Macro Split percentage

Hi ,I just started resistance training and having 1500 calories .What should be the split between carbs,protein and fat ?Basically we were told to multiply 1.2* lean muscle for carb and protein.But in my case it was coming only to 1200 calories.So they asked to change calories to 1500.So I would like to know the split percentage for weight loss?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,985 Member
    The macro split on this site defaults to 50% Carbs 30% Fat and 20% Protein

    That's a perfectly good split. Up to you what you want to use.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Hi ,I just started resistance training and having 1500 calories .What should be the split between carbs,protein and fat ?Basically we were told to multiply 1.2* lean muscle for carb and protein.But in my case it was coming only to 1200 calories.So they asked to change calories to 1500.So I would like to know the split percentage for weight loss?

    Macros don't really have anything to do with weight loss. Weight management is about calories, not what your macro breakdown is. There is no such thing as a universally optimal macro ratio...they are very individual. Macros have more to do with the nutritional breakdown of your calories and can affect physical performance, satiety, body composition, etc...but really don't have anything to do with weight management.

    MFP's defaults are perfectly fine for general health. I do best with something resembling a 40p/30c/30f split. That tends to get me were I need to be protein wise. I don't do a whole lot of hand wringing over my macros though. As long as I'm not completely out of balance I'm fine.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,513 Member
    If I'm understanding your question, you’re asking if there is a better split to encourage or speed up weight loss.

    Your macro split doesn’t affect weight loss. It’s all about calories in/calories out.

    However……you may find that targeting a higher macro can help with satiety- the feeling of fullness. Feeling satiated can prevent the nibbles or binges. For most people, higher protein accomplishes that, but you have to experiment to see which macro works for you. Some folks feel fuller with carbs, others with fats. We’re all different.

    I eat a very high protein diet for satiety, because I weight train, and because both my trainer and dietician recommended it, since I’m very active. I do try to hit my protein levels daily. On a day to day basis, though, I tend to eat fewer carbs and less fat than desired on my macro split.

    But, I don’t stress over daily numbers. Instead, every Sunday, before I pre-log next week’s meals, I always review the past week.

    I change to the “7 day view” to see if my weekly averages are OK. They are generally right on the dot, and as long as the fat/carb average is OK, I’m happy.

    There is no magic combination of macros that will speed up weight loss, unless you’re a proponent of the keto diet (very high protein and fats, super low carb). Frankly, I don’t get it and wouldn’t want to, but there are people who swear by it. It’s extremely rigid. IMHO Life is too short to cut out entire food groups, and I love fruits, breads, chocolate and and and………..

    BTW I’m super high protein but all via solid foods, not shakes or supplements. Protein is an easy macro to reach. The only time I use protein powders is in my morning pancake mix. I supplement my batter with lots of egg whites, cottage cheese, and plain whey powder. I also get protein during the day from cottage cheese snacks, grilled and chopped chicken in wraps or on salads, and a large piece of meat for dinner. I may have a protein bar during the day for a snack, but that’s to tide me over to the next workout or walk, since protein does keep me full. I see many people here treading water and not losing with protein shakes and liquid supplements. That’s just not necessary. Liquid protein just isn’t satiating to me and many others. Solid proteins ya gotta chew are mentally satisfying.

    I’m also curious where you’re getting the 1200 and 1500 numbers. They’re very round and very “place holder” ish numbers. I’d expect a true calculation to have given you a “real” number. Who are “they”? Have you plugged your numbers in to MFP or another calculator ?
  • gpanda103
    gpanda103 Posts: 189 Member
    Calories is all that matters for weight loss, and protein matters a lot when it comes to muscle building/retention. Aim for .7g-1g per pound of bodyweight
  • anitaprasanna73
    anitaprasanna73 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Everyone.I just joined a shred program for a month .As my fat % is high I don’t fit in the formula given by the coach .So I was asked to increase calories to 1500.Anyways one week is done …three more weeks to go .@Spring thanks for the detailed explanation
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,513 Member

    If this is a new program to you, you’re probably going to experience some muscle soreness.

    Know that muscle soreness can actually lead to temporary weight gain. WTF! That’s not fair, right?!

    Seriously, your wise and intuitive body will retain water and direct it to your sore muscles for repair. Your weight may spike a bit or even many pounds til a couple a days after the healing is complete, and the soreness passes off.

    Even several years in, if I try a new activity, my weight will spike for a few days. (Looking at you, spin class.)

    Lots of new users come here in a state of extreme anxiety. “I eat better and started exercising but gained weight!” There’s a lot of reasons why that happens, but soreness/water retention is a big one.

    That’s one thing I wish I’d known earlier. People give up because they think it’s hopeless. They’re not giving their bodies time to adjust to all the changes being thrown at it. Good grief, most of us know to give it a few days just changing pet foods for our critters , yet we don’t give our own selves the luxury of letting time settle things down.

    Other things that can cause temporary weight gain include your monthly, salty foods, carby foods if you’ve gotten out of the habit, airline flights or long vehicle trips, even stress.

    I hope you’ll check back and let us know how it goes!!!!
  • anitaprasanna73
    anitaprasanna73 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Spring.Just I was going through this soarness .Thighs is not healing fast .After doing so much diet and workout weight is stagnant no change to it at all .Your replied to my query without me asking .I will keep going irrespective of weight @springlering62
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,513 Member
    edited May 2022
    Thanks Spring.Just I was going through this soarness .Thighs is not healing fast .After doing so much diet and workout weight is stagnant no change to it at all .Your replied to my query without me asking .I will keep going irrespective of weight @springlering62

    Glad that helps. It’s such a counterintuitive shocker to “put on weight” when you’re trying so hard to lose.

    I promise you, if you’re weighing and tracking, once that soreness goes away, you’re probably going to seriously enjoy a long long weewee, or a whole bunch a short ones.

    We got back from a cross country trip Friday night. I was severely dehydrated (hate beach tap water, too cheap and/or forgetful to buy bottled), “backed up” as a result, and stressed out from two weeks of tip toe-ing and dealing with a new mom’s exhausted mood swings. Cavin pressure plays havoc with our weight,
    plus I ate a butttload of In N Out, and a bunch of salty , high calorie Hello Fresh, and stress snacks. (Yeah nearly four years in, that still happens).

    My weight was up 9.8 pounds from the day I left. I’d dropped eight of it by the time I weighed in yesterday morning. That’s 72 hours. TMI for ya just to emphasize what weird things our bodies can do to us.

    It’s really helpful to know in advance! I didn’t, and would flip out at the short term weight gains until someone here explained it to me. So now I preach it. 😇
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,678 Member
    Is there some grand-mommy stuff you've been implicitly announcing oh hand-standy one?
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,513 Member
    Officially a grandma since January!!!!

    There’s a lot of truth to loving on ‘em and then gratefully handing ‘em back, lol. How did we ever cope the first time around? 😱