"generic exercise" -- is MFP double counting my exercise?

pootlermse Posts: 13 Member
I wear a Samsung Galaxy Smartwatch. Yesterday, I tracked a walk of about 14,000 steps and turned off 'deliberate' tracking when I was done. But I got in a few other steps yesterday just getting about and doing chores.

When I checked in this morning, there were two lots of exercise logged in my diary: the steps logged by the watch, which seems about accurate for my activity yesterday, and then this generic exercise entry.

What is that generic exercise? I didn't enter it manually. I didn't do any other workouts. Is the system double counting somewhere? Or, if this happens again, are these calories I should be (partially) eating back?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,738 Member
    I'm not sure about the Samsung synch specifically, but generically speaking IMU steps are just a count, kind of an attaboy/attagirl thing on MFP (not a calorie adjustment in itself), and the calorie adjustment from a tracker is where all the calories are, including those from the steps.

    The calorie adjustment should be the difference between what MFP expected you to burn based on your profile settings (including activity level), and the amount the tracker estimated you actually did burn (based on the profile info you gave it, plus whatever movement/heart-rate/altitude/etc. stuff it detected).

    The calorie adjustment number typically won't match the exercise calories total on the tracker, either, because of that. MFP already assumed some movement in your base calorie goal, and many trackers' total exercise calorie number includes RMR/BMR for the time period of the exercise/activity, besides - i.e., the tracker's exercise calorie total can be gross calories for the time period you exercised, not net calories above what you would've burned if just sitting around.
  • pootlermse
    pootlermse Posts: 13 Member
    I tried to post a screenshot to make it clearer, but mfp isn't having it.

    I THINK what is happening is that my watch decides at some point that I'm walking briskly and for long enough that it can log my walking as a workout. Even when I tell it not to. Then there are steps for just getting about each day. The latter appears to be the generic calories, and the former is logged as exercise calories. I've got my activity level set to sedentary, so I'm guessing that's why I'm getting adjusted calories each time I move.

    It all started to make sense today walking around Edinburgh (17,500 steps so far). The steps are logged in two different ways on mdp, but the total calorie expenditure pretty much matches that activity calories in the Samsung Health app. (I think I told the Samsung Health app that I'm sedentary too.)
  • semisweet13
    semisweet13 Posts: 6 Member
    I think you can go into your settings on your apps and turn one of the two apps sharing with mfp to off.