Loosing Weight-Accountability Partners!

I’m a 24 year old entrepreneur and travel nurse. I have always been curvy, and small. Now I have gained weight over the course of college years and after. My target weight is below 200 pounds. I am weighing in at 245 at the moment. I am looking for an accountability partner doesn’t matter where! I love this new app I downloaded I am becoming mindful of a lot of things I consume. I learned since downloading the app that I have high sodium, high sugars and less protein! That’s crazy, I can agree. I been working out and eating more mindful. It’s not just about exercising but it’s about what we are putting inside our bodies as well! Nutrition matters, our overall mental and physical health matters. I am an stress eater, and I over indulge at times. It’s kind of crazy because I don’t eat candy, drink pop or any of that. But I indulge into my favorite cookie dough ice cream! Lmao. Well I hope to loose 20 pounds within 2 months and more more over the next few. I have cosmetic surgery coming up in order for me to loose this excess fat!

-Nurse Kat


  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    Hello I am a 36 Year old attorney, I am 172 and need to get back into the 140s for both my health and military. I'm still in the reserves. Could use an accountability partner as well. My problem is I love food, bread, cheese etc and I fell of the working out bandwagon. Need to get back on. :)