Tough Mudder

Been thinking about doing this. 11-mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces. Printed out a workout regimen. Can't wait to get started and prove it all on January. If your feeling tough and want a challenge, check it out!


  • Im possibly signing up to do it in April :]
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    Tough Mudder is on my to-do list! I did a 10k mud run this spring and loved it.
  • Did it this summer. It really depends on where you do it in terms of what's "tough" about it. Here in Wisconsin it was at a ski resort, so the hardest part was running the long, steep hills (both up and down). We trained for weeks running hills and it paid off huge. If you decide to do it, have fun. It will be one of the most amazing athletic experiences of your life.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Are you doing the one in Phoenix in January? I'm training for that one now. I am so pumped about it! It's what's keeping me motivated to bust my rear in my workouts and eat better to fuel them.
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    South Texas in January
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I want to do it in Indiana in November :)
  • CountandBaxter
    CountandBaxter Posts: 31 Member
    I want to do the one in Dallas the last day in March. I have been looking into this and really can't wait to train.
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    I'm signed up for the April Tough Mudder looking for training tips. I want to be fully prepared. What type of training would be best for this?

    Lifting weights? Cardio?
  • paulso14
    paulso14 Posts: 8 Member
    Just did the Tough Mudder Norcal, training depends on the course you choose. Norcal was a lot of uphill (10miles) and some downhill (about 2-3). As far as training goes I started late June and added running generally around 15-20 miles per week. Trail running is best as most courses are not pavement. Weights were important (rope climb, berlin walls, monkey bars), mostly upper body triceps/shoulders/back. I did circuits with weights to help with upper body as well. If anyone has access to any street fitness equipment (sand bags/tires/bleachers) you should try and train with those too. Timing yourself in consecutive one minute intervals to do those things (besides bleachers). All I can say is train, train, train. The more pain you endure before the race, the less you endure during the race. It is worth it and so much fun! Good luck and maybe I'll see some of you at the Tough Mudder in PHX!

    PS: If anyone is curious about the best shoes for tough mudder, my partner who is a guy and I both recommend the Brooks Cascadia trail running shoe. They are amazing! Don't worry about breaking them in either, we bought ours a week before and they were perfect. Word to the wise: if the course will be on a rocky trail don't wear the vibram five finger shoes....we saw plenty of people hobbling during the race attributed to feeling all of the rocks on the course.
  • I also did Tough Mudder in NorCal. I ran with TEAM HULK on Sunday. We are 44 team mates strong (and growing). We ran hiking trails and the beach to help prep for the hill of Squaw Valley. Twice a week we do a boot camp at my gym. Mainly upper body workouts. I think the main challenge is just having the energy to run/walk/hike 10-13 miles. Each course can be picked apart and focus on that you think will be hard for you. We worked as a team so doing the wall were not a problem. All the hills wore me down. We started training for the SoCal TM this week. Good Luck.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Im going to do it in VT in the summer
  • Hello, I saw that you were looking into the tough mudder? I was thinking about doing the same exact one, in dallas but I am so out of shape and have never ran ten miles straight in my life. Have you been training for tough mudder
  • Jacksheadache
    Jacksheadache Posts: 30 Member
    I'll be at the south Texas one in January as well. rah!
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    My brother and I are running the Indianna one in a week and a half! Looks like I might see you there Scorpio! ;-) As far as training goes, I do a bootcamp like circuit training 3 days a week and have done a modified half marathon training schedule for the run. I also have a pull up bar at home that I've been using, although I will admit that I'm not the best at them. Unfortunately I've been out of commission workout wise for the last 2 weeks due to illness and some other crap, back on track now but hoping those missed workouts don't affect me too much on race day (i.e. I'd like to live through the race so I can drink my free, and well earned, beer!) For me this is my proof to myself that I am strong again and my weight loss journey is succeeding.