Bride needs to lose 100 lbs before her wedding

My wedding is 20 months away and I want to lose 100lbs. I have been going to the gym for a couple months but I finally just started dieting last week. So far I have lost 4 lbs. Eating right makes me feel great. I have a ton more energy and I have a much more positive attitude :)

Looking forward to marrying the love of my life and finding the new me!


  • Stefanie316
    Hey Emily!!

    You're a smart girl! With twenty months till your wedding you should be able to realistically attain your goals and you will feel FABULOUS! I would recommend joining Weight Watchers Online. It worked for me a few years's better than a regular diet b/c it changes your habits! (The food/calorie tracker on My Fitness Pal will prob work just as well! I think its just building the habit of tracking) will really change your habits!

    My sister joined WW online 2 months before my wedding (she was my maid of honor). She followed it religiously for those two months and dropped twenty pounds! Not only that but she looked and felt great!

    You're wedding is going to be the best day ever --- so exciting!

    PS i can almost guarantee that all the nerves/excitement/stress the 3 months before the wedding will make you automatically drop another ten pounds. every bride swears it happens...and it does! haha
  • uyent
    uyent Posts: 88 Member
    Lots of luck to you! add me if you like...uyent
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • dhwatts
    With 20 months you should have plenty of time! When I got married, I bought my dress in a size 9 in January , and at the time I was wearing an 18. That REALLY gave me an incentive to lose! I joined Weight Watchers and also joined an aerobic class and I wore that dress in September when I got married and it fit perfectly! I know you can do it! Good luck and Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  • TheShelterCat
    Welome aboard!!! You can totally lose 100 pounds in that time and congrats on your engagement!!!
  • Stacey_Lorraine
    Hey, My wedding is 20 months away aswell June 2013 and ideally i would like to loose 80-100lbs if you are intrested id be happy to be fitness pals with you and we can help eachother along as we have the same targets and time frame ^_^