New here!

My girlfriend just told me aboiut this site. I have given up that I can get these 25 lbs off, I haven been trying for years now. I just want to accept myself as I am. But like all good women I'm going to try one last time and use this. I am skeptical however I did walk today cause I knew I was going to be tracking today. I also am AMAZED that I can have no more fat grams today, I had no idea how those buggers add up. So I'm asking for encouragement, prayer and good thoughts sent my way to surprise myself and get this done!!!
:smile: Kare


  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    Good luck. I have found the site very useful. I hope you do too. :happy:
  • Accept yourself for who you are with the 25 pounds and believe in yourself enough to know you CAN get them off! I am constantly under my calorie goal but above the fat grams :( It's a learning process and a journey. Don't beat yourself up, just learn from the tracking and move forward.

    Welcome to the site :)
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome. I think this site is great. Very supportive group of friends here. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • rannawelch
    rannawelch Posts: 20 Member
    It's been so amazing for me to see how much the calories build up! It's a big help just to be aware!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Welcome! One day at a time! Keep tracking your food & exercise, read those food labels and you'll quickly find better food choices that meet your daily goals and don't leave you hungry. Tracking everything was a HUGE eye opener and a boost for me.