Eating out/Weekends/Drinking RUIN my diet success! Help!!!



  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    I promote clubs/events at night. When I'm not doing either of those, I I'm ALWAYS in the clubs/bars getting fed drinks all night...

    Sorry, I'm going to wave the BS flag here. You asked, I'm answering.

    I've bartended and managed bars in the past and never have I worked anywhere where we were allowed to drink on the job. A drunk bartender is a liability - both physically and financially. I've also been involved in product promotion. Whatever product you are promoting - I can guarantee you aren't promoting it in the way the company envisioned if you're doing it while drinking (especially if you're drinking 6+ drinks!). Think about it. You can do a much better job AND lose weight should you choose to make the right choices.

    While promoting - Just because someone hands you a drink doesn't mean you have to drink the whole thing. Take a sip and put it down. SPILL it, LOSE it, DUMP it... whatever, just don't drink it. Pretty simple.

    If someone at the bar buys you a drink when you're tending, say thank you, charge him for the drink and put the cash in the tip jar (just don't let them see you do it).

    You are CHOOSING to do this. So, in effect, you are CHOOSING to derail yourself. The weekends aren't ruining your diet sucess... YOU ARE.

    Again, sorry... but you asked.

    Agree ^^^^^^^ 100%
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I promote clubs/events at night. When I'm not doing either of those, I I'm ALWAYS in the clubs/bars getting fed drinks all night...

    Sorry, I'm going to wave the BS flag here. You asked, I'm answering.

    I've bartended and managed bars in the past and never have I worked anywhere where we were allowed to drink on the job. A drunk bartender is a liability - both physically and financially. I've also been involved in product promotion. Whatever product you are promoting - I can guarantee you aren't promoting it in the way the company envisioned if you're doing it while drinking (especially if you're drinking 6+ drinks!). Think about it. You can do a much better job AND lose weight should you choose to make the right choices.

    While promoting - Just because someone hands you a drink doesn't mean you have to drink the whole thing. Take a sip and put it down. SPILL it, LOSE it, DUMP it... whatever, just don't drink it. Pretty simple.

    If someone at the bar buys you a drink when you're tending, say thank you, charge him for the drink and put the cash in the tip jar (just don't let them see you do it).

    You are CHOOSING to do this. So, in effect, you are CHOOSING to derail yourself. The weekends aren't ruining your diet sucess... YOU ARE.

    Again, sorry... but you asked.


    There is no one holding a gun to your head saying that you have to drink... so stop. All this alcohol and fatty food is doing nothing for your health.. and your never going to get where you want at the rate you're going.
  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    Easy...grow up.
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    I agree with what most have said. When losing weight and being healthy is truly a priority for you, NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING will stand in your way. Until will hang onto your excuses. And right now, you are making alot of them.

    But you're not alone with the excuse making...I made many myself after I turned 40. (Losing weight is hard after 40; maybe its time for me to accept that this is my weight and be happy; I can't do that--I have a bad back; excuse...excuse...excuse).

    Eventually I got sick and tired of being sick and tired and did something about it. NO MORE EXCUSES! But during my journey, I kept my Friday and Saturdays as FREE days. Ate and drank whatever I wanted....Sunday thru Thurs were my calorie counting and workout days. 22 lbs later, this is still my practice today.

    Lastly, I am giving you this piece of advice because I once was a 20-something gal....The first time I noticed a huge natural decrease in my metabolism was at 28. I couldn't eat and drink as much as I used to without gaining. Thereafter, it seemed every couple of years my metabolism slowed some more. And now...I am not sure I even have a metabolism. (Just joking, I know I do..but I think it is working against me :happy: ). Be careful of bringing too much extra weight into your will be harder to lose. Just an FYI!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Rule # 76: no excuses!!! play like a champion!!

    you need discipline and motivation to get to your goals. no one is forcing you to over drink and over eat. you allow yourself to do these things, and it's as simple as that.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I think there are some terribly judgmental people on here...

    I do not think it's unreasonable for a young girl to want to have fun with her friends (and I do get the industry scene, I've been there). I probably go out a little less than I used to, but when I do it's usually to bars/clubs with my friends and fiance. In college I could down 6-8 shots and a few beers in a night, Thursday-Sunday. Now I go out out usually Friday and Saturday and sometimes on a weeknight, but really limit my drinking to 1-2 drinks at the bar...or none. I am extremely conscious about what I eat before hand and workout hard. I think if you are able to carry a soda water with a lime, or a small diet coke, people are much less nosey (I've been asked if I was pregnant before, too! So rude!). Like others said, eliminate snacks from your apartment/hotel room to minimize late night snacking. OR factor your snacks into your daily calories. I think planning is most important.

    Good luck! You can add me if you need support...from one former drunk party girl to another!
  • Gillby
    Gillby Posts: 22 Member
    As others have said, you can't have your cake and eat it. If you want to binge drink and satisfy the munchies then you might as well stop wasting your time dieting.
    Generally people start a diet / healthy eating and exercise regime because they want to repair or better their body. For most it's not just to be 'hot and skinny' but to be in a healthy weight range and to have improved their physical health.
    Good luck with what you choose but you can't possibly expect to have both.
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member

    And, yes, for all of those who said to just quit the lifestyle, I'm sure that would solve all my problems....but unfortunately, at this time in my life, I cant.

    My job IS to be in bars/clubs (I guess I should of added this in the begining). I work A LOT w/3 jobs, I'm in Sales (traveling) during the day and then I promote clubs/events at night. When I'm not doing either of those, I I'm ALWAYS in the clubs/bars getting fed drinks all night...

    Again, this is a lifestyle I just cannot give up at this point in my life, the money is too good. But I guess its going to have to be something to consider if I want to live a healthier life....

    I have to agree with the poster who called BS on this one. You most certainly CAN change your lifestyle, at ANY TIME. It is YOUR LIFE. What you probably meant to say was "at this time in my life, I WON'T".

    I understand it's your job to be at bars and promote events, but I still fail to see why you HAVE to have 6-7 drinks while there. That is entirely your choice, and I find it pretty hard to believe that your employer wants you to be drinking that much while supposedly working.

    As a 26 yr old female myself, I do know what you feel like. It was less than a year ago that I was struggling with my own partying life style. Going out drinking with friends 4-5 nights a week. You absolutely do not need to STOP going out or STOP drinking to change your lifestyle, but you should try gradually cutting back until you find a balance that's good for you. For me, I still go out at least once a week usually to have some drinks with friends. I just approach it entirely different now. If I know I'm going to be drinking later on, I make sure I eat enough and try to exercise more that day to account for the extra calories I'll be ingesting. Instead of going out 4-5 nights, I try to only go out 1-2 nights.

    I agree with what most everybody says in this thread. It's not that we're trying to be judgmental, it's that we've all most likely been at the exact same spot you are in now. We know you have to stop making these excuses and start putting the responsibility on yourself, because only then will you truly be able to make the changes you need and believe me, you'll feel SO MUCH BETTER when you do.

    I thought changing my lifestyle would mean I got to hang out with my friends less, or not have as much fun and it's simply not the case at all. Everything in moderation is such a good way to look at it.
  • pheelgrateful
    I agree that it is a good idea to not have snack food in the house. I was told once that it is easier to say no once in the store than 10 times at home. I also agree on just working out a ton before you go out, take your vitamins, and just snack through the day and drink as much as you want 1-2 times a week.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    I drink mostly Vodka and Diet Coke, but I'll have 6 or 7 drinks a night which puts me way over my calorie limit for the I usually snack after at a late night diner or what ever I have at home....

    Six or seven drinks a night, four nights a week? Really? Time to grow up, hon. You're not in college anymore. And as you've already realized, you can't lose weight this way.

    As others have said, just control yourself.