Tuesday Hot Topic!

Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
Ladies, Makeup to work or no?

I've always been a au natural kind of gal, but I'm trying something new

***this is kind of a funny topic looking at my profile pic


  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    For me it totally depends on how much time i have. Some times it's glasses and no makeup, sometimes contacts and makeup, i do not do makeup everyday, that is for sure:)
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    LOL I only wear mascara to work - with blonde eyelashes I look like I have none without it!
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    Starting your roll early today huh A?
  • Samuisunshine
    Mascara and a bit of lip gloss, that's it!
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    Light make up every day for me!
    My foundation is a powdered mineral type and it has an SPF of 25 which means I am protecting my face everyday too!! Yay! :happy:

    Hopefully keeping the fine lines at bay for as long as possible. :wink:
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Starting your roll early today huh A?
    Depends on how busy I get.

    It's not looking like I'll be that busy. Too damned efficient.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I'm currently unemployed but when I was working, make-up was reserved for business meetings or business functions; I absolutely hate the feel of it on my face. I did start using the bare minerals stuff from Sephora though and that was a bit better.
    Now, make-up is reserved for special occasions. When I get employed again, I guess it'll be a judgement call at that point.
  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member
    I wear a lick of mascara and blusher for work and cover up any dodgy spots! But I try and make it as natural as possible and barely any.

    I will then take my make-up wipes to work with me if I am going straight to the gym from work as I CANNOT STAND wearing make-up to workout.

    Seeing people wearing a full face of slap to the gym REALLY gets my goat!

    But back to make-up for work...

    I try and wear as little as possible so that I can define between day-time and night-time, so I feel a bit more special on a night out or special occasion!
  • JulieBoBoo
    When I worked in a professional setting I did put on lipstick and eyeliner every morning (it was usually worn off by 10 a.m.). When I worked in a call centre I didn't bother. I think it depends on the environment and on your personal preference.
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    I have to be at work at 4am...as long as I'm clean and can manage to get the sleep out of my eyes I could care less about make up..... Plus if I try to put it on I'm scared I may put an eye out with the eye liner or mascara brush.....:noway:
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    No one wants to see me without make up! I just wear eye make up but it makes me look like I got some sleep!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I only wear make-up on two occasions: Holidays (only for the party aspect) and when I totally feel like crap. My motto is, fake it until you make it, so if I look really good, I usually feel like isht.
  • AreneeG31
    AreneeG31 Posts: 256 Member
    None on today! depends on time! LOL
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Yes,I always wore make up to worke
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Yes. Almost always if I'm out, ALWAYS at work, but not at the gym (that I will never understand - full makeup and then you sweat and need to shower?). It's about looking polished and "finished" as opposed to looking half dead. Of course, the younger you are, the easier it is to go without it.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I only wear make-up on two occasions: Holidays (only for the party aspect) and when I totally feel like crap. My motto is, fake it until you make it, so if I look really good, I usually feel like isht.

    I'm the same way. The better I look(this only applies to work) the worse I feel. funny.

    But honestly I feel so much more confident and attractive, I kind of like it.
    Of course it means no snooze button.
  • laurad1406
    I wear a little bit of powder to give my face a little color and some mascara, that's usually it. Helps me look like I'm awake haha. Plus I'm in HR i meet with people constantly, so I feel like I have to put forth at least a little effort :grumble:

    but like someone else said, full make up is reserved for nights out! I want a difference to be noticeable!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I wear 12 or 24 hour lipstick and mascara every day. Occasionally I will wear more for special occasions, but, for work, those two would be it.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    just eyeliner and mascara (otherwise my eyes look small and people ask if I'm feeling OK).

    Basically that's about all I ever wear, but I have one co-worker who is made up like a Geisha every day...its actually quite humorous. I'm sure she thinks people look at her because she looks good, but I suspect they're actually horrified!