Double standards with women.

brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
I will probably catch crap for this, but oh well. Let me just put it out there before I even start that this is in NO WAY directed at all women.

Anyway, did you ever see on Facebook where some chick likes a page that says that all a girl wants is to be treated like a queen, loved unconditionally, respected, trusted, yadda yadda yadda? As a woman, I totally understand wanting respect, not being underestimated for being a woman, etc. But if a man were to say he expects to be treated like a king, loved unconditionally, demanded trust and respect and whatnot he'd be *****ed at so fast for it by these same women he would hardly even have time to hit submit. Love is NOT unconditional. Sorry, but if my fiance cheats on me or starts abusing me? Not exactly gonna wanna be with him "4eva nd eva." Respect and trust are EARNED. If you expect people will trust and respect you right off the bat, you're delusional. And if you go into a relationship without some level of the two, something is wrong there. Another double standard. Anyone heard Carrie Underwood's song "Before He Cheats"? If not, Google it. I'll wait.

Anyway, so I've actually known some friends of friends and such that would actually do these sorts of things to guys for cheating. But if a guy wrecked a girls car for cheating? Why, that heartless *kitten*! How dare he do something like that! If men cheat, it's because they're slimy, disgusting pigs. If a woman cheats, it's because she was weak and her man isn't doing the right things, blah blah blah. News flash, cheating is wrong no matter if you're a man or a woman. And I'm not saying that men don't create certain double standards, but the ones they create are well known for the most part. No one ever thinks about how women do it too.

Done ranting now.


  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I agree with this.

    You can expect to be treated like a princess or a queen. But you had damned well treat that man like a prince or a king.

    However, I think I've found(atleast in my current situation) the better that you treat somebody, the better they treat you.

  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I agree with this.

    You can expect to be treated like a princess or a queen. But you had damned well treat that man like a prince or a king.

    However, I think I've found(atleast in my current situation) the better that you treat somebody, the better they treat you.


    Exactly! If I told my fiance he needs to treat me like a Princess, well, I better damn well treat him like a Prince! lol
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I agree
  • Musicgrl4life
    I do agree with you. I don't get why women are looked at as such weak creatures. Yeah, we aren't made like men. Men are generally seen as the strong ones. Either gender, we're all human. And whether male or female, shouldn't judge your wrong doings differently.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Very true.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    On the other often do you hear about men killing their partners for leaving them or being unfaithful? And how often the other way round?

    I agree, some women want it all, but most just want to be treated as equals, and that is depressingly rare.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    On the other often do you hear about men killing their partners for leaving them or being unfaithful? And how often the other way round?

    I agree, some women want it all, but most just want to be treated as equals, and that is depressingly rare.

    Uhm, a lot actually. But I agree about it being rare.
  • boomboom011
    i couldnt agree more!
    Just last week my BFF did something to her soon to be exhusband that if he had done it he would be in jail right now. I told her I will be your friend but I will not condone such behavior.
    worst part was when she was telling a group of women what happened they were laughing cause they thought he deserved it. im sorry but illegal activity is illegal whether you are in a divorce or not. Yes i did speak up and say "what she did is wrong. PERIOD". Oddly enough these women finally said i was right.

    you treat people like crap you will eventually get it back. demand respect and thats the last thing you will get. i firmly believe in treating my husband with respect at all times. i treat him like i want to be treated. i cant stand these double standard women. no one owes you a damn thing just cause you are a girl. act like trash and thats what you get treated like. act like you have some class and thats what you get treated like.

    sorry im on a rampage tonight about these types of "women"
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    I agree!

    I don't like anybody using double standards, male or female.

    I also believe in treating everyone as an equal right up until they prove they don't deserve it.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    i couldnt agree more!
    Just last week my BFF did something to her soon to be exhusband that if he had done it he would be in jail right now. I told her I will be your friend but I will not condone such behavior.
    worst part was when she was telling a group of women what happened they were laughing cause they thought he deserved it. im sorry but illegal activity is illegal whether you are in a divorce or not. Yes i did speak up and say "what she did is wrong. PERIOD". Oddly enough these women finally said i was right.

    you treat people like crap you will eventually get it back. demand respect and thats the last thing you will get. i firmly believe in treating my husband with respect at all times. i treat him like i want to be treated. i cant stand these double standard women. no one owes you a damn thing just cause you are a girl. act like trash and thats what you get treated like. act like you have some class and thats what you get treated like.

    sorry im on a rampage tonight about these types of "women"

    You are a smart woman! And don't apologize, I appreciate the response! I agree with that, I hate it when women laugh and joke and think something is okay, but if it were done to them they'd press charges so fast the guy wouldn't even be able to get home first.
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    I think it’s become an odd mix lately of extremes from both sides in some ways i think men have become more controlling abusive and demeaning and then on the flip side i think allot have become weak walked over and mistreated not many have seemed to be able to find a nice middle ground.

    it’s like no one knows how to behave anymore you have women who completely shun any of the female stereotypes for fear of being seen as weak and controlled and they take on this over the top i can do everything and should be given everything attitude and then you have men who are told everything they do is sexist and wrong and become these timid people that seem to be constantly walking on eggs shells.

    Personally in my relationship I don’t expect anything from him and he doesn’t expect anything from me we both recognise we are individuals and are partners in the running of our family i also understand that he is different to me I don’t expect him to be super sensitive and understand my every emotional need just as I don’t understand his need for fart jokes video games extreme sports etc. and I like it that way lol I couldn’t stand living with someone exactly like me