A weird thing happened when lifting the other day...need adv

Went to Vegas last Thursday with the girls, and had a spa appointment on Friday morning. We drank Thursday night, and I had several vodka based beverages (first time drinking in a while), as well as several bottles of water.

Friday morning, I got up and went to the gym at the hotel (shocked at how many people were working out in the fitness center, but that's another post), and did some interval training on the Arc Trainer, and then worked chest on the bench with a 20lb bar. Then did skull crushers with a different 20lb bar. 3 sets of 12 each - pretty much to exhaustion.

Then, and here's where the injury comes in: I did 24s for biceps. On the 2nd set with a 20lb bar, I was doing the top to mid set and when I came up to my shoulder, my right bicep cramped and I couldn't get my arm straightened out again. I had to use my left arm to pull my right arm straight and then stretched it out.

I stopped lifting and started stretching. Then went into the sauna and sat for a bit before my massage appointment at the spa. I'm 3 days from that problem and am STILL having problems with my right arm! It's super sore and I still have a problem stretching it out.

Nothing like this has ever happened before and I still don't understand what even caused it. Was it dehydration? Did I pull it?


  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    I'd definitely go to a chiropractor. He takes care of all our owies and fixes them. :) no telling what exactly went wrong inside.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Chiropractor first..... if that doesn't help.... MRI..... Hope you get well soon....
  • rebmatthews2002
    Hi there, I worked out with a trainer on Friday last week and then over the weekend I couldn't straighten my right arm, it was really painful.. good old google search tells me it's quite common and a muscle strain (if it;s the same as me it hurts on the inside of your elbow not the actual bone joint). Anyway to cut a long story short, it's tuesday (4 days later) and is starting to feel much better today. Get some ice and rest and I'm sure it will get better in a couple of days.
  • melbaby925
    Thanks! I'll ice until I go to my chiro on Saturday.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I will say it's a muscle strain. Strains are actual tears in the muscle and vary in degrees.