P90x questions

i want to do p90x, but my question is, do I need all the stuff that goes along with it, the fitness drink and vitamins? I'm not really into that stuff. I wouldn't follow the eating plan either, because I already eat super healthy. I'm just wondering of it's ok to just use it as a fitness plan.


  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    Yes it is certainly okay to use just as a fitness plan. I didn't use their drink, their vitamins, etc. I didn't follow the eating plan either - used MFP. I lost 15 lbs, lost inches and gained muscle. If you follow the plan to a T I am sure you would get better results than without following.
  • pollypocket27
    I started P90X about a week ago and think its amazing. Its hard to do if you dont own a chin up bar, stretch band, or some weights!
  • JohnnyChristian
    The drinks and vitamins* are for profit and unnecessary. Detracting from the meal plan/structure however may detract from your gains as the multiple meals spread out during the day are designed to maintain high metabolism. Whether that's true or not is subject to debate.

    *You need a quality vitamin from reputable companies such as NSI, and capsules are superior to tablets in absorption.