Tuesday Mini Challenge

Good Morning Everyone! As most of you know Charger is on a well deserved vacation and I have offered to help keep the challenges up while he relaxes! So let’s get started and kick this fat out the door!!!

Today's Challenge is: Abdominal Crunches

Lets shoot for 500 total.

You can do them anyway that you want.

You can break them up throughout the day or do them all at once…You have until midnight to get them done.

If you can't do 500, then do what you can. Remember to push yourself -- This is a challenge, so challenge your body!!! Report back when you are done and let us know how you did.

Make sure you stretch and have fun doing them.


  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I dislike these strongly. I will try, but it scares me. At 12 hours about that is only about 42 an hour. We'll see.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    I'll try, thats all I can promise
  • ams21144
    ams21144 Posts: 11 Member
    I accept your challenge!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    i'm in.. (had to comment as it took a few more minutes to find yesterdays on your profile)
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    I accept this challenge!
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Do the type of crunches matter? Count me in.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    i'm in.. (had to comment as it took a few more minutes to find yesterdays on your profile)

    I am sorry, yesterday I was really late. :blushing:
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    i'm in.. (had to comment as it took a few more minutes to find yesterdays on your profile)

    I am sorry, yesterday I was really late. :blushing:

    no no not what i meant... usually at the end of the day or next morning i just go to chargers profile and then comment... but you had a lot of activity on yours so i had to scroll and scroll and scroll...lol.... thats a good thing... you always get them posted before i get up.. i'm west coast.. everyones up before we are lol
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I'm in!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I'm in!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I did it! I did 200 regular crunches, 200 cross over crunches, 50 reverse crunches, and 50 long arm crunches. Whew!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Did them all plus an extra 100 for a total of 600
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    So Charger tried to challenge me to 500 + 100 for a total of 600. But I topped it and completed 700 total! And I promise everyone...no more abdominal work for awhile! My stomach HURTS!

    Great job everyone!!! You all really challenged your bodies--be proud!!!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I am so impressed with all of you. I did 500 but some of them were rather weak. You are all wonderful athletes with very solid cores.
  • ams21144
    ams21144 Posts: 11 Member
    Holy cow, I did it!
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    I was about to post that I was only able to complete 300. Of course, after I read how well everyone else had done, I told myself I had to finish the 500.

    500 completed....YESSSSS!!!!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    i only did 20....i know i can do more....
  • CHaines10
    CHaines10 Posts: 3 Member
    I finally finished a challenge for once! 500 done! Now I'm motivated to finish today's challenge. :)