Tips for eating back exercise calories

ABetterBalance Posts: 298
I've read through the boards and I know there are some who argue for eating back the exercise calories and some who argue against. I don't want to start a debate over whether or not it's neccesary, so I'll just say- I've decided that I do want to eat my exercise calories back, it seems like the best choice for me.

That said, how on earth am I supposed to do that?!? :tongue:

I spent the last week or two trying to fall into a good routine with food and tracking my calories, and I find myself coming in between 1250-1300 calories a day. Not bad when I wasn't really working out. This morning I started P90X again, and burned around 450 calories.

I am trying to figure out the best way to add another 400 or so calories to my meal plan, without eating junk! So... does anyone have suggestions for higher calorie, nutrient rich foods? Or should I just increase portion sizes?


  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
    Add nuts to your meals. 1/4 cup of walnuts has 180 cals & they're easy to add to foods! I put them in my oatmeal every morning or eat them 30 mins before a workout to help me push through!
  • I'm just learning too.... I've been eating almonds and avocado's more. Yum!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    If you are eating 3 meals eat four....if you eat 4 eat 5.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    Nuts, peanut butter, milk, cheese, avocado, yogurt with fat
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I was thinking the same thing. I think I'm just going to do it in the form of fruit. I never appreciated it as much as I do now, anyway. A nice apple or orange or a few grapes gives you plenty of nutrition without the fat, which in my case, I always seem to go over.
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    Blue Diamond Almonds -- wasabia/soy, smokehouse, dark chocolate, butter toffee....they area all amazing and full of healthy calories, although see my related post on their nutrition labels:
  • getyupcowgirl
    getyupcowgirl Posts: 70 Member
    You can start with a Shakelogy or if that isn't in the budget, use muscle milk. It's good for your muscles and it has the calories that you need.
  • Almonds and Avocados are a great idea. The avocados are good fat and tricks your body into thinking it is getting fat.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Nuts, avocado, peanut butter, protein shakes, switch from low fat to full fat items (milk, cheese, yogurt, mayo, etc)
  • Have you considered adding protein shakes? Adding them as part of your workout routine can replace the lost calories and help you build lean muscle, which will help you burn even more calories in the future. Otherwise, adding another small meal to your day plan is good idea, like someone else already mentioned.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I often have a protein shake to get more calories. Mix 1 cup of milk with the scoop of protein powder, comes up to 240 calories (skim milk and Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein). That gets you halfway to eating those extra calories. Also, just drinking a glass of milk or juice with breakfast instead of water adds about 100 calories. I also love pistachios, bananas, apples, and yogurt. All of those are between 90 and 170 calories and make a great healthy snack before or after a workout.
  • I use protein shakes add some greek yogurt and fresh fruit...its about 300 calories..but its healthy & protein packed.
  • Thanks for the ideas everyone, and the quick responses!
  • shabydonner
    shabydonner Posts: 69 Member
    Nuts are a great way (as well as seeds like sunflower), and then of course you have nut butters, I've only ever had peanut butter but because of the high fat content and the fact that my problem is not going over my calories it is a treat that I only get on occasion. I don't know how you feel about cheese but its like my favorite food and with the 2% versions not being too bad in the fat department I see them as another good option, gets some extra calcium in as well.

    A lot just depends on what you eat now, some people eat almost nothing but fruits and veggies with very lean sources of protein and while that is probably a good way to go I (as a chronic veggie hater) could never stick to this that way. I often look at my work out calories as small treat rewards for the hard work. Its a motivator for me and I still try to keep it a relatively healthy treat (reduced fat oreos instead of the regular ones, or like I said before the peanut butter with an apple or something). So my suggestion would be to look at what you like to eat anyway but maybe some of the things you don't do very often and add them into the rotation more.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    TBH I never have a problem eating any calories allotted to me! But, if I do find myself with 500 or so spare, I eat avocado, or humous and cucumber, or a spoonful of sugar free peanut butter. If I have 200 or less calories left, I don't bother.
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