This century-summer 2022

I've noticed the other conversations are from at least five years ago. Let's restart.
Anybody looking to trade tips?


  • SparklesCarmen1982
    SparklesCarmen1982 Posts: 20 Member
    Don't eat your children's leftovers? 🙈
  • mybentley7
    mybentley7 Posts: 32 Member
    Don't think of mayonnaise as a beverage.
  • Countandsubtract
    Countandsubtract Posts: 276 Member
    edited June 2022
    Yes, especially if your children are "fur children"-you'll understand why they beg for something ELSE to eat.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,698 Member
    If a thread is on the first page in a Community topic area, it has relatively recent content.

    Some popular threads started years back, so you'll see old posts on page 1. New posts are at the end, on high-numbered pages.

    There are many, many new posts here every day. Some are on old threads, some start new ones.
  • Countandsubtract
    Countandsubtract Posts: 276 Member
    Hey, I'm looking for a scientifically-backed excuse to lift with the same muscle groups on consecutive days. It's not like I'm lifting heavy and I've known people who have done push-ups every day. Is it really that different?

    I just find it easier to focus on one thing at a time for a while and getting out of the habit and restarting is a pain.

    Anyone got an excuse for me?
  • SparklesCarmen1982
    SparklesCarmen1982 Posts: 20 Member
    @Countandsubtract I might have to check the nutritional value of Iams cat food. Who knows, might be healthier 🤣. Not that there are any leftovers in the bowl ever
  • Countandsubtract
    Countandsubtract Posts: 276 Member
    edited June 2022

    Ha! Probably. It's not exactly like there's as much of an industry for cat junk food. (Count how many types of ice cream we have, add the fast food and every option of anything else with low nutritional value compared to the options for cat junk food.) Because the cats don't have a lot of say in what is purchased....or much disposable income.

    But manufacturers may not be as concerned about contaminants. (Chemicals, mouse poo, under-cooked meats.) Society gets a lot more upset about a child dying than a pet.
  • h3artgreen6478
    h3artgreen6478 Posts: 5 Member
    I’m recent here, really trying to lose the weight I’ve put on since moving to the U.S and the covid weight before then!! Tips? I’d love to hear some too.