Hopeless bingeing

I was doing so well, and had been at my goal weight for a little while (5ft, 105-110lbs) after losing at 0.5lbs/wk. Then binging hit. I've been having really horrible peanut butter binges. My roommates won't stop buying peanut butter because it really is a staple in my current living situation (fair enough). After about 2 months of this, I've gained over 15lbs(I'm almost overweight again). I'm really, really stuck on what to do. I'm aware that one of my parents dealt with binging as a TEEN to young adult, so maybe i'm just more genetically prone to it? It really is a huge issue that is ruining the quality of my life.
Any tips or suggestions?
PS. I'm not in a position where I can access any form of therapy/counseling
PPS. Nut butters really seem to be my only trigger🤷‍♀️


  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    If peanut butter is your only issue, I would ask my roommates to hide their peanut butter from you. Do you get protein anywhere else? Maybe you actually are not getting enough protein and that is setting off the binge?
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Are you tracking when you binge?
  • californiagirl1969
    californiagirl1969 Posts: 57 Member
    Track, track, track, cant live on peanut butter alone. Must eat a balanced diet and its not always possible to ask those we live with to limit or hide what they eat. It will take time, but you will be able to control your food intake with time and consistent effort. Keep at it.
  • avatiach
    avatiach Posts: 331 Member
    I haven’t tried this (since I feel meh about peanut butter) but some people seem to like the peanut butter powder, which has less fat and maybe would be a flavor satisfier.
  • babysaffy
    babysaffy Posts: 232 Member
    avatiach wrote: »
    I haven’t tried this (since I feel meh about peanut butter) but some people seem to like the peanut butter powder, which has less fat and maybe would be a flavor satisfier.

    I agree. I've undone all my hard work and gained all the weight I lost a few years ago.. I'm starting again and I've decided to have a nice flavoured protein shake whenever I get the urge to binge on junk or something sweet. Tiramisu has been a problem for around the past 6 months lol I searched for a Tiramisu flavoured protein powder and actually found and ordered one. It's almost impossible to binge after a protein shake you feel so full for hours.

    They were a game changer when I had my most successful weight loss journey in 2018 and I'm determined to utilise them again now I suggest you give it a try!