…..
    04/22.…..200.2…..(Trend Weight 201.3)…..

    04/23.…..200.6…..(Trend Weight 201.2)….. I’m very happy to see my trend weight going down. Scale up a bit today but I feel very bloated. Diet choices were good yesterday but calorie burn was low level.

    04/24.…..204.2…..(Trend Weight 201.5)….. 3.6 lbs overnight gain because of dinner out. WTH? Rotiss chicken breast, a side of pasta, a side of cottage cheese. 2 Oatmeal raisin cookies. Not exactly a diet meal but over 3 ½ pounds? Okey dokey. Bad weather has already started for the day. Rain, thunderstorms, hail expected and possible tornado watches today. I guess I’ll be inside.

    04/25.…..202.2…..(Trend Weight 201.6)….. I closed all my fitbit rings for the first time in awhile. Extra large calorie burn overall and plenty of steps. Diet was just so-so and exercise wasn’t exactly structured but I’m happy to see it dropping back down. Time to get out of the 200 prison I’m in.

    04/26.…..202.2…..(Trend Weight 201.6)…… Better diet but low level movement. Very restricted with this middle of house new drywall and sanding going on. Travel today with my 77 year old friend several hours each way to get her to her neurology appointment for essential tremors. Lunch/Dinner will be out.

    04/27.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 201.9)…… Travel yesterday with no shopping/walking. Very little natural calorie burn and Golden Corral for dinner. Yep, that’ll do it! Gotta really watch my P’s and Q’s today!

    04/28.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    04/29.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    04/30.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
  • lisabillings2
    lisabillings2 Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2022
    💐April Challenge💐

    Hi all my name is Lisa B. I live in N. California. I was at my goal weight which is 135 before Covid and then the world went crazy and now it has been 2 years teleworking and my weight slowly just creeped up and up. Living life in sweatpants every day is HORRIBLE, you don't realize how evil the expandable attires are. My life consisted of working and several mindless trips to the refrig which became my besties for 2 years the unlimited access 24hrs a day my bestie was always willing to provide comfort urg but now I am taking back control back.

    Heaviest weight: 161
    Current weight: 160 (haven't weighed in 6 days eeek)

    April weight lost so far: 1

    Daily Goals:

    🌱 Stay positive
    🌱 Log on fitness pal
    🌱 Eat keto and mindful
    🌱 Drink my water
    🌱 Get some form of 45 min movement in

    April 18: logged fitness tracker, ate healthy and walked for 45 mins.

    April 19: weighed in at 160. Today the evil carbs tempted me all day but I stayed strong and didn’t cave. We got this!!

    April 20: Still same weight but continuing to push forward......I think maybe eating to few calories.

    April 21: Same weight grrrr but continuing on and eating little more and still exercising.

    April 22: didn't weigh but walked 4 miles and was under 1200 calories
    April 23: didn't weigh but walked 4 miles and was under 1200 calories
    April 24: didn't weigh but walked 4 miles and was under 1200 calories
    April 25: didn't weigh but walked 4 miles and was under 1200 calories
    April 26: didn't weigh i did 3 hrs of yardwork and was under 1200 calories
    April 27: I didn't walk today was really busy at work. I will weight tomorrow morning I really hope all this is going to pay off at least 1 lb

    April 28:
    April 29:
    April 30:

    Staying focused and not allowing scale to deter me from pushing forward.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,372 Member
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    72 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 147.0
    Challenge Goal: 140
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 132.2
    04/01 - 147.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/02 - 147.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...rest day
    04/03 - 149.7 at 7:45 a.m. ...6.40 miles in 117 mins
    04/04 - 149.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/05 - 149.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...cooking day
    04/06 - 148.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/07 - 148.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.72 miles in 106 mins
    04/08 - 148.4 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/09 - 149.0 at 9:00 a.m. ...Grandson's first soccer game!!
    04/10 - 149.3 at 8:30 a.m. ...7.54 miles in 140 mins
    04/11 - 149.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/12 - 149.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...eye doctor appt
    04/13 - 147.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.60 miles in 101 mins
    04/14 - 147.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    04/15 - 149.5 at 9:00 a.m. ...5.56 miles in 97 mins
    04/16 - 148.3 at 9:00 a.m. ...zero
    04/17 - 148.6 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.56 miles in 97 mins
    04/18 - 149.5 at 8:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/19 - 148.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...another rest day!
    04/20 - 147.9 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/21 - 148.1 at 5:30 a.m. ...sick day
    04/22 - 147.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...another sick day
    04/23 - 146.9 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.52 miles in 104 mins
    04/24 - 148.1 at 8:15 a.m. ...another sick day
    04/25 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.16 miles in 133 mins
    04/26 - 147.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.17 miles in 113 mins
    04/27 - 146.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...zero
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,167 Member
    Heaviest weight: 293
    January 1st: 190.6
    April start weight (estimated): 169.8
    Current weight: 166.4

    April weight lost so far: 3.4
    Weight lost this year: 24.2

    Daily Goals:

    🌱64 oz water minimum
    🌱Exercise at least 20 minutes a day
    🌱Track all my food
    🌱Eat at or under my calorie goal

    April 1: DNW (Off to see my mother in law and sister in law again today. Snow here in Ontario - feels like we're back in Alberta with this weird weather.)
    April 2: DNW
    April 3: 169 (Weighed on a friend's scale so it may not be super accurate but it gives me an indicator at least that things are relatively on track. Off for a couple days of more touristy activities before a bit more family time and our flight home.)
    April 4: DNW (Greetings from Niagara Falls. We are in the touristy part of our trip - having a blast! Off to some wineries today.)
    April 5: DNW
    April 6: DNW
    April 7: 171.6 (Back home from holidays and overall I'm happy with the minimal weight gain. I still have lessons learned from this vacation that I'll look to grow from for next time. It was a great time... back to busy times at home now.)
    April 8: 172.8 (Busy first day back at home running errands with my husband. We also took our dog that we missed SOOO much for a nice long walk at a park. One day of work and then the weekend!)
    April 9: 173 (Busy getting my basement ready for my Mom's arrival. Also did two long walks yesterday and a Peloton ride. Loving the spring weather.)
    April 10: 172.4 (Up early to go to the landfill before my Mom moves in this afternoon. Going to stop for breakfast and walk our dog too.)
    April 11: 173.6 (Return to office in the morning. Feeling very out of practice. Wish me luck! Lunch is all packed and ready to go.)
    April 12: 172.4 (Taxing day between going to the office and helping work on clearing the last of the things from my Mom's house before the sale goes through. Possibly one more night of that... we shall see. I did fit in a 30 minute Peloton ride for myself.)
    April 13: 170.8 (Mentally tired but physically I enjoyed a fantastic hard ride on the Peloton. My husband has been on the road for work all week so I look forward to having him back tomorrow.)
    April 14: 168.8 (So excited for the long weekend. It's snowing here tonight. My husband got home and we ran errands so I didn't ride the bike today. Back on tomorrow!)
    April 15: 167.2 (Going to take it easy around the house for the most part today I think. My husband is making us a nice steak dinner tonight. I will get on the Peloton too.)
    April 16: 167.6 (Today's activities will include a Peloton ride, a haircut, a walk with my dog, and a date night with my husband.)
    April 17: 167.6 (Love that I've held in my normal BMI range for three days now. Today was a full day of activity - a hike, some strength work, and a Peloton ride. Really enjoyed the day!)
    April 18: 168.6 (Even if you think you can't.... you can! Wishing everyone a good week after Easter fun.)
    April 19: 167.6 (Super snowy day here today. We got into downtown and back for work and had a yummy pork chop dinner. Waiting for my turn on the bike.)
    April 20: 167.6 (My body seems to love this number!! :) The massive dump of snow we got yesterday is starting to melt away but I'll likely be out to shovel after dinner before I get on the bike.)
    April 21: 166.4 (Walked over 15,000 steps today due to converting normally sedentary meetings to walking meetings. Also had an appointment with my doctor for the first time since I lost weight and he was very happy about my progress.)
    April 22: 165 (Another massive snowfall this morning so I did some shoveling but it's starting to melt already. After work we have dinner at a friend's house but we're going to walk over. Hoping to fit in a Peloton ride yet today but time is tight.)
    April 23: 167.2 (60 minute Peloton ride done. The sun is out and we are going to take our dog for a walk before date night out which consists of dinner and a play.)
    April 24: 167 (Epic bike ride today in the mountains for just over 60 KM. Ate two larger meals before and after to fuel it. I am tired and will sleep well tonight I'm sure!)
    April 25: 166.8 (Nice weather for my lunch time walk again today. Sure does make it easier to get out! I have my taxes to do tonight.. how quickly I get done will determine if I also have time for a Peloton ride or not.)
    April 26: 166.4 (Taxes AND Peloton ride done last night. Back to office today and we have a meeting over lunch so my step count will be low until I get home unless I can sneak out for some movement during the day.)
    April 27: 166.4 (Busy day today. Salmon for supper and then an after dinner walk with my husband and dog. Loving the spring weather.)
    April 28:
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi... I think I've rejoined the land of the living after being sick the past week. I didn't finish the March challenge because of that. I was heading the wrong way throughout March and hope to do better this month. Fingers crossed.

    ⚖️ weigh daily (starting tomorrow 4/4/22)
    * actually LOSE weight instead of gain it
    😅🚶‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️ get back out on my feet or on my bike for at least 20 minutes each day
    🥤 drink more water
    📚 me time, every day

    Highest Weight: Somewhere between 227-230... I don't know. I avoided the scale.
    Return to MFP after ~ 5-6 year absence (June 11, 2020) = 216.9
    Lowest weight since I started in June 2020 = 177.4 (9/19/21) - been climbing ever since...
    Final weight from last month's challenge (March 30, 2022) = 204.4
    Starting weight for this challenge (April 4, 2022) = 199.2 (Don't recommend this "sick" method to lose)

    So..... here goes nothing.....

    4/1 - didn't weigh, slept most of the day
    4/2 - didn't weigh, slept most of the day, but did walk the dog twice (had to, my daughter wasn't home .... it wasn't pretty)
    4/3 - didn't weigh - haven't tracked - everything (including work) starts again tomorrow.
    4/4 - ⚖️ 199.2 - back to work. Oh Yay. 🚶‍♀️ Decided to drive so knew I wasn't going to get my exercise in today. Wrong. Pulled out of my parking lot this morning, thought, "Wow, my truck is running kind of rough today." No sooner were the words formed in my head than... BAM! Check engine light came on. I was headed to the gas station. Finished that, drove home, grabbed my stuff and waved sadly at my bus as I was walking out of the gate. Sat at the stop for another half hour then, when I finally got downtown, hoofed it a little faster than my lungs were happy with to get to work on time. That meant walking back to the bus stop after work, then I walked the dog last night.
    4/5 - ⚖️ 201.2 (+2.0) - see what happens when you eat three "real" meals. Sigh. Truck is going to cost about $600 to fix. Better than I expected, more than I wanted. Anybody know anybody that removes curses? I'd like to talk to that person. :)
    4/6 - ⚖️ 200.8 (-0.4) - 🚶‍♀️ - called the shop and asked them to check the truck's ac, if they would. Said if they check it, they service it and that's going to cost me an additional $200. Le sigh. It's a black truck. This is Arizona. I haven't run the ac much yet this year, but I have run it and it doesn't blow as cool as it used to. I refuse to drive here without the ac, so I'm sucking it up and they're servicing the ac. BAH!
    4/7 - ⚖️ 200.8 (-0.0) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/8 - ⚖️ 200.8 (-0.0) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/9 - ⚖️ 201.2 (+0.4) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/10 - ⚖️ 202.0 (+0.8) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/11 - ⚖️ 202.4 (+0.4) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/12 - ⚖️ 202.2 (-0.2) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/13 - ⚖️ 201.0 (-1.2) - 🚶‍♀️- I've been absent, but I've been keeping track. The "save draft" feature saves me too. :)
    4/14 - ⚖️ 200.0 (-1.0) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/15 - First night of Passover! - ⚖️ 201.0 (+1.0) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/16 - ⚖️ 202.4 (+1.4) - 🚶‍♀️ - This is burgers and pizza the past couple of nights. And, looking for houses is not fun... Well, it is... but it's kind of depressing. I need to win the lottery. Just saying.
    4/17 - Happy Easter! 🐰 - ⚖️ 202.8 (+0.4) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/18 - ⚖️ 203.2 (+0.8) - 🚶‍♀️ - actually drank more water than soda today. Not much more, but some... unfortunately, the soda was "fully leaded"
    4/19 - ⚖️ 204.2 (+1.0) - 🚶‍♀️ - no surprises here....
    4/20 - ⚖️ 203.4 (-0.8) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/21 - ⚖️ 200.6 (-2.8) - 🚶‍♀️ - I don't believe this number
    4/22 - ⚖️ 202.4 (+2.2) - 🚶‍♀️ - I believe this number more than yesterday's
    4/23 - Birthday celebration for my girls 🍕 - ⚖️ 204.6 (+1.8) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/24 - ⚖️ 202.4 (+0.0) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/25 - ⚖️ 204.4 (+2.0) - 🚶‍♀️ - I really need to look into getting new batteries for my scale, I think.
    4/26 - ⚖️ 204.2 (-0.2) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/27 - my girls' birthday -32 yo (I'm not old enough to be this old) -⚖️ 204.4 (+0.2) - 🚶‍♀️
    4/28 -
    4/29 - another birthday celebration :)
    4/30 -

  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    💐April Challenge💐

    I am ready for an awesome April!

    Heaviest weight: 226
    Current weight:175.6

    I’m Darren, 35, I’m 5’11” tall. Trying to take control of my life and finally not have a protruding belly!

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Get to maintenance by the end of the year
    ⚫️Workout at the gym 3-4 times per week

    Daily Goals:

    🌱Get in my daily pushups, squats, crunches, and lunges
    🌱Log honestly and consistently
    🌱Drink/log 80+oz water
    🌱Not to get frustrated if the scale goes up

    April 1: Happy April Fools Day! 175.6
    April 2:174.8
    April 3:177.5(must be holding a lot of water)
    April 4:175.7
    April 5:174.6
    April 6:175.0
    April 7:173.9
    April 8:174.4
    April 9:175.2
    April 10:176.0
    April 11:176.9(Not been a good couple of days from a food standpoint. Need to refocus this week)
    April 12:175.9
    April 13:175.8
    April 14:177.6
    April 15:178.8(Highest weight in two months. Really need to get back on track)
    April 16:177.4
    April 17: Happy Easter! 179.2(A couple factors at play here. Ate a big meal for dinner last night. And I won't gross anyone out with the other lol. Back on track this week!)
    April 18:179.7(Treating today like it's day 1. Back on track starting today!)
    April 19:177.8
    April 20:175.6
    April 21:176.7
    April 22: Earth Day 176.6
    April 23:178
    April 24:177.2
    April 25:177
    April 26:177.8
    April 27:177.8
    April 28:177
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,773 Member
    I am ready for an awesome April!

    Heaviest weight: 234
    January 1st: 213.2
    April 1st: 208.1
    Current weight: 211.6

    April weight lost so far: up 3.5 pounds
    Weight lost this year: down 1.6 pounds 🥰

    Daily Goals:

    🌱Start my day with a 10 minute dog walk or 10 minute dance workout
    🌱Plan meals and log in advance
    🌱Log honestly and consistently
    🌱Eat at or under my calorie goal
    🌱Get 30 minutes of exercise or close my Apple Watch activity ring each day
    🌱Drink and log more water

    April 1: 208.1–Happy April Fools Day! I’m so excited my son is coming home to celebrate his 21st birthday! I’m making a taco bar with all the fixings including lots of veggies! 🍰 🌮
    Now it’s time for my outdoor adventure with Roxie! 🐕

    April 2: 209.2–Had a fun birthday party! Crazy to think my oldest is now 21. Wow does time fly!

    April 3: 210.4– the birthday treats are now over, so it’s back on track today. Back to basics, weighing food and pre logging.off to get my dance walk in this morning! We’ve got this! Happy Sunday!

    April 4: 209.1 Back on track! Feeling fabulous! The key to my success is my 10 minute morning exercise. 💃🏻 Happy Monday!

    April 5: 208.2 🐣 Back in the good groove! Trying out the “FlyLadyPlus” cleaning mobile app and pairing it with MFP. So far after a week I feel a little less overwhelmed with keeping up the house. The secret for most things in life is “progress not perfection” and short bursts of activity. It’s working! No… I’m not a paid spokesperson just a working mom trying to keep it together. 😆 Have a terrific Tuesday! Off to dance like no one is watching! 😂

    April 6: 207.4 Feeling off today. Gonna take it easy… it’s supposed to rain most of the day, so I won’t feel like I’m wasting a day off not being out in the yard. It’s the perfect day for catching up on laundry. Enjoy your Wednesday. ❤️

    April 7: 208.1 Feeling better today. 🙂. I’ll try to get in a Roxie walk in between rain clouds. ☔️ Happy Thursday! We took a nice long walk today, so Roxie will be sleeping most of the day. 🐾

    April 8: 207.4 Another rainy day, but the daffodils are popping up. ☔️🌼 It’s a good day to be at work… no guilt that I should be outside in the sunshine. Happy Friday!

    April 9: 207.5 Holding steady… feeling good. Happy Saturday! 🥰

    April 10: 208.1 was doing well until I ate 4 chocolate chip cookies before bed. I logged them disgustedly into my diary then decided to just move on. Can’t dwell on the past… only try to learn from it. Today is a new day and the sun is out!!☀️ Time to take Roxie for a walk. 🦮🌱

    April 11: 208.7…night snacking 😕Ah well, today is a new day. Just exercised so I’m starting off on the right foot. Happy Monday!

    April 12: 208.4… progress. 🥰

    April 13: 209.6… must… stop… stress… snacking. Hanging in there… by a thread

    April 14: 208.6 Happy Thursday! It’s a yard day today!!! 56 degrees and ☀️

    April 15: 209.1 Happy Good Friday & Happy Easter Weekend! Be kind to yourself.❤️
    April 16: 210.1
    April 17: 210.1 Happy Easter & Passover

    April 18: 209.4 focusing on Positivity, Persistence, Planning, Preparing, and Progress not Perfection this week. Embrace your Monday!
    April 19: 211.5
    April 20: 211.6 put together a Clicklist to pick up later today. Today is a reorganization day… getting ducks in a row 🦆 🦆 🦆 Planning meals in advance and at least one salad a day. Finally the snow is mostly gone after the spring snowstorm on Monday. The dog is ready for a walk, so I’ll chat with you all again soon. We’re in this together through the ups and downs. 🥰❤️❤️

    April 21: 210.2 let the slide 🛝 begin! Have a terrific Thursday… progress not perfection.

    April 22: Earth Day… 209.9.. in celebration of 🌎 Day, Roxie and I took a nice 18 minute walk and she met 2 new furry friends (doggos). Happy Earth Day friends!

    April 23: 210.4… started today with 14 minute dance/walk on UTube. Prelogged/ planned for the day… off to work! Happy Saturday!

    April 24: 210.8
    April 25: 211.1
    April 26: 211.4
    April 27: 211.4
    April 28: 211.6… the creep back stops in May
    April 29:
    April 30:

    🌱Each day is a fresh, new beginning. 🌱Enjoy your journey!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,773 Member
    The new monthly challenge has been posted:
    🌼May Daily Logging and Weigh-in Challenge🌼
    Under the challenge board as usual. I’d send the link, but I haven’t figured it out since I always post from my phone. 🥰

  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,686 Member
    💐April Challenge💐

    My name is Mary. I participated in the monthly challenges last fall. Back home and would like to start again. A couple reasons why I like this challenge and group is because of self awareness and accountability. I find support in the groups updates and feedbacks. I do hope I able to join this group again.

    Heaviest weight: 204 lbs (I was probably heavier but did not have the courage to step on the scale.)
    Current weight: 182.5 lbs

    April weight lost so far: ⬆️ +2.5 lbs

    Daily Goals:
    🌷start my day with meditation 🧘‍♀️
    🌷start my morning 🌄 with water🚰 and stepping on the treadmill
    🌷reduce my carbs and replace with proteins
    🌷end my day practicing gratitude🌠
    Weight loss goal 5lbs 🖐

    April 1: 180 lbs
    April 6: 180 lbs
    Wednesday is my usual weigh in time. I have been mindful of my calories but exercising could be better. I ended up binge watching Ozark so my evening gratitude was lacking also. Will work on the exercising and Ozark is done.

    April 13: 182 lbs ⬇️⬇️ Well not back to my original weight but I will take it. It helps to have yardwork to add in for extra activity. Keep my nose to the grindstone. The month is halfway over.

    April 20: 183 lbs
    April 27: 182.5 ⬇️⬇️ Happy to see this but not sure about the why's. This is my usual weigh in day.
    April 28: 184 ⬆️
    April 29:
    April 30
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,167 Member
    Heaviest weight: 293
    January 1st: 190.6
    April start weight (estimated): 169.8
    Current weight: 166

    April weight lost so far: 3.8
    Weight lost this year: 24.6

    Daily Goals:

    🌱64 oz water minimum
    🌱Exercise at least 20 minutes a day
    🌱Track all my food
    🌱Eat at or under my calorie goal

    April 1: DNW (Off to see my mother in law and sister in law again today. Snow here in Ontario - feels like we're back in Alberta with this weird weather.)
    April 2: DNW
    April 3: 169 (Weighed on a friend's scale so it may not be super accurate but it gives me an indicator at least that things are relatively on track. Off for a couple days of more touristy activities before a bit more family time and our flight home.)
    April 4: DNW (Greetings from Niagara Falls. We are in the touristy part of our trip - having a blast! Off to some wineries today.)
    April 5: DNW
    April 6: DNW
    April 7: 171.6 (Back home from holidays and overall I'm happy with the minimal weight gain. I still have lessons learned from this vacation that I'll look to grow from for next time. It was a great time... back to busy times at home now.)
    April 8: 172.8 (Busy first day back at home running errands with my husband. We also took our dog that we missed SOOO much for a nice long walk at a park. One day of work and then the weekend!)
    April 9: 173 (Busy getting my basement ready for my Mom's arrival. Also did two long walks yesterday and a Peloton ride. Loving the spring weather.)
    April 10: 172.4 (Up early to go to the landfill before my Mom moves in this afternoon. Going to stop for breakfast and walk our dog too.)
    April 11: 173.6 (Return to office in the morning. Feeling very out of practice. Wish me luck! Lunch is all packed and ready to go.)
    April 12: 172.4 (Taxing day between going to the office and helping work on clearing the last of the things from my Mom's house before the sale goes through. Possibly one more night of that... we shall see. I did fit in a 30 minute Peloton ride for myself.)
    April 13: 170.8 (Mentally tired but physically I enjoyed a fantastic hard ride on the Peloton. My husband has been on the road for work all week so I look forward to having him back tomorrow.)
    April 14: 168.8 (So excited for the long weekend. It's snowing here tonight. My husband got home and we ran errands so I didn't ride the bike today. Back on tomorrow!)
    April 15: 167.2 (Going to take it easy around the house for the most part today I think. My husband is making us a nice steak dinner tonight. I will get on the Peloton too.)
    April 16: 167.6 (Today's activities will include a Peloton ride, a haircut, a walk with my dog, and a date night with my husband.)
    April 17: 167.6 (Love that I've held in my normal BMI range for three days now. Today was a full day of activity - a hike, some strength work, and a Peloton ride. Really enjoyed the day!)
    April 18: 168.6 (Even if you think you can't.... you can! Wishing everyone a good week after Easter fun.)
    April 19: 167.6 (Super snowy day here today. We got into downtown and back for work and had a yummy pork chop dinner. Waiting for my turn on the bike.)
    April 20: 167.6 (My body seems to love this number!! :) The massive dump of snow we got yesterday is starting to melt away but I'll likely be out to shovel after dinner before I get on the bike.)
    April 21: 166.4 (Walked over 15,000 steps today due to converting normally sedentary meetings to walking meetings. Also had an appointment with my doctor for the first time since I lost weight and he was very happy about my progress.)
    April 22: 165 (Another massive snowfall this morning so I did some shoveling but it's starting to melt already. After work we have dinner at a friend's house but we're going to walk over. Hoping to fit in a Peloton ride yet today but time is tight.)
    April 23: 167.2 (60 minute Peloton ride done. The sun is out and we are going to take our dog for a walk before date night out which consists of dinner and a play.)
    April 24: 167 (Epic bike ride today in the mountains for just over 60 KM. Ate two larger meals before and after to fuel it. I am tired and will sleep well tonight I'm sure!)
    April 25: 166.8 (Nice weather for my lunch time walk again today. Sure does make it easier to get out! I have my taxes to do tonight.. how quickly I get done will determine if I also have time for a Peloton ride or not.)
    April 26: 166.4 (Taxes AND Peloton ride done last night. Back to office today and we have a meeting over lunch so my step count will be low until I get home unless I can sneak out for some movement during the day.)
    April 27: 166.4 (Busy day today. Salmon for supper and then an after dinner walk with my husband and dog. Loving the spring weather.)
    April 28: 166 (Managed to do a Peloton ride last night on top of the walk. Last day of work in the office for the week. Feels like a mini Friday!)
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member
    💐April Challenge💐

    Excited to keep participating in these monthly challenges! I’ve lost 11 pounds since joining in October. I’ve been roughly maintaining at 153 last month. My focus this month is training for a 5K in June and work to see if I can hit 149 this month.

    Heaviest weight: 165
    Current weight: 152

    April weight lost so far: 0

    Daily Goals:

    🌱Run for 45 minutes on weekdays
    🌱Do long runs on Saturdays
    🌱Go to Zumba on Sundays
    🌱Take rest days as needed
    🌱Drink 8 glasses of water
    🌱Portion control when going out to eat
    🌱Eat mindfully
    🌱Track weight and log

    April 1: 152 (home cooked)
    April 2: 151 (went out)
    April 3: 153 (went out/ Zumba)
    April 4: 153 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 5: 153 (home cooked)
    April 6: 152 (went out)
    April 7: 152 (went out)
    April 8: 153 (home cooked)
    April 9: 153 (went out/ long run 1hr)
    April 10: 153 (went out)
    April 11: 152 (went out/ ran 45m)
    April 12: 152 (went out/ walked 45m)
    April 13: 152 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 14: 152 (went out/ ran 45m)
    April 15: 154 (went out/ ran 45m)
    April 16: 154 (went out/ walked 1hr15m)
    April 17: 154 (went out)
    April 18: 155 (home cooked)
    April 19: 154 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 20: 154 (went out)
    April 21: 153 (went out)
    April 22: 153 (home cooked)
    April 23: 154 (went out)
    April 24: 154 (went out/ walked 2hr)
    April 25: 154 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 26: 152 (home cooked/ ran 45m)
    April 27: 152 (went out/ ran 45m)
    April 28: 152 (home cooked/ walked 45m)
    April 29:
    April 30:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,080 Member
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,080 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from March 31, 2022): 199.6
    Goal: 194.6 (Five lb Loss)

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    04/01…...199.8…..(Trend Weight 199.4)…..
    04/02.…..198.6…..(Trend Weight 199.6)…..
    04/03.…..199.8…..(Trend Weight 199.6}…..
    04/04.…..198.2…..(Trend Weight 199.5)…..
    04/05.…..198.8…..(Trend Weight 199.4)…..
    04/06.…..199.6…..(Trend Weight 199.5)….. 04/07.…..DNW…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    04/08.…..204.0…..(Trend Weight 200.2)…..

    04/09.…..202.0…..(Trend Weight 200.4)…..
    04/10.…..199.8…..(Trend Weight 200.3)…..
    04/11.…..201.8…..(Trend Weight 200.5)…..
    04/12.…..200.8…..(Trend Weight 200.5)…..
    04/13.…..202.8…..(Trend Weight 200.7)….. 04/14.…..203.8…..(Trend Weight 201.3)….. 04/15……203.0…..(Trend Weight 201.2)….. 04/16……201.8…..(Trend Weight 201.3)…..
    04/17.…..203.4…..(Trend Weight 201.5)…..
    04/18.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 201.8)…..
    04/19.…..199.2…..(Trend Weight 201.5)…..
    04/20.…..200.8…..(Trend Weight 201.5)…..
    04/21.…..200.8…..(Trend Weight 201.4)…..
    04/22.…..200.2…..(Trend Weight 201.3)…..

    04/23.…..200.6…..(Trend Weight 201.2)….. I’m very happy to see my trend weight going down. Scale up a bit today but I feel very bloated. Diet choices were good yesterday but calorie burn was low level.

    04/24.…..204.2…..(Trend Weight 201.5)….. 3.6 lbs overnight gain because of dinner out. WTH? Rotiss chicken breast, a side of pasta, a side of cottage cheese. 2 Oatmeal raisin cookies. Not exactly a diet meal but over 3 ½ pounds? Okey dokey. Bad weather has already started for the day. Rain, thunderstorms, hail expected and possible tornado watches today. I guess I’ll be inside.

    04/25.…..202.2…..(Trend Weight 201.6)….. I closed all my fitbit rings for the first time in awhile. Extra large calorie burn overall and plenty of steps. Diet was just so-so and exercise wasn’t exactly structured but I’m happy to see it dropping back down. Time to get out of the 200 prison I’m in.

    04/26.…..202.2…..(Trend Weight 201.6)…… Better diet but low level movement. Very restricted with this middle of house new drywall and sanding going on. Travel today with my 77 year old friend several hours each way to get her to her neurology appointment for essential tremors. Lunch/Dinner will be out.

    04/27.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 201.9)…… Travel yesterday with no shopping/walking. Very little natural calorie burn and Golden Corral for dinner. Yep, that’ll do it! Gotta really watch my P’s and Q’s today!

    04/28.…..204.2…..(Trend Weight 201.1)…… A small drop even though dinner was out with my son, his friend and friend’s mother. A nice simple meal that didn’t go over the top.

    04/29.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    04/30.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,372 Member
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    72 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 147.0
    Challenge Goal: 140
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 132.2
    04/01 - 147.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/02 - 147.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...rest day
    04/03 - 149.7 at 7:45 a.m. ...6.40 miles in 117 mins
    04/04 - 149.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/05 - 149.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...cooking day
    04/06 - 148.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/07 - 148.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.72 miles in 106 mins
    04/08 - 148.4 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/09 - 149.0 at 9:00 a.m. ...Grandson's first soccer game!!
    04/10 - 149.3 at 8:30 a.m. ...7.54 miles in 140 mins
    04/11 - 149.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/12 - 149.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...eye doctor appt
    04/13 - 147.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.60 miles in 101 mins
    04/14 - 147.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    04/15 - 149.5 at 9:00 a.m. ...5.56 miles in 97 mins
    04/16 - 148.3 at 9:00 a.m. ...zero
    04/17 - 148.6 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.56 miles in 97 mins
    04/18 - 149.5 at 8:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/19 - 148.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...another rest day!
    04/20 - 147.9 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    04/21 - 148.1 at 5:30 a.m. ...sick day
    04/22 - 147.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...another sick day
    04/23 - 146.9 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.52 miles in 104 mins
    04/24 - 148.1 at 8:15 a.m. ...another sick day
    04/25 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.16 miles in 133 mins
    04/26 - 147.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.17 miles in 113 mins
    04/27 - 146.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...zero
    04/28 - 147.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
  • lisabillings2
    lisabillings2 Posts: 12 Member
    💐April Challenge💐

    Hi all my name is Lisa B. I live in N. California. I was at my goal weight which is 135 before Covid and then the world went crazy and now it has been 2 years teleworking and my weight slowly just creeped up and up. Living life in sweatpants every day is HORRIBLE, you don't realize how evil the expandable attires are. My life consisted of working and several mindless trips to the refrig which became my besties for 2 years the unlimited access 24hrs a day my bestie was always willing to provide comfort urg but now I am taking back control back.

    Heaviest weight: 161
    Current weight: 160 (haven't weighed in 6 days eeek)

    April weight lost so far: 1

    Daily Goals:

    🌱 Stay positive
    🌱 Log on fitness pal
    🌱 Eat keto and mindful
    🌱 Drink my water
    🌱 Get some form of 45 min movement in

    April 18: logged fitness tracker, ate healthy and walked for 45 mins.

    April 19: weighed in at 160. Today the evil carbs tempted me all day but I stayed strong and didn’t cave. We got this!!

    April 20: Still same weight but continuing to push forward......I think maybe eating to few calories.

    April 21: Same weight grrrr but continuing on and eating little more and still exercising.

    April 22: didn't weigh but walked 4 miles and was under 1200 calories
    April 23: didn't weigh but walked 4 miles and was under 1200 calories
    April 24: didn't weigh but walked 4 miles and was under 1200 calories
    April 25: didn't weigh but walked 4 miles and was under 1200 calories
    April 26: didn't weigh i did 3 hrs of yardwork and was under 1200 calories
    April 27: I didn't walk today was really busy at work. I will weight tomorrow morning I really hope all this is going to pay off at least 1 lb

    April 28: weighed in today same weight so I stomped out my scale grrrr
    April 29:
    April 30:

    Staying focused and not allowing scale to deter me from pushing forward.
  • boilerdawg2009
    boilerdawg2009 Posts: 979 Member
    💐April Challenge💐

    I am ready for an awesome April!

    Heaviest weight: 226
    Current weight:175.6

    I’m Darren, 35, I’m 5’11” tall. Trying to take control of my life and finally not have a protruding belly!

    2022 goals:

    ⚫️Get to maintenance by the end of the year
    ⚫️Workout at the gym 3-4 times per week

    Daily Goals:

    🌱Get in my daily pushups, squats, crunches, and lunges
    🌱Log honestly and consistently
    🌱Drink/log 80+oz water
    🌱Not to get frustrated if the scale goes up

    April 1: Happy April Fools Day! 175.6
    April 2:174.8
    April 3:177.5(must be holding a lot of water)
    April 4:175.7
    April 5:174.6
    April 6:175.0
    April 7:173.9
    April 8:174.4
    April 9:175.2
    April 10:176.0
    April 11:176.9(Not been a good couple of days from a food standpoint. Need to refocus this week)
    April 12:175.9
    April 13:175.8
    April 14:177.6
    April 15:178.8(Highest weight in two months. Really need to get back on track)
    April 16:177.4
    April 17: Happy Easter! 179.2(A couple factors at play here. Ate a big meal for dinner last night. And I won't gross anyone out with the other lol. Back on track this week!)
    April 18:179.7(Treating today like it's day 1. Back on track starting today!)
    April 19:177.8
    April 20:175.6
    April 21:176.7
    April 22: Earth Day 176.6
    April 23:178
    April 24:177.2
    April 25:177
    April 26:177.8
    April 27:177.8
    April 28:177
    April 29:178.9
    April 30:
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,773 Member
    I am ready for an awesome April!

    Heaviest weight: 234
    January 1st: 213.2
    April 1st: 208.1
    Current weight: 212.3

    April weight lost so far: up 4.2 pounds
    Weight lost this year: down .9 pounds 🥰

    Daily Goals:

    🌱Start my day with a 10 minute dog walk or 10 minute dance workout
    🌱Plan meals and log in advance
    🌱Log honestly and consistently
    🌱Eat at or under my calorie goal
    🌱Get 30 minutes of exercise or close my Apple Watch activity ring each day
    🌱Drink and log more water

    April 1: 208.1–Happy April Fools Day! I’m so excited my son is coming home to celebrate his 21st birthday! I’m making a taco bar with all the fixings including lots of veggies! 🍰 🌮
    Now it’s time for my outdoor adventure with Roxie! 🐕

    April 2: 209.2–Had a fun birthday party! Crazy to think my oldest is now 21. Wow does time fly!

    April 3: 210.4– the birthday treats are now over, so it’s back on track today. Back to basics, weighing food and pre logging.off to get my dance walk in this morning! We’ve got this! Happy Sunday!

    April 4: 209.1 Back on track! Feeling fabulous! The key to my success is my 10 minute morning exercise. 💃🏻 Happy Monday!

    April 5: 208.2 🐣 Back in the good groove! Trying out the “FlyLadyPlus” cleaning mobile app and pairing it with MFP. So far after a week I feel a little less overwhelmed with keeping up the house. The secret for most things in life is “progress not perfection” and short bursts of activity. It’s working! No… I’m not a paid spokesperson just a working mom trying to keep it together. 😆 Have a terrific Tuesday! Off to dance like no one is watching! 😂

    April 6: 207.4 Feeling off today. Gonna take it easy… it’s supposed to rain most of the day, so I won’t feel like I’m wasting a day off not being out in the yard. It’s the perfect day for catching up on laundry. Enjoy your Wednesday. ❤️

    April 7: 208.1 Feeling better today. 🙂. I’ll try to get in a Roxie walk in between rain clouds. ☔️ Happy Thursday! We took a nice long walk today, so Roxie will be sleeping most of the day. 🐾

    April 8: 207.4 Another rainy day, but the daffodils are popping up. ☔️🌼 It’s a good day to be at work… no guilt that I should be outside in the sunshine. Happy Friday!

    April 9: 207.5 Holding steady… feeling good. Happy Saturday! 🥰

    April 10: 208.1 was doing well until I ate 4 chocolate chip cookies before bed. I logged them disgustedly into my diary then decided to just move on. Can’t dwell on the past… only try to learn from it. Today is a new day and the sun is out!!☀️ Time to take Roxie for a walk. 🦮🌱

    April 11: 208.7…night snacking 😕Ah well, today is a new day. Just exercised so I’m starting off on the right foot. Happy Monday!

    April 12: 208.4… progress. 🥰

    April 13: 209.6… must… stop… stress… snacking. Hanging in there… by a thread

    April 14: 208.6 Happy Thursday! It’s a yard day today!!! 56 degrees and ☀️

    April 15: 209.1 Happy Good Friday & Happy Easter Weekend! Be kind to yourself.❤️
    April 16: 210.1
    April 17: 210.1 Happy Easter & Passover

    April 18: 209.4 focusing on Positivity, Persistence, Planning, Preparing, and Progress not Perfection this week. Embrace your Monday!
    April 19: 211.5
    April 20: 211.6 put together a Clicklist to pick up later today. Today is a reorganization day… getting ducks in a row 🦆 🦆 🦆 Planning meals in advance and at least one salad a day. Finally the snow is mostly gone after the spring snowstorm on Monday. The dog is ready for a walk, so I’ll chat with you all again soon. We’re in this together through the ups and downs. 🥰❤️❤️

    April 21: 210.2 let the slide 🛝 begin! Have a terrific Thursday… progress not perfection.

    April 22: Earth Day… 209.9.. in celebration of 🌎 Day, Roxie and I took a nice 18 minute walk and she met 2 new furry friends (doggos). Happy Earth Day friends!

    April 23: 210.4… started today with 14 minute dance/walk on UTube. Prelogged/ planned for the day… off to work! Happy Saturday!

    April 24: 210.8
    April 25: 211.1
    April 26: 211.4
    April 27: 211.4
    April 28: 211.6… the creep back stops in May
    April 29: 212.3…
    April 30:

    🌱Each day is a fresh, new beginning. 🌱Enjoy your journey!