Weight gain AFTER vacation any ideas?

So I went away for 3 weeks never once did I over indulge and I ate mindfully the day after I got back from vacation I stepped on the scales and I hadn't gained anything I thought great I did well the very next day I was showing a 4lb weight gain how is that possible?? I have been back to the gym working hard and clean eating (counting calories) for over an week and that 4lb hasn't shifted please help how did I gain weight after and why is it not coming off?? Others have said it's from flying as it was a 13 hour flight but I would have thought water retention would have come off by now


  • kgwoozle6390
    kgwoozle6390 Posts: 3 Member
    Hang in there travel does weird things to your body. I’d give it a month.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Flying is probably part of it...flying causes a lot of water retention and bloat, but it could also be the time of month...hormones...more or less waste in your system or just a normal fluctuation blip. Your body is comprised of roughly 55-65% water and that will always fluctuate on it's own. Nobody weighs exactly XXX Lbs all of the time. You will also always have varying degrees of inherent waste in your system.

    I would suggest getting a trend app to log weigh ins. Weigh in at roughly the same time and under the same conditions every time you weigh in. Typically early morning after you've used the restroom and before you've consumed any food or beverage. The app will show you an overall trend over time which is what you want to look at.
  • asellitti6523
    asellitti6523 Posts: 37 Member
    Could be a variety of things. 4 lbs is like nothing though. Environmental changes and coming off of the stress of long travel could easily account for a handful of lbs. Just get back on the horse and keep doing the things you were doing that were leading to success before you left and I'm sure within a few weeks your body will readjust.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,892 Member
    Some hypotheses:
    - you stopped working out during those three weeks, so you lost some water weight from your muscles, which came back when you started working out again
    - you lost water weight on holiday from lower cortisol levels (less stress) but now you're back and more stressed again

    Both of those would suppose you actually did gain a bit of weight on holiday, but it was temporarily masked by less water weight.

    Could be simple water retention too, without fat gain.

    I've had some strange weight trends myself on holiday: losing weight quite quickly during the holiday despite eating fairly indulgently (lnot in a deficit), and then seemingly gaining weight (or at least an upward tick) one week or two after my return (without even flying). Water weight can do strange things.
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    I can fluctuate 3lbs overnight … scarily… which is say 2.5% of body weight. ToM too could be playing a factor? Hang in there.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    If I wake early and weigh myself at 5AM I weigh more than if I sleep late and weigh myself at 10AM. Just those few additional hours of dehydrating while asleep makes a difference. Lots of things influence hydration by a couple pounds. Don't give single data points too much energy. Data need context to be meaningful. Save your energy, and focus on weight trends over weeks, not days.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    I can 'gain' seven pounds of weight (not fat) in 12 hours if I eat a lot of carbs and sodium and work out hard. I would not stress this.
  • Kiwi2mfp
    Kiwi2mfp Posts: 166 Member
    A weight gain that quickly is likely not fat. I'd just drink plenty of water and keep at it. Your body will likely straighten itself out soon enough. Don't stress it, that's sort of counter productive to the stress relief intended on a vacation lol You'll be fine.