Can't believe I'm even thinking this.....

I'm running my fist Half-Marathon on October 22nd....really damn excited about it. My training is going much much MUCH better than expected.

I've been running since May....started at like a 13 minute mile when I was 220lbs of pure lard.

When I learned to find my stride and could run for 5 miles without stopping, I got to thinking that I could do the half marathon, so I upped my training, and set a pretty lofty goal of 2:30:00 for the 13.1 miles.

Well, in 2 months, I've decided that I need to re-evaluate that goal. You see, I never expected to be able to run less than a 10 minute mile by the Half...but as the weight came off and I got stronger, the pace started to get faster.

I was challenged to do it in 2:22:00, and that was pretty lofty and wasn't even in the cards, but I accepted the's now not going to be a problem.

I ran a 3.6 mile trail race on Saturday....and I ran it in 32:39....which according to the official results was a 9:02 pace.

Now the Half-Marathon is fast and training runs are far from fast and flat, and I'm pacing a 9:30 mile over 9-10 miles (that included a bit of walking up one hill...they bit me today).

So I'm doing some calculating, adjusting for slowing throughout the race etc....and I can't believe I'm actually thinking that I might be able to run a SUB 2 HOUR Half-Marathon in my FIRST Half-Marathon after only 5 months of running.

It's a hell of a lofty goal, and maybe a bit un-realistic....but if I can maintain around a 9:10 pace, I think it's possible. When I did my trail race, the first mile or so was a paved road, and I did that in like 8:40 or 8:45 before the trail picked up and I started to slow a bit...crushed gravel leaves much to be desired in footing.

I don't know....the fact that I'm even thinking this means that it could very well be possible....but we'll see next month!!


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Wow, that's impressive!
    I'm working towards my first HM in February, and I'll be incredibly happy to do it in less than 2:30.... faster would be great but that seems realistic at this stage.
    Good luck with your training... just don't get so carried away with the faster pace and do yourself an injury!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    "Just do it!"
    There's nothing better than starting something that seems ridiculous and then finishing it. Be proud! You can do this!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Just keep working hard, getting in those long runs, and speedwork, and you may be able to do it. My bet is on YOU to reach that goal, especially since I know you're running those hills, pushing a stroller half the time!
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    Joe...your a beast. Just keep running through your goals like you have been doing this whole time and you will smash any marathon you set your mind to.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    That's inspiring. Best of luck.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Sounds great. Keep up the good work.
  • lumberjacks94
    lumberjacks94 Posts: 135 Member
    So great to hear about your training because it is good motivation. It is cooling down in Arizona so the runs are getting easier with the weather. I was even kind of cold the other morning. Hopefully I can get to where you're at one day! Keep letting us know about your progress.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    That's awesome work man, congrats! Running sure gets addictive, doesn't it, when you keep seeing progress? Keep it up!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Joe you are inspirational! That is all! :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    put a goal time on what you want to do and try to work for that...not too easy tho :)
    and a bloody good well done by the way x
  • Crystalchaos72
    You are a beast! That is all :) you go Joe!
  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    You are awesome and you can totally do it! I have been wanting to do a half marathon for quite some time. You have re-inspired me so to speak. Good luck to you!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You're a hero! I've been running 15 years and can't go faster than 12 minute miles for anything over three miles!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member

    I've got 3 more long runs scheduled until I start tapering, that should put me at 11 miles or so. And those runs will be hard as balls...too many hills LOL, but there will be quite a bit of straightaways as well so I can help my pace there and run a bit faster.

    My shorter runs will be about the same, as it's what I'm comfortable with (not alot of traffic etc with the stroller)....maybe go back to Sharon Woods and do 2 laps around the 2.6 mile lake path, there is next to no straightaways there and it's all up or down hills.

    I just have to come up with a good taper plan to keep my intensity up.
  • sarahkbarnes
    Go team!!!
  • ludgerclay
    ludgerclay Posts: 95 Member
    Wow! Seems like the training is going really well for you. A lot of people in your position would be suffering from some sort of over-use injury, but it sounds like you (like me) have been blessed with the ability to heal from those hard workouts. Keep in mind that your taper before the race is extremely important. It's the time when your body gets stronger, even though you're not putting in the speed work and higher mileages. As you taper you'll feel very energetic, and it will be really tempting to put in one last hard workout before the race, beware. Stick to a good taper plan and you'll be pumped on race day. Good luck!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member

    I've got 3 more long runs scheduled until I start tapering, that should put me at 11 miles or so. And those runs will be hard as balls...too many hills LOL, but there will be quite a bit of straightaways as well so I can help my pace there and run a bit faster.

    My shorter runs will be about the same, as it's what I'm comfortable with (not alot of traffic etc with the stroller)....maybe go back to Sharon Woods and do 2 laps around the 2.6 mile lake path, there is next to no straightaways there and it's all up or down hills.

    I just have to come up with a good taper plan to keep my intensity up.

    It sounds like you are well on your way with a great plan... and as you have built up your strength on those hills, you'll fly along that flat path!!
    Enjoy :smile:
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Thanks everyone!!

    Got the plan of action, get past this Half-Marathon, take a week off and then start training for my Full Marathon next May (hopefully, if I can get the cash for it LOL).
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    you are so motivated and dedicated! I'm putting my money on YOU!!!!! With all of the hills and and stroller pushing that you've been doing I think it is a very attainable goal!! Isn't it amazing what we can push our bodies to do?? I'd love to go under 2 as well..not sure it's going to happen this time around..but I can try!! :) You root for me on Oct 2nd and You know I'll be rooting for you on the 22nd!!!!!! :wink:
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Hello there, cariandy's friend! What an inspiration you are! I think with the determination you are exhibiting you will make your goal time without any doubt! Good luck! I'll be cheering you on!