Looking for motivation & friends

I need some people to conversate with that are also trying to lose weight. A little about me: I'm 34, 5'8, and currently trying to lose weight in hopes that I will be able to get pregnant.


  • JCsJourney
    JCsJourney Posts: 8 Member
    Sent ya an invite. I could def use some new friends and motivation to stay on track.
  • Amya2861
    Amya2861 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! I am in
  • dweals1
    dweals1 Posts: 1 Member
    I need motivation and accountability as well. I'm looking to start and maintain healthy habits and lose weight and inches. I have colitis and need to keep my body in check.
  • chriseditcool
    chriseditcool Posts: 39 Member
    Hello there I would love to have as a friend and encourage you on your healthy journey. I too am trying to lose weight.
  • lyn_2013
    lyn_2013 Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me!