
Hi! Just joined and I'm excited to have a plan. I'm 57 and have a lot of weight to lose. My goal is to be a sexy 60. I'm done beating myself up for poor decisions. This is who I am and this is what I need. :)<3


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,303 Member
    Welcome to MFP @SistersDSB We sound very similar.

    Four years ago I was almost totally sedentary except for some basic yoga classes. I was so lumpy that when I flew, security would check my boobs and belly to make sure they were legit. I’ve had my boobs squoze by more German airport security frauleins than I care to remember.

    I started here at 56, and just turned 60. I started at 222+, lost 97, then made the conscious decision to increase weight because I was too low.

    In that time I’ve upped my yoga game to power yoga, added Pilates, running, aquafit, HIIT, cardio classes, and walked thousands of miles. I took up weights to build arm strength for yoga poses I wanted to accomplish, and darned if I didn’t enjoy weights, too. I just got a standup paddle board I can’t wait to try, and am chomping at the bit to reschedule a 150 mile walking trip in Spain that was originally scheduled for March 2020 (insert sarcastic Ha. Ha. Ha.) I went from a 22W to a size 2 or 4.

    It’s absolutely possible, but you have to stick to the plan like glue, and dust yourself off when you fall down - which you will fall down many many times along the way- and keep plugging away.

    Self forgiveness will be key, and giving yourself the grace to push through those weeks (or months) the scale doesn’t budge.

    My biggest weapon, besides my food scale, has been reading these boards, asking questions, and dipping into the Success Stories when I felt I couldn’t carry on.

    I hope you’ll be around here a lot!
  • Seabee_74
    Seabee_74 Posts: 26 Member
    First of all before I forget springlering62 is right on and the comment was very inspirational..
    My name is Joe. I recently retired so I have too much time on my hands that I'm not using properly..
    I joined MFP some years back when recommended by a friend.. I caught on right away exercising and logging all my food.. A scale will be one of your best friends. Don't guess at the amounts that you think you are eating..
    Anyway like your other responder quoted, you need others to help. It's too hard to do but yourself. There's lots of info and people to help you out here on MFP.. I am coming off of hopefully my last back surgery.. I've had 3 in the past 2 years and I've pretty much been sidelined because of it and I've gained back much of what I lost.
    Still under my doctor's care because of nerve pain in my legs, about a month ago I decided that I was coming back and I did.
    I go to the gym 3 times a week and plan out my meals, keeping under my calorie goals. I surprised myself how easy it was to start back up and I think one of the main reasons for that was that I know this works !!!
    Now I just need to find supportive friends once again because as I said you can't do this alone. Good luck on your journey and if you need another friend, I'm here.