IV fluid weight gain



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    poodiebeer wrote: »
    These posts are very helpful. I just got out of the hospital from two days, nothing but IV s and medicine. The 8 pounds I gained actually scared me as I didn't know this could happen and was googling what could be wrong when I came across these posts. For me it brought peace of mind and I very much appreciate everyone who shared.

    Yes, give it time! Depending on what put you in the hospital, I'd generally encourage you not to go for a big calorie deficit (weight loss) while you're still recovering/healing. Adequate calories (close to maintenance) and good nutrition are helpers to recovery. Ask your doctor for guidance.

    If you have weight loss goals, those can pick up again once the acute phase of healing/recovery is passing. I didn't do that - instead kept losing - after a pretty minor surgery (laparoscopic gallbladder removal). I didn't have a major disaster, thankfully, but the impact on my energy level and strength was negative.
  • Jforeman2
    Jforeman2 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to think this group so much. Of course I’m happy to be home and on the mend after a emergency surgery for the lower intestine. I found myself in the hospital for six days and On IV for six days I literally ate nothing except for a couple of crackers and a few slices of peaches and water. I came home and got on my scale and was 12 pounds heavier I can’t believe it I was really just devastated as I take care of myself And I’ve had several previous surgeries that had drains and I did not have this situation just so glad to hear I’m not alone!
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,137 Member
    When you have major surgery, not only do you gain weight from IV fluids, but your body sends extra fluids to the traumatized area that you had surgery on, which also adds water weight. I had a 16 lb ovarian cyst removed, and only lost 10lbs from before surgery to immediately after surgery. The doctor told me I would continue to lose weight for several weeks after surgery. It is completely normal so you body will heal.
  • musicmommy4
    musicmommy4 Posts: 1 Member
    This thread was helpful to me too. I get weekly IVs for my POTS. That makes the scale do strange things.

    Because my IVs are so frequent, I was wondering how that impacted the number on the scale.