not eating enough

can somebody help please i am just starting and entering everything in my food diary, i am trying to not go over my protein, carbs and fat and by doing this i am not eating enough calories???? is it ok to go over as long as i eat all the calories i need?


  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    You need to find the balance that fuels you. I go over sometimes, but only once have I gone over my calories. Take a look at what you're eating. If you're over in protein, do smaller portions and up something else you're eating so you don't feel hungry. You should try and eat the right number of calories - I know it's hard to balance it all out. Good luck!
  • JLervold86
    JLervold86 Posts: 93 Member
    So are you going with the MPF settings or did you customize? If you're with the MPF settings I'd say that you should be over your protein all the time. As far as the carbs and fat goes, I would try to get those down to the MPF recommendation. I have my diary set at a 50% carb, 30% protein, 20% fat and I just adjusted the foods I eat to get those all to be under and within my calorie goal.
  • I personally would get in the habit of eating your calories using the default settings, and then once you get into a regular exercise regime, you can start tweaking your components. The first order of business if you're not used to eating regular meals is to focus on getting a routine.

    This was hard for me; I would typically eat one "major" meal a day, and despite my size was severely under-nourishing myself. Since I've been eating healthier and getting those regular meals, I've found the weight is coming off in a steady and controlled fashion. I'll start upping my carbs and protein once I start up at the gym (my best friend has promised to start taking me once I hit a certain weight goal, which I'm on the verge of nailing before year's end.) In the meanwhile, I'm walking more and taking stairs when possible, all to start increasing my stamina.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    if you like eating slightly more protein, fat or carbs you can slightly adjust it. but its hard to find a good balance but you will get there. just say youre over on carbs but under on protein. up your meat portion and lower your carb portion like have 1 piece bread instead of two and 150g meat instead of 100g. also its hard to not go over the macros when your eating very low calorie foods. so be sure to unclude high calorie healthy foods like avacados and nuts., hope i helped.
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    Generally I would tend to stick more to reaching your calories and worry less about going over the protein, carbs and fat numbers. How many pounds lost per week have you set your MFP goal to? How many calories are you under your daily goal? You don't really want to be eating less than 1200 calories a day. There are different opinions on whether you should eat more to make up for calories that you burn during exercise. I hope this helped.
  • thank you your all so helpfull.... how do i tweak my settings? sorry new to this x