New to MFP (x ww ) and new to Low carb

Hi there-
42 year old, female.
Weighed 200 2 years ago. Lost 20 and kept 15 off over the years. Been trying to lose more on Weight watchers.

I have been doing weight watchers on and off for so long and it is just not working for me! I lose 10 pounds and then my body just stops! It is so frustrating. I am was eating a lot of "diet" food. Fake sugars etc. I started having serious swelling and bloating issues with pain due to something I was eating. I looked 9 months pregnant in spite of counting points all day!

In my quest to find out what was causing it I cut out gluten, and then sugar and other starchy carbs. I am eating like a different person. Greens, proteins and organic clean food. No sugars and nothing artificial.

So far I am feeling amazing. (It has only been a week on pretty low carb- 3 weeks off gluten totally)

I am not hungry all the time... cravings are gone!!!! Stomach is totally different!!! Not hard and pregnant looking AND my face swelling is gone!! ANNNND I used to drink a ton of coffee and I don't need it at all! If I have more then one cup in the morning I get shakey!

I also started exercising more regularly. What has saved me is just making myself do 20 mins in the morning. Before if I had to get up hours early and go to the gym I would blow it off .. but just a 20 min jog in the morning has been making it easier! I can add on later.

I am looking for friends here that are looking for mutual support.


  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    :happy: wow thats great! and welcome! if you need a new friend feel free to add me!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    fantastic job finding something that makes you feel so good. I started eating cleaner 4 months ago, including natural carbs like fruits and veggies, and I feel a ton better.

    Enjoy the new lifestyle :)
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track! It's so hard to make the changes but you're doing great. I am coming to the end of my first month with no sugar or white flour. It's been hard making that change since my husband would rather eat those things than anything else...and I also very much enjoy sugar...not white flour though. You can do this!
  • my story is about the same with weight watchers. Lose 18 and can't go any further. I'm here if you need support and could also use some. Add me if you want to :smile:
  • Bugsyzgrl
    Bugsyzgrl Posts: 98 Member
    Congrats on finding what works best for you! Feel free to add me for support! I am loving MFP!
  • phendrick
    phendrick Posts: 24 Member
    I tried wieght watchers on line for 5 minutes. Canceled. For me this is the best. You can eat what you want as long as you maintain your calories count. This will help you make better decision & choice about what you consume. You will learn how to make better choice & the support here is fantastic.
  • Great job! I'm in a similar situation and just started watching the carbs.
  • Carbs are my arch nemesis! Feel free to add me, anyone who is looking for supporting and cheering each other on! :smile:
  • genthel
    genthel Posts: 59 Member
    You can do it! I am glad to help support and motivate you.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I tried weight watchers. Followed it to the letter and gained weight. I've tried pretty much everything under the sun diet-wise, and have come to realize over the years that I am carb resistant. Carbs and I are like oil and water, but when the oil sticks to my bones. Hehe. Low carb, healthy eating is a wonderful lifestyle for me and I'm glad that you've found yours as well!
  • So nice to come back and find all these responses and encouragement! Thanks so much!!