Why did your previous weight loss program fail?



  • kbcara
    kbcara Posts: 105 Member
    Atkins - totally unrealistic and almost like a carb addiction program - when you fall off the wagon you carb load and put it all back on and more. Plus actually made me feel really unhealthy despite weight loss of almost a stone (but at a time when my lifestyle was less sedentary i.e. no desk work so possibly not all down to Atkins). However, some of the principals are still good to learn i.e. there is such a thing as a good/healthy fat and some carbs are far worse than others.

    Slimming World - loved the fact that it includes all food groups, allowed for naughtiness in moderation and that you could eat as much as you like (red-protein/green-carb days alternated to suit). Lost about 1.5 stone and felt great with it but hated squeezing meetings into my life and found eating out at restaurants or friend's houses demanding. I also felt I wasn't 'like them' i.e. my food/exercise regime was never as bad to start with as many people there - I lacked common ground with them I guess. Tried then to go it alone but just little by little let bad habits creep back in. Put everything on again and more. Other than naughtiness in moderation, I actually don't think any of the principals are worth learning as it pandered to my over-sized portions which I believe is my biggest problem rather than the food types/content.

    Cutting all snacks - too much deprivation leads me to rebel.

    MFP - well it's early days and the loss is slower than I would like (but hope slower off might stay off) but it isn't a diet. It's just a mechanism to record and monitor your own behaviour. I can plan ahead, I can compare choices, I can pre-log before buying my lunch or before eating out (rather than falling for the selection/menu). I feel like I've learnt a lot about some of my regular choices (what proportion o each ingredient to include) and have been able to make easy switches to better options that totally fit with my lifestyle i.e. can be maintained/no wagon to fall off. And best of all, I realise I'm not the only one who feels this way with roller-coaster emotions... even if you don't contribute to discussion, you can read others' stories and motivate yourself. Plus by logging your exercise you realise you are supposed to earn your treats!! So far so good.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I've done plain calorie counting and Atkins in the past. Both for about 18 months and lost significant weight each time.
    I had specific events I was losing weight "for". When the events were over, it was back to overeating again! Especially with Atkins, there were whole food groups I had been denying myself and when the big event passed, i couldn't wait to eat my old buddies: noodles, white bread, and rice in mass quantities.
    So far I've lost 28 pounds on MFP. I plan to continue and have NO event that I am focused on. The 2 biggest differences In MFP and past diets are: nothing is off limits (in moderation) and (more important to me), calories earned through exercise can be used to increase total calorie intake for the day. I eat the vast majority of my exercise calories back.
    The biggest challenge is ahead though. The one place I've only gone once before with any success: Maintenance. I had what I call my brief thin period in my early thirties, when I maintained between 118 and 125 for about 5 or 6 years. The thin period ended with my divorce and subsequent entry into the world of dating, and many dinners.
    I'm 61 now and would like this to be my Last diet! I plan to master the balance that equals maintenance. These are my "Champagne Years", I intend to drink them down, (and exercise them off)!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never had a weight loss program fail. If I stop exercising regularly or eat too much unhealthy food I gain weight. If I exercise regularly and eat healthy food, I lose it. This has been the story of my life, but I've never had trouble losing.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I failed at losing weight in the past because I wasn't about improving my life and health and BECOMING not only thin but healthy. All I cared about was not being fat anymore but I wasn't ready to give up fast food 3x a week and I didn't give it my all at the gym. Bascially, I think my lack of knowledge hurt me. I didn't know how many calories I COULD burn and what I should and shouldn't eat daily.

    Now I do :)
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    because I was interested in losing weight, but not committed to it.

    because I gave up.

    because I was too restrictive while losing, and gave myself permission to quit the diet when I got close to or reached my goal weight.

    because I lost too quickly, and my brain didn't have the chance to catch up with my body. I still saw myself as fat, so lost hope and started eating like a fat person again.

    So many reasons... Mostly because I refused to make an actual lifestyle change in the past. I was always very aware that what I was doing (eating less and moving more, sometimes to the extreme) was temporary.

    :flowerforyou: Here's an awesome list that has inspired me so much, just to spread the inspiration. It's from Linda Spangle's 100 Days to Weight Loss-

    People who are interested in losing weight:

    1. Stick with in until something better comes along
    2. Take action only if they "feel like" doing it
    3. Need to see results in order to stay motivated
    4. Blame people or circumstances for their struggles
    5. Easily give up when they face challenges

    People who are committed to losing weight:

    1. Stick with their plans no matter what
    2. Take action whether they feel like doing it or not
    3. Assume that if they stay motivated, results will follow
    4. Take responsibility for their own actions
    5. Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    In a nutshell, I wasn't ready.

    I'm Indian, WW, SL, Rosemary Conley; Atkins etc assume you eat a predominantly "western" diet. I don't. My folks are from India and cook and eat Indian food every day of the week - yes curry and chapattis and/or rice and dal. At the moment, I live with my folks and slowly but surely, I'm keeping a journal of everything my Mum cooks and working out the calorie content of it.

    I'm getting there, admittedly I'm better some days/weeks than others, but the weight is shifting. I'm committed to eating healthily and exercising regularly.

    Great topic BTW! x
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    My only previous attempt was at Truestar gyms for women...I think it was in Canada and US, but maybe only Canada. Not surprisingly, it failed for several reasons.
    - it was far too strict and nitpicky to sustain forever
    - my then husband wanted me to go, but sabotaged my efforts
    - it was too expensive
    - I was dealing with extreme anxiety and phobia at the time
    - I quit on myself.

    I lost 30lb but was miserable constantly and every meal became such a chore of measuring and counting and balancing, and I was hungry. All I could think about day and night was food. Unhappy dieters don't make good dieters, I don't think. I kept it up for 6 months, but was pretty far into the letting it go process when the gym closed down and sealed the deal for em. Naturally, I gained it all back and then some.

    This time around I am sure I'll do better because
    - I'm choosing to count calories only while making conscious decisions to make healthier choices, but I am not constantly balancing fats/carbs/proteins. That gets too complicated and tedious for me and makes those choices a chore. The TrueStar diet focused entirely on that balancing act.
    - I am free of the husband that wanted a skinny trophy wife, but held me down at the same time. Now it's not about making him happy (mission impossible), it's about making me happy and healthy and loving my wonderful life.
    - it's FREE!
    - I have worked really hard and overcome the phobia that was crippling my everyday life. I still struggle with social anxieties, but I'm loads better than I was.

    I think now is a better time for me...I'm struggling much harder financially now, which sucks. However, it's better than the emotional and psychological struggle I was fighting before.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i read somewhere that ppl that use electronics and apps to track their food intake and exercise, and use social media to inform others about it, are more likely to lose weight.

    personally, i love a new gadet or toy, and now i'm getting a lot of "likes" on facebook when i post a weightloss or an exercise.
  • ABetterBalance

    My previous weight loss plan was calorie counting, clean eating, and a combination of planned exercise sessions and a generally more active lifestyle. There was nothing wrong with that plan- when I was sticking to it, it worked just fine! I went from 178 (highest non-pregnant) to 125 and then maintained within 5-10 lbs of that goal for about 4 years.

    In the last year I started making excuses...
    -I'm too tired
    -I'm too depressed
    -I'm too busy
    -I don't have time to cook every night
    -I don't have time to workout every day
    -Healthy eating is too expensive
    -I have bigger problems to worry about right now
    -I "deserve" to take a break
    -I "deserve" to go drinking with my friends

    On and on and on.

    As a result, I am 25-30 lbs heavier than I want to be, I lost my muscle tone, I lost my endurance, and I generally hate everything about my appearance.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    I looked upon it as a "diet" instead of a lifelong commitment.

    I had no outside support (like this website).

    I was not eating for the long term (vegetable soup for breakfast and dinner and a cheese sandwich for lunch... like that was going to last).

    I stopped journalling my food and exercise and the weight crept back on.

    I'm a good cook and I know what tastes good (and not necessarily healthy). It's better for me -not- to cook because I'm my own worst enemy.

    I was largely uneducated in how/what to eat/cook.

    The interwebs didn't exist at that time. Mind you, that was in the mid-80s.
  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    To be honest, I've never had a weight loss program that failed to help me lose the weight I wanted. I've tried different things in my life and they've always been successful at getting me to the weight I wanted to be at.

    The problem was - as soon as I reached that magic number on the scale, I didn't know how to maintain. That's why I like MFP so much - you can use it as a tool for both weight loss and maintenance. I've learned through MFP that to stay where I want to be, I have to stay accountable - weighing in weekly, paying attention to calories & exercise. I firmly believe that the majority of weight loss programs want you to fail long term - that way you'll come back & pay them more money to lose the weight all over again. MFP frees you up from that destructive cycle.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Definitely not letting it be a priority.

    I'm not an eater for too many emotional reasons. I am one of many of us who got into trouble because our overabundance of 'food' isn't really food, but garbage in pretty packages. As I've weeded those things out of my eating I'm discovering that cravings are slipping, mind is getting clearer, body is moving easier ( I had a friend tell me he noticed that about me). For whatever myriad of reasons, being here, logging food and exercise, taking a challenge just now and the support has made this journey feel like the beginnings of a life change. And I love that.
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I wasn't ready and I wasn't eating right. I was doing Weight Watchers, but I wasn't eating "healthy points." I would lose 10-15lbs and that's it.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    I would get bored, cheat or just stop going to those meeting. I know I'm the reason they all failed.

    ^^this^^ and Weight Watchers changed thier plans and it made me gain my weight and some.....
  • surfinbernard
    I will offer my thoughts on why Slimming World did not work for me as this was the diet I tried to lose the baby weight the first time. Basically without portion control, and having a very big appetite after pregnancy and breastfeeding it doesn't return to normal straight away so you do get hungry... I believe that with SW I was eating too much. I was sticking to the plan and initially lost weight but it plateaued at much too high a weight for my goals. I left SW and moved onto Weight Watchers (the old points system) which was basically the same as calorie counting, and lost the weight and even got lower than I had been previously.

    This time I tried again with SW but again, no good, tried Weight Watchers and it's changed- no good. I have eventually come back to basic calorie counting and find this works fine.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm curious as to why you all feel that your previous weight loss programs failed?
    in a word... DEPRIVATION

    I am ... sorry WAS... a yo-yo dieter. I'd try all the fads going... SlimFast... Hays... Atkins... Weight Watchers... all were successful to a point in the short-term, but I never reached my ultimate goal with any of them and certainly what none of them were able to provide was long-term sustainability. Moreover and more importantly, I always, always felt like I was having to make sacrifices and depriving myself of things I loved to eat.

    So I'd cheat and have a biscuit... and then it was two... then half a packet ... and before you know it, I was troughing my way through biscuits and sweets, having toasties as a bedtime snack and practically eating all day long. All the good work was ruined and after each diet I'd put on more weight than before.

    Like others in this thread, I don't think I was really ready to make the life-long commitment that you need to truly succeed to not just lose weight but keep it off forever.

    Thankfully and with the assistance of MFP… I am now:bigsmile:
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I was not mentally ready. I am overweight because of emotional eating issues. When I tried to lose weight in the past, I had not moved past my issues. I was not ready to give up emotional eating and learn healthier habits. Now I have worked past my issues and I have finally given up the emotional eating.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    One word...............complacency.

    13 years ago I lost 92 pounds in 5 months. I was eating only 500-800 calories per day on average. It worked great and I was motivated, excited and could resist all temptations. But, a funny thing happened when I got within 17 pounds of my goal weight. I grew complacent. I felt happy. I was getting lots of compliments and my clothes looked good. Gradually, I started eating a little more and then a little more. It was so slow that I didn't really notice what I was doing. I lost my focus. Even after a year, I had probably only gained a few pounds back. But by then, it was too late. I was back into old habits and I was still feeling good about myself. The following three years, I gained about 30 pounds/year. Once I fell into this rut, I couldn't dig myself out. I knew I needed to get my head in the right place, but I just couldn't succeed.

    I have tried about 3 times since to get my head in the right place. I would lose 20 or 30 pounds, but then lose track. I tried forcing it, but that just doesn't work. This year, I finally had my "A ha!" moment and it stuck. This time I have made some rather drastic, but permanent lifestyle changes and I am confident that they will carry me through to my goal and beyond. And the best part is that these "drastic" changes weren't so hard after all. I now enjoy my food more than ever before. My family came along for the ride. Now I am down 43 pounds (10 pounds lost before joining MFP) and I still have 100+ to go, but I feel like I am already in the home stretch.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    Mainly because despite exercise and healthy food, I didn't have a clear idea of how much I should - and shouldn't - eat.

    THIS /\
  • jenniferlspies
    I went back to my old ways (eating junk and not exercising) and didn't give a damn.

    I've been on weight loss programs since I was 16/17 (I'm 23 now) and this has been the longest I've been able to make a lifestyle change and the lowest I've gone (both weight wise and clothing sizes). The last time I lost weight was a little over 2 years ago, when I went from 210 (my highest weight) to about 175-180. In a year and a half, I regained almost all that weight (I started MFP at 197).