P90X and I are going to see other people for a while.



  • Kytana
    Yes!! I totally get bored with workouts, pretty quickly. I switch up between gym, DVDs, kickboxing, and anything else that can get thrown in from time-to-time. I used to work out solo a lot, but now I've partnered up with a friend, and that keeps me more motivated. Not only do I not want to let myself down, but having that additional obligation to someone else to show up makes a big difference for me.
  • buffyfan28
    As everyone else has said variation is the key.

    My staple is Zumba but i use the treadmill, Elliptical and play Badminton to vary it up a bit, We all get bored sticking to one thing.

    Good Luck !
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Most people get bored with one program... P90X is not the only program BeachBody has...:) I hope you know that.

    Oh yeah, I want to try TurboFire soon - but I just don't have the funds to get another program. Maybe I should have mentioned that too, I'm in a "looking for cheap alternatives" mode as well.
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    Most people get bored with one program... P90X is not the only program BeachBody has...:) I hope you know that.

    Oh yeah, I want to try TurboFire soon - but I just don't have the funds to get another program. Maybe I should have mentioned that too, I'm in a "looking for cheap alternatives" mode as well.

    Ok, good luck! Yeah, those programs can be expensive...but I don't have a gym membership, so I consider getting those programs every few months part of the benefit of not having to pay monthly dues.
    I have watched a few TurboFire videos and the moves looked rather complicated to me... :) ChaLean Extreme is what I've been recommending to women for a while...
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    How far into the P90X program did you actually go? Just wondering :smile:

    Three months! I was rotating between DVDs and biking and swimming. I got results - plenty of weight loss and getting stronger. I'm just a "jump from one thing to the next" kind of gal.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Come mountain biking with me! Bear Creek is right by my house and pretty beginner level.

    I really should. My bike has no shocks, so I think maybe flat-ish trails are best for now. But next summer I'm going to get a much better bike for sure!!!
  • mamabearr
    Have you tried pole dancing? I started doing that to build strength because my home workouts were getting boring and felt like they took forever. I religiously went to pole and had a lot of fun. Plus I learned the proper way to giggle my booty. Unfortunately for me, my pole place closes this week, and the next closest one is 45 minutes away. No more pole for me );
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Actually pole dancing sounds like an awesome workout and I've considered it - I'm just trying to keep things completely cost-free for now. Once the finances get straight, I plan to take something like pole dancing or the likes, plus boxing and swing dancing. (the boyfriend and I will do those last two together!)
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I wish I could get into doing workout DVDs. I just can't. Maybe it's living on the second floor of a house with hardwood floors. Maybe it's because I have roommates. Maybe I just haven't found a good DVD yet. I dunno. I want to try P90X, but I don't want to shell out that kind of money for something that I probably won't enjoy.
  • mamabearr
    Actually pole dancing sounds like an awesome workout and I've considered it - I'm just trying to keep things completely cost-free for now. Once the finances get straight, I plan to take something like pole dancing or the likes, plus boxing and swing dancing. (the boyfriend and I will do those last two together!)

    I thought pole dancing would be costly (I am broke like no other), but it's actually not that bad. You should look up prices. The place I went to was on the expensive side, but it was $20 for 2 classes, and as you went up the classes got cheaper. Even if I only got to go once a week, it was only about $40 a month.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Don't get me wrong - I love the program and the workouts are awesome. I'm just 'that girl' and like to keep things interesting.
  • campbellcjdm
    Same here. I do get bored. but I have a tendency to get stuck in a routine too. DVD's are a great way to keep a versatile collection of exercises. The biggest loser dvds will kick your booty. I dread doing those. :)

    I laughed when I saw you signature block ('stuck here forever') ... I am right there with you !! LOL :ohwell:
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I am an exercise schizoid and mixing things up keeps me going.

    Actually, it's more resistance work than cardio that I get bored with. If I find a cardio routine that I really like (where I move around, not on machines), I can do it forever. But I've found that I *must* change up resistance training after a month or so or I lose motivation.

    I'm finishing Exercise TV's Butt Bible workout this week and while I've gotten very noticeable results from it and doing another round would probably be very beneficial, I'm bored with it and am looking for a replacement workout to start next week.

    Exercise TV adds new workouts every Tuesday and the first thing I do when I get home is to see what's new on the menu. It's like Christmas every week.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    P90X and Insanity were ones i still do every day-LOVE THEM.

    However, Asylum...which only takes 30 days, made me want to jab my eyes out with a dull spoon. It became a chore. And i didn't want to do it.

    Soooo....we went back to Insanity and P90X. the key is to find something you look forward to every day. My mom hates P90X, but loves Insanity. So we do one or the other, alternating days.