Kinda stupid... but... Cal Question

I can't seem to eat all the calories I am supposed to. On a 1,200 cal a day diet, I am left with several hundred cals a day! I mean I know better than to just eat a few random cookies to fill it up but I have always heard that you need to eat at least your min amount a day. Can I carry those leftover cals over till the weekend and not worry as much? HELP!!


  • preecer
    preecer Posts: 5
    I can't seem to eat all the calories I am supposed to. On a 1,200 cal a day diet, I am left with several hundred cals a day! I mean I know better than to just eat a few random cookies to fill it up but I have always heard that you need to eat at least your min amount a day. Can I carry those leftover cals over till the weekend and not worry as much? HELP!!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    short answer: no.

    try upping your morning calories. A lot of us neglect our intake in the morning. Here's a list of higher cal, healthy foods you should consider to up your daily intake:

    avacado, bananas, grapes, potatos, yams, nuts, seeds, salmon, beef, milk, cheese, whole grains: breads, crackers, pastas, peanut butter, olive oil, eggs
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I can't seem to eat all the calories I am supposed to. On a 1,200 cal a day diet, I am left with several hundred cals a day! I mean I know better than to just eat a few random cookies to fill it up but I have always heard that you need to eat at least your min amount a day. Can I carry those leftover cals over till the weekend and not worry as much? HELP!!

    Ok I don't mean to sound rude but how did you gain your weight if you can't even eat 1200 calories a day?
    To answer your question
    No calories don't roll over- everyday is a new day your body doesn't say "Oh these calories are from Monday"
    1200 calories seems really low that is the BARE MIN to eat but that doesn't mean that its the magic #-
    How many calories were you eating a day before you decided to lose the weight? Have you ever tried to track the food you used to eat daily to see what it totals?
  • sonia2
    sonia2 Posts: 154
    :huh: I guess I don't understand how that can happen. I have to exercise so I can eat and not starve! I am on a 1300 cal/day, and if I don't exercise, I go over starving. I don't think you can carry them. You must eat your calories or you wont lose weight as effectively.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: It would be great if you could, but no, you can't save your calories for the weekend. Your body needs nutrition. Take a look at what you're eating for breakfast
    maybe a bit of fruit or protein or dairy would be a good addition. Take a look at the nutrients you're getting. make sure you're getting enough protein, carbs, calcium

    Take it one day at a time and take baby steps.:bigsmile:
  • beagle595
    beagle595 Posts: 226
    Eat some raw almonds, ground Flax Seed, 100 % whole wheat/whole grain bread with some olive oil on it.. But like everyone else said you can't cross over calories from day to day. Good luck and Be well! :flowerforyou:
  • preecer
    preecer Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone! This site recommended the 1,200 cal/day and yes I am tracking what I eat by using this site. I usually have a slimfast for breakfast, a huge salad for lunch, and something quick for dinner usually a grilled chicken breast, baked potato, and corn or like tonight I stopped and got a Happy Meal for McD's. I gained this weight from having 2 kids, a ton of stress, and not being very active. The problem is now that I have the weight it wants to stay!! I was 110 at 20yo and now I'm 204 at 32yo, that's just not something I'm willing to be! I want to lose this weight but I want to do it the healthy way! I guess I will take another look at what I'm eating and add too it.

  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i would skip the slim fast and eat something else. also, add protien to your lunches. snack on cheese, fruit, almonds, peanut butter - add to apples or bananas, yum! - and just find little ways to bump up 100-200 calories per meal. you are on the right track, just need some adjusting!
  • laird20k
    laird20k Posts: 96 Member
    Add milk or milk products to your diet. Personally I like skim milk. You should have three servings a day - they say 3 servings help you lose fat lbs not muscle. I usually have only 2 glasses but it adds about 180 calories to my day.
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    I'll take your extra how much you want for them
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Thanks everyone! This site recommended the 1,200 cal/day and yes I am tracking what I eat by using this site. I usually have a slimfast for breakfast, a huge salad for lunch, and something quick for dinner usually a grilled chicken breast, baked potato, and corn or like tonight I stopped and got a Happy Meal for McD's. I gained this weight from having 2 kids, a ton of stress, and not being very active. The problem is now that I have the weight it wants to stay!! I was 110 at 20yo and now I'm 204 at 32yo, that's just not something I'm willing to be! I want to lose this weight but I want to do it the healthy way! I guess I will take another look at what I'm eating and add too it.


    My dear, you will never lose your weight eating like that. You should eating at least 1400 cals, exercising and not eat Happy meals. Switch your baked potato to sweet one, and corn to something other than inloluble starch. Don't get me wrong, I love Happy Meals, but I opt for their salad with grilled chicken. It's hard and I too am trying to make changes especially with my nutrition to drop my last 12 lbs. You have to be honest with everything you put in your mouth too. I sometimes forget the misc. bites of stuff, and then kick myself-(esp. Costco tastings). So hang in there, if you need anything let me know. I'm "somewhat" educated on all this, exercise and supplements.:drinker:
  • tsinclair
    tsinclair Posts: 11
    I'll take your extra how much you want for them

  • cwegner
    cwegner Posts: 2
    I'm REALLY glad you asked this question. I've only been doing this for 6 days and thought the goal was not to go over the calories recommended (1,200). I naturally thought that I should try to stay under it so set my own goal at 1,100. Then I thought I should not eat those exercise calories since I would lose weight faster. (My goal is to lose 25 pounds). I just looked at the report and 4 (the days I exercised) of my 6 days showed that I had consumed only 900 calories. I lost 3 pounds the first three days and then got on the scale this morning and I had gained a pound.

    After being really ticked off, I decided to read isessage board. I guess my lesson on this is slow makes the grade and do what you are told. So I will eat my 1200 calories and when I exercise, I should eat those too. Losing a pound a week is my goal.

    Am I right here?
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Yes you should be eating more. Have you determined what your BMR(basal metabolic rate) is? You can go under tools on this site to calculate your BMR--some people check it on a few different sites and use the average. The BMR is the amount of calories your body needs in one day to sustain basic functioning like breathing, and doesn't include calories for daily activities like getting dressed, working. You should not be eating below your BMR--and the bigger one's body is the more calories it takes to sustain it.

    there are a lot of informative threads on the site about how to figure out the calories you should be eating, they are pinned to the top of the forum lists. Please read up on the starvation mode threads...
    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • criztawl
    criztawl Posts: 34
    I don`t see how the site can be telling you to only eat 1200 calories a day. That one chick said she`s above 200lbs ... so am I and the site is saying I should have 1450 calories a day. Also if you`re exercising you can eat some of those calories, the site automatically enters them to mix with your other calories.
  • papersparrow
    papersparrow Posts: 31 Member
    I'll take your extra how much you want for them

    Hahah :heart:

    Too bad our bodies aren't like cell phone plans. Wouldn't 'roll over' calories be fun?
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    I'll take your extra how much you want for them

    Hahah :heart:

    Too bad our bodies aren't like cell phone plans. Wouldn't 'roll over' calories be fun?
    at one point in my life I was rolling over the calories:laugh: :sad: :laugh: :sad: