
so I have really been struggling recently, is there anything that you do to give yourself a good kick in the butt? or is there some good words of wisdom you can give me? anything that will jump start my weight loss again! thanks!


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    go try on pants that you used to wear 25 lbs ago!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    make some short term and long term goals - write them down. read them daily.

    keep got this!
  • kateyrog
    kateyrog Posts: 15 Member
    Hey look at how well you've done - don't be too hard on yourself. Just think about what you've achieved so far - failing that, lock yourself in a room with a big mirror, take all your clothes off and jump up and down !! Works for me! Good luck - keep on going :-)
  • megrrt
    megrrt Posts: 115 Member
    :flowerforyou: 1st of all you look awesome! -so dont be so hard on yourself
    2nd I am in the same boat and I am needing a kick in the butt too!
    So....get going! get moving!
    You can do this!
    You got this!
    You have done great so far and you can continue this journey!

  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP...... It's a saying on one of my husband's shirts (he doesn't even know I love it so much)

    You have worked hard for's a life long change. Days will be great and some will SUCK!!!! i've had so many days I wanted to give up but you can't this is for you!! Why quit on you?? You can do this!!!
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Hope this little inspirational bible verse helps!

    Proverbs 16:3

    Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
  • jcbernahl
    jcbernahl Posts: 61 Member
    There is no one more important than you! If you don't put yourself and your health before everything else then who will? It's the only body you will ever get so make it what you want it to be! Set some small goals. I have to do it every week or I'll never get where I want to be. You can do it!! We are here to support you all the way!!!
  • Licacorona
    Licacorona Posts: 118 Member
    I bought myself my first pair of running shoes to help get me motivated.

    Good luck. I've been having a hard time too and there's times I feel like nothing I do or say helps get me to lose this darn weight! I know I have to. For some reason food tends to win me over by dinner. It feels horrible. All I can say is don't give up. Every day, keep trying. Until you get it right. :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    every once in a while i put on some pants that are a little too tight. that gets the fire under me going and i get more motivated, not depressed. being sad doesn't help. you know what i do when i get sad? i stop being sad, and be awesome instead.
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    thank you all so much! i really appreciate everything that you have said! hopefully i can get down another 25 pounds and be in the "success" topics lol! thanks again, love you all! we can do this!!
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    Hi there - as I told you, I fell off the wagon recently. The dr told me I have calcific tendonitis which is causing my hip pain (that I've had for 6 years). I also hurt my foot... so I used both as reasons to not walk. While I stopped exercising, I also thought "why not, I can eat whatever I want too since I'm not logging"... well that was stupid. I'm already frustrated because I haven't lost anything yet and eating more is not going to make it better... so even if I don't walk like I was, I can at least still watch what I eat until I hear back from the dr on whether I can start walking again (it might make the condition worse). We are also looking into a Y membership so I can swim and get a workout with less stress on my joints. Hang in there. I didn't log for a week and now I'm back at it. I still may not see the scale move down, but I'm going to stick with it. My goal now is for the scale to not go up! Thanks for putting this Xmas challenge together and keeping us all motivated! Stick with it!