mom! your butts a trampoline! say the darnest things and sometimes it hurts! The truth hurts! Two days later my new neighbor asked if I was expecting and I was quite humiliated. As I sat feeling sorry for myself over a coke and friends kicked my butt and told me it was time to do something about it. They told me about the My Fitness Pal app cuz they know I'm a phone junkie and that night, when I logged everything I could remember for the day.. a whopping 4000 calories stared me in the face and told me I'd be 20 lbs more at that rate. I cried a little and got serious.

I love the app. While planning dinner I scan barcodes to see how the meal adds up and make changes accordingly as I go.. I find myself battering with myself over 50 calories and saying, "Hey! Hold the butter and have a piece of dark chocolate later!"

This is sooooo incredibly easy.. I'm super excited and I'm hoping to lose 50 lbs!!!

Best of luck to you all!!! I hope to get to know some of you so we can support each other!

Good bye trampoline butt!!!!!!!


  • Courtney9433
    Courtney9433 Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck to you! I have found that the app really does work to put things in perspective for you! I have found the app most beneficial if I input what I am planning on eating and it allows me to say no to certain things that I may not have considered as adding up. I have been a member of this website for awhile but just recently have got back to tracking everything. I don't have any friends on here who I communicate with on a daily basis and share my progress through the day so if you would like to add me, feel free!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Good for you!!! Sometimes it takes sharp words and honest calorie logging to get us to realize that we are killing ourselves slowly with food and to do something about it.

    My kids still poke and jiggle my belly pouch that I got from them and laugh, but now instead of crying, I smile because the pouch is getting smaller and someday it won't be there at all for them to poke and laugh at!!! Good luck and stay strong :)
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Oh kids! My son declared at the dinner table.. "I can hop mum, I bet you can't hop because fat people can't hop."
    *blink* (and I proved him wrong and hopped and said "yes we can!")

    Welcome welcome :) I'm only a newbie myself but I'm loving MFP and the forum already.
  • PhiMuHoney
    PhiMuHoney Posts: 127 Member
    That's how I got addicted to MFP too.. the phone app is great! I love how I can look up stuff before I eat if i'm out and about and can plan for the day so that I don't feel horrible later. Also, I love how I have the willpower to say "I don't really need/want that extra *insert not too great food item here*. Instead, I'll have a chocolate at the end of the day".. Great job getting yourself going!!
  • jessiperez10
    jessiperez10 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks ladies! Very true about Sharp words and stark cold honest facts.. ugh. I didn't think I ate much...the problem was that I was eating little bits ALL day! I too have found it useful to enter stuff ahead of time so I can change my mind! I did that today when I found out my large sweet tea was going to cost me an entire meal!!!!
  • JLervold86
    JLervold86 Posts: 93 Member
    I definitely will put food in prior to eating to see how it will make my numbers look for the day....I also will add different exercises to see how long I have to go to burn off the cookie that I want and do a cost/benefit analysis LOL