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my recipes serving size

when adding my own recipes, it ask how many servings. this is usually something i can't answer. would there be a way to add a serving size that calculates nutrition. exp. my meatloaf, instead of serving 10 it would be helpful if a 3oz. option was available. exp. my potato salad, instead of serving 5 it would be helpful if a 1/2 c. option was available.
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  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    This is a conundrum, isn’t it @eaper64 ? I’ve gotten around this by weighing the final recipe and determine the servings from there (and I put the serving size in the recipe name to remind me for next time, or for leftovers or if I freeze it). So, my recipe might be Soup per14oz, serves 10. Or, Curry Per100gm serves 6. I often have to enter an estimate at first, then go back and edit the recipe once it’s done and I’ve weighed the final product.

    Ive also kept a list of tare weights of various pots and bowls of my cookware. I keep a photo list on my phone of them on the scale with the empty weight, it’s easiest for me to scroll through that note.

    Hope this helps in the mean time.
  • disciplineworks
    disciplineworks Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, there are many entries in here that have the size “1 serving”, which is utterly meaningless. We need precise units of measure.
  • Hudson
    Hudson Posts: 74 MFP Staff
    This is always been a tricking one. But because recipes list ingredients with various types of measurements (weight, volume, and so on) there is no way for the recipe editor to calculate how many servings of a particular size will result when the various items are combined.

    If you're not sure how many servings a recipe will produce, enter a best-guess number when you first create the recipe.

    After the recipe is prepared, you can manually measure the number of servings that have been produced. Then, the recipe can be edited and the correct number of servings can be entered.

    We would also recommend then putting in the actual serving amount in the title of the recipe to then remember how much each serving weighs if that's what you want to work from.