2.5 pounds down! I'm a new woman!


I joined MFP in December 2014 at 237.8 pounds. I was at a wellness low point. Chronic headaches, irregular cycle, infertility issues, I was depressed, an alcoholic and avoided movement like the plague.

That winter I began cycling 90 minutes a day 6 days a week and carefully consuming 1200 calories a day, I bought a kitchen scale and was precise. I quickly shed 75 pounds.

Since reaching my lowest weight in the fall of 2015 I've been on and off (mostly off) MFP through a divorce, a new marriage and 2 pregnancies.

Once all is said and done I have lost 2.5 pounds since December 2014!

okay, sometimes if you don't laugh you'll cry.

Here I am again.


On the upside despite being fat I am in nearly the best health of my adult life. I've learned that weight is only one factor in wellness, and certainly not the most important one. So, hurray! Wish me luck.


  • Prettyeyes46
    Prettyeyes46 Posts: 11 Member
    We can do this ladies. I'm with you also.
  • LostOnABeerRun
    LostOnABeerRun Posts: 5 Member
    Hell yeah! This is great! keep it up!!!!
  • ldeeldn
    ldeeldn Posts: 5 Member
    Lol. I feel you. I'm in excellent shape but I'm still about as heavy as I've every been. My motivation is how much better shape I could be in if I wasn't lugging an extra 70lb around. My horses will thank me to!
  • 1FreeLiving
    1FreeLiving Posts: 1 Member
    You look great!!! Remember weight loss is a constant battle of will power so keep fighting the fight! ;)
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    edited June 2022
    This is life, right? You're livng it. Keep going!
  • lessjess22
    lessjess22 Posts: 21 Member
    Right there with you friend. Historically, I'm great at losing weight but not keeping it off. This time, I'm aiming more towards developing healthy lifelong habits than pursuing a certain number on the scale. I likely will never be "thin" as I love food too much and the work involved in maintaining such a low weight is more than I want to do, but I still want to be fit and healthy. Be proud of the changes you have made, even if there wasn't a big weight change. Any step forward is progress.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Starting over - recommitting, but not giving up!
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    you just look like you're gonna say something sassy to whoever is holding the camera :) great work!
  • croland4282
    croland4282 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also restarting and need to get on board with your positivity!! Love the body your in for the moment your in it!!
  • lovnlaughter
    lovnlaughter Posts: 2 Member
    After all those life changes, it sounds like you're doing pretty good! Like you, I'm starting over. I got an Occulus (VR headset) and it has a program called Supernatural Flow. It's the best exercise program I've ever tried. It feels like a game so I don't mind it at all! They have a FB page where you can see images of the workouts. It's a blast!
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    LUCK! You've got this, you've to the right mindset!
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