September 3kg loss challenge!!! welcome back ladies!



  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I was thinking of starting a running programme too. I usually just run for however long/far I feel like at the time but lately I've been running faster and not going as far so I think it would be good for me to have something to follow. How many weeks long is the Couch 2 10k?

    I think it is either 15 or 16 weeks. :flowerforyou:
  • aoifebr
    Hi everyone

    Sorry I've been MIA, I normally use the app on my phone so no forum access... I hope you all survived the weekend it look like a couple may have struggled.

    So I've weight in twice - both moves in the right direction woohoo - I'm now at 84.6. I'm off to the USA in October so my last official weight in will be the 28th of september. It would be amazing if I was under 82kg but I know thats a huge ask so I'm definitely not holding my breath. :noway:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    aoifebr - best of luck! :flowerforyou:

    I've been feeling like I've kind of fallen off track a little bit with my weight loss for the past two weeks. I think the turning point for me was starting my new job. With my old job I was always open after 5 or 6pm and I'm a night workout person, so I'd pretty much go to the gym every night. I'd do a lot of workout classes there that were at 5:30, 6:30 or 7pm. Since starting my new job I get off at 7pm many nights and that means I miss the classes, since I don't get to the gym until around 7:30. It also means that I miss working out with my workout buddies, who go to the gym after they get off work at 5pm. But I think the hardest part for me is missing the classes, because I love the variety of doing Zumba, bootcamp classes, TRX, kickboxing, etc. So I'm having a hard time motivating myself to go right now. :frown: I need a big motivational kick in the butt right now!!! :explode:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    aoifebr - best of luck! :flowerforyou:

    I've been feeling like I've kind of fallen off track a little bit with my weight loss for the past two weeks. I think the turning point for me was starting my new job. With my old job I was always open after 5 or 6pm and I'm a night workout person, so I'd pretty much go to the gym every night. I'd do a lot of workout classes there that were at 5:30, 6:30 or 7pm. Since starting my new job I get off at 7pm many nights and that means I miss the classes, since I don't get to the gym until around 7:30. It also means that I miss working out with my workout buddies, who go to the gym after they get off work at 5pm. But I think the hardest part for me is missing the classes, because I love the variety of doing Zumba, bootcamp classes, TRX, kickboxing, etc. So I'm having a hard time motivating myself to go right now. :frown: I need a big motivational kick in the butt right now!!! :explode:


    that was your kick missy!!!!!!!
    you need to get back into it!!!!! you are doing too well to just stop!
    you dont need those classes, sure they are fun, but this is a time now where you need to make up your own stuff, you know the moves, just incorporate that into a routine for yourself!
    get into some weights and start toning and getting muscle to burn more fat!!!

    downlload the nike app on your phone it has amamzing invertval workouts at home or gym!!!
    you CAN do this and there is no excuses with the new work lovey!
    (sorry not harshness meant) but we cant keep making escucses why we arent loosing weight!

    this week i have eaten badly, i may have worked out ok but not great im only running, i need to be doing weights and some other cardio as well.... i have no excuse but the fact i have lost motivation. yeah sure timing and weather are a factor but its my own fault, im the only person putting that food in my mouth and im the only person saying stop now your tired when i know i can go more!!!

    lets not have ANY excuses this week and really tell ourselves off and start become the boss not our brains!

    goodluck xx
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I tried to find the programme for couch to 10k but couldn't find it anywhere online.

    Sounds like everyone is struggling a bit at the moment. We can do this guys!! I know we can!!
    My exercise has really gone downhill and my sisters flying down to visit me tomorrow for a couple of days which means i'm not likely to get much exercise in and will won't be eating that well but I will try my best.
  • k3lly89
    Hey girls,

    Keep at it you can do it!!!

    My eating has been okay - trying to keep my portions smaller. Have started either walking or running after dinner also. I got down to 50.5 on Sunday but I'm back up to 51kgs - hoping it may go down tomorrow :)

    I've going to try work out all week instead of having the weekend off.
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    aoifebr - best of luck! :flowerforyou:

    I've been feeling like I've kind of fallen off track a little bit with my weight loss for the past two weeks. I think the turning point for me was starting my new job. With my old job I was always open after 5 or 6pm and I'm a night workout person, so I'd pretty much go to the gym every night. I'd do a lot of workout classes there that were at 5:30, 6:30 or 7pm. Since starting my new job I get off at 7pm many nights and that means I miss the classes, since I don't get to the gym until around 7:30. It also means that I miss working out with my workout buddies, who go to the gym after they get off work at 5pm. But I think the hardest part for me is missing the classes, because I love the variety of doing Zumba, bootcamp classes, TRX, kickboxing, etc. So I'm having a hard time motivating myself to go right now. :frown: I need a big motivational kick in the butt right now!!! :explode:

    You can do it because you are AWESOME!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    My weigh in was a little flat - no loss but no gain *sigh*
    I honestly thought as I was allowed back to work this week that I would just pick up where I left off and exercise....Wrong!
    I can not believe how utterly exhausted I am :sad:
    My daughter helped to clarify things last night, as she told me to lay off myself lol. and explained that after 2 weeks of no stop coughing, antibiotics (I'm allergic to), no more than 2 hours sleep each night and now 10 hour days, I shouldn't be surprised that I have no energy.
    I've discovered that having adult children can help a lot...but why must they be right so often :laugh:

    So excuse me if I just exercise a little this week, I will watch what I eat but more importantly I am going to sleep.
    Have a lovely day tomorrow everyone, each one of you is special ((hugs))
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    I tried to find the programme for couch to 10k but couldn't find it anywhere online.

    Sounds like everyone is struggling a bit at the moment. We can do this guys!! I know we can!!
    My exercise has really gone downhill and my sisters flying down to visit me tomorrow for a couple of days which means i'm not likely to get much exercise in and will won't be eating that well but I will try my best.

    why dont you incorporate exercise and your sister. istead of sitting having ocffee catching up, go for a walk together or do a gym class??
    make healthy muffins or slice or bars to sit down with instead of buying high sugar and carb cakes and stuff??
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Hey girls,

    Keep at it you can do it!!!

    My eating has been okay - trying to keep my portions smaller. Have started either walking or running after dinner also. I got down to 50.5 on Sunday but I'm back up to 51kgs - hoping it may go down tomorrow :)

    I've going to try work out all week instead of having the weekend off.

    just add in a 30min walk on sat and sunday in the morning, then you know you hav done something and walking isnt a drag like running and high intensity exercise.
    give it ago and see if there is a difference this week :)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I tried to find the programme for couch to 10k but couldn't find it anywhere online.

    Sounds like everyone is struggling a bit at the moment. We can do this guys!! I know we can!!
    My exercise has really gone downhill and my sisters flying down to visit me tomorrow for a couple of days which means i'm not likely to get much exercise in and will won't be eating that well but I will try my best.

    why dont you incorporate exercise and your sister. istead of sitting having ocffee catching up, go for a walk together or do a gym class??
    make healthy muffins or slice or bars to sit down with instead of buying high sugar and carb cakes and stuff??

    We went ice skating today and for a walk. Thankfully she likes to eat healthy too so the food choices themselves are fine it's more the amount of food. I don't think I'll gain this week but probably wont lose anything either.
  • aoifebr
    So it looks like a couple of people are stuggling out there - I was too the weekend/begining of this week (I have tonsilitis & gave in to comfort food now the scales is back to 84.5 from 83 :sad: but I did it to myself & only in 2 days)

    @seajolly - what time do you start work? maybe there is a morning class you can do instead - believe me I was NOT a morning person but a few months ago I started bootcamp & now wake early every morning plus I feel so much better every day as I know my workout is done & I dont stress about getting out on work on time to make it. Just an idea. Could you go get some fresh air at lunch - when you work until late in the evenings it can make things harder as its getting dark when you get home (I have no idea where you are but its like that in oz and it killed me I felt like I was just going to work & bed!)

    @aegira - your daughter is right!!! When your sick your body needs time to recover, take it slowly. Your muscles will react different when you do start working out again but first you need enough sleep for your cells to recover. As I've learned food is a BIG factor so keep your eating on track & it will help your body get back to full strenght so you can get back to the gym etc.

    One of my MFP friends has a saying - "every choice you make about what you put in your body and how you move your body will either move you one step closer to your goal/good health or one step further away" we all have excuses but ultimately we make the decision....

    You ladies know what you can achieve, you know why your on this journey & you can do it!!!! :smooched:
  • freeloaves
    hey ladies, I've had a really stressful week. My bf got sick and stranded in kangaroo-land and then my darling little budgie died :( so I had 1/3 of a cheesecake for comfort food

    I started 30DS again tonight. *kitten*, I forgot how hard it was! I endured it all, but was panting!!! I've ordered some kickboxing gear to work it out at home.

    I want to, in a years time, reach GW (so dropping 20kgs) so I can get my final tattoo and have my beautiful Russ placed in that tattoo. So I'm doing this for her, and for myself.

    If I get to GW sooner, ACE!!! But I don't want to set myself up for failure (having pcos makes it harder to lose also).

    My mini goal is to finish 30ds this time :embarassed: and drop a dress size in time for my friends wedding (so in a month).

    I'm ignoring the scales. The make me feel deflated. I will weigh in end of month for this challenge and end of 30DS.

    I think we should do this group monthly! It's great to have a small group :):flowerforyou:
  • k3lly89
    So this morning is weigh day for me - just checked and it was 50.4kgs :) 0.4kgs away from my goal! But I don't no if I should log this because of being sick yesterday and hardly eating anything, it is likely to go up so I'll weigh in tomorrow instead!

    Hope you have all had a good week girls
  • aoifebr
    Good luck Freeloaves - it sounds like a stressful week but I think your realistic & positive outlook will see you through 30DS - you know you can do, you have amazing motivation without the distraction of the scales. :happy: Keep me/us updated on how you go - I want to do it when I get back from my holiday...

    Wow Kelly your so close to your goal but I think your right the scales might be a bit different tomorrow. I bet you can taste your goal your so close WELL DONE!!!! :bigsmile:

    I really struggled this morning to get up & go to PT - I'm so glad I did 55kg deadlift & trx (I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow). Didnt have the motivation to walk across the harbour in the rain so cheated with the bus :ohwell:

    When I got home I collapsed in from of the tv & have just watched a documentary about the Hawaii Ironman - its CRAZY!!! A 2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25 km) bike and a marathon (26.2 miles - 42.195 km) run - these athletes are amazing I was literarily yelling at the tv willing them to cross the finish line (yes I know it wasnt live but god they were putting their bodies through torture in incredible humidity for 10 hours!!!!) Can you imagine it?!? It re-enforced for me that our body's are amazing if we fuel them right & give them the opportunity to prove to us what they can do... They're my motivation before my next weight in on Wednesday (last one before my holiday)

    Good luck everyone only a couple of days left in our september challenge - we can do it!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Wow that ironman sounds intense! I really admire those guys for having the determination and discipline to that.

    I've lost 0.4kg this week which i'm happy with considering my sisters visit and not getting much exercise. It will be good to get back into going to the gym this week. I have my first PT session on tuesday which I'm both nervous and excited about and have started 30DS again but I jumped to level 2 because I was getting so bored with level 1!

    I definately think I can reach my goal this month for the first time! Not long to go now. Keep it up ladies! Hope everyone is having a great weekend
  • freeloaves
    We're doing a biggest loser thing at work. So now I have people around me, it's def gonna push me some more! It's going over 12 weeks.

    Also my chiropracter has put me on no starch diet. Urgh, hard. But I'm gonna try it. *eats muffin*

    My boxing gear has arrived. Quite pissed off - there should have been a skipping rope and the pads aren't very big, but we'll work around that.

    Day 3 of 30DS tonight. I'm getting a cold. This sucks.
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    We're doing a biggest loser thing at work. So now I have people around me, it's def gonna push me some more! It's going over 12 weeks.

    Also my chiropracter has put me on no starch diet. Urgh, hard. But I'm gonna try it. *eats muffin*

    My boxing gear has arrived. Quite pissed off - there should have been a skipping rope and the pads aren't very big, but we'll work around that.

    Day 3 of 30DS tonight. I'm getting a cold. This sucks.

    thats awesome!!!!!!
    biggest loser at work, tell me about it????
    wats your diet looking like with no starchy stuff??
    but thats good you have lots to follow and its good to ahve a plan and things to stick too. its when you have everything at hand you go wrong so its awesome a club and a diet plan! :)

    you will blitz this!
  • aoifebr
    Great work Leanne - mega impressed with the loss given the change to your routine. Good luck with the PT let us know what he/she gets you to do.

    Freeloaves - How does the low starch work I dont think I ever heard of that... Biggest loser at work sounds amazing what a great commitment from your boss. Are many participating? Is there a prize? How great if they also paid for your PT...

    I have only 1 more day till weight in AGH!!!! How's everyone else going?
  • freeloaves
    The biggest loser thing isn't really a circulated thing - it's just private between 3 of us :) Winner just wins the pride haha

    The no starch thing is HARD! I love my carbs. It's almost like the aitkens diet. It's called the GAPS diet (guts and psychology) and I won't cut it out FULLY (I just can't do that) but I'm already being pretty good and not having much. I do eat a lot of carbs and it's best to start cutting back now, as they do stuff around with your insulin levels and I already have a bit of a resistance having PCOS and all.
  • aoifebr
    @freeloaves - I'll look up GAPS diet, good luck with the challenge.

    So weight in day today...

    SW: 86.6kg (last weight in, this morning was 87)
    TW: 83kg
    CW: 82.4kg

    I'm pretty chuffed about that given how I was tracking over the past couple of weeks & my extended plateau. I'm a little disappointed I didnt hit my 12 week challenge goal of 77kg. My scan showed I've lost 6kg of fat so the next focus is to reduce my BF% :bigsmile: but not until after my holiday...

    Where is everyone? There seems to be a lot of quiet people out there....