Balance of carbs protein and fat %

girlgrad Posts: 1 Member
Hi I’m just getting back on track and I need help with understanding balance for weight loss. I’m trying to lose 80lbs and I do carry a high fat to muscle ratio. What should I set my goals to be on my macro breakdown. Thanks in advance! I’m open to gaining friends on my journey as well!


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    For weight loss, the important thing is taking in fewer calories from food than your body burns in the course of going about your daily life (whether that includes exercise or not). The best macro split for achieving that goal is the one that makes it easiest for you to do that. Broadly, fat is almost twice as calorie-dense (~9 cal/gram) as protein or carbs (~4 cal/g each). Some people feel satiated with denser meals that are higher in protein or fat with low to moderate carbohydrates; others prefer a higher-volume, lower-density way of eating with lots of vegetables (plenty of fiber!) and a moderate amount of protein and fat. Some folks are both of these people at different points in their hormonal cycles or even just different points throughout the day. The only way to figure out what works for you is to try stuff - MFP's food diary has a Notes section, use that to, well, keep notes about what works and what doesn't.
  • experimentofone
    experimentofone Posts: 28 Member
    Hi..... I use the 40-30-30 ratio..... and try really hard to never go over the 40% carbs..... I'm down 50lbs with about another 70 to go :)
  • gpanda103
    gpanda103 Posts: 189 Member
    You can get invested in macro ratios, but I don’t worry that much.

    I would find something you like. You don’t really need as much protein as many people say (.7g per pound is fine), carbs are definitely negotiable, but don’t cut fat too much. I just aim for my protein goal and let the rest fall into place