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hello fitness users Im a new member call me Bird trying to lose 70 lbs hoping some one out their can shar a good high protein low carb diet with me seems im doing everything wrong well maybe not everything but the low carb part has been a struggle any certain foods i should try??? HELP


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Low-carb is not necessary for weight loss. Cutting carbs will make you drop water weight basically overnight, but I assume you're trying to lose 70lbs of fat, not water, right?

    Some people find a diet lower in carbohydrates relative to protein and fat to be more satiating (as in, eating fewer carbs in favor of more protein and fat makes it easier to get full and feel full for longer), but there's nothing else magical about it, and if low carb doesn't vibe with your particular human body, you can't really force it. I have lost 70 lbs and I've been eating stuff like tortillas, plenty of rice, sandwiches and burgers with the bread, ice cream, pizza, and washing it down with the occasional adult beverage the whole time. Not exclusively - I get plenty of protein, fat, and fiber as well - but I haven't cut out any food groups or broad classes of foods. Nothing is forbidden, nothing is off-limits, I just need to decide whether it fits into my budget.

    The best way of eating for you is the one that you can stick to long-term, that provides you with the appropriate level of nutrition that you need to go about your day-to-day life and meet your health and fitness goals. If your goal is to weigh less, whatever combination of foods lets you take in your 1500* net calories and be able to stop there for the day, while still feeling good and being able to do the things you want to do, that is the right one for you. The only real way to figure that out is going to be trial and error, to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. You also don't have to subscribe wholesale to any one philosophy around diet and/or exercise - take what serves you, leave what doesn't. The Diet Police aren't going to kick down your door and haul you off for eating keto-friendly chocolate snack bars without being in ketosis. (At least, they haven't done that to me yet, and I love them little sonsabitches. I'm not "doing" keto, I just like them, they're a nice little mid-afternoon pick-me-up.)

    *(or whatever your number is, it could be higher or lower depending on your particular human body, your activity level, and your desired rate of loss)
  • z_b_g_x
    z_b_g_x Posts: 5 Member
    This has really resonated with me. After trying so many approaches to weight loss, I a pretty much back to where I started. I have enough nutritional knowledge to make sensible choices and I know logically how to lose weight, but I can’t help getting caught up in the fads and then feel incredibly guilty when I don’t stick to them 100%. I am on a mission to find what works for me and to stop being persuaded by the constant social media pressures to follow a defined weight loss path Thanks for this. Just what I needed to read on a Saturday morning 😊😊