Accountability Buddy Needed

I need an accountability partner for my weight loss journey, which I started today.
I am trying to lose at least 100 pounds.


  • beabria
    beabria Posts: 541 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hi @BunnyDutchess, I'm in the same boat. What are you looking for in an accountability partner?
  • DW1Texas
    DW1Texas Posts: 131 Member
    Morning BunnyDutchess

    Community and encouragement are a big part of losing weight and more important getting and staying healthy. 100lbs is a lot to lose, but it can be done - hundreds of people have great success stories on MFP about losing - those success stories can be good motivators - seeing others have done the things you want to do helps/helped motivate me.

    If I may offer a few suggestions - as I lost a significant amount of weight a few years ago - put some back on with COVID but now working to lose it again.

    1. Try not to focus on the big number - obviously set that as your final goal to work towards but set some intermediate goals as well - give yourself some recognition as you begin to lose the weight.
    2. You know all of these things - but try to do a combo of healthy eating and healthy workouts - and really should not think of it as a diet - it has to be more of a change in lifestyle and habits.
    3. Habit breaking was hard for me - first couple of weeks breaking bad habits - changing up routines - is hard.
    4. Prepare ahead of time as much as you can - whether that be healthy snacks - grab and go meals - healthy drink options etc. Having something ready when that craving hits or a last minute schedule change to keep you on track can give you the extra push to stay consistent. Likewise, many times when we feel hungry we are actually thirsty - there are some great sugar free drinks/mixes that I keep handy to get me through some of those tough patches or instead of grabbing a snack I will drink one of those until the next meal.
    5. Accountability - support-accountability and encouragement can go a long way. Get a good group of friends both in your local community to work out with, or hang out with and a good group on MFP.
    6. Lastly what works for some will not work for others - trial and error - find what works for you.

    Best of luck.