Short People



  • I am 5'1" and no where near my goal (but inching closer week by week), I can see 5lbs gained or lost easily on my frame. I do get the comments from "loved ones" about my ultimate goal weight. They are always telling me that it is unhealthy. I try to tell them that I am only 5'1" and I have to be under 130 to even be not considered over weight....... but they still don't get it.
  • I am 5ft 1" and i'm around 162 depending on the day. I used to weight 215lbs and that was NOT a good look. My lowest was 135 lbs and it was perfect in my opinion. I have a plump bumbum and musclular thighs and back from sports so people are amazed that i weigh that much and it's def. because i'm short and i dress myself well for my weight. I always wear petite jeans because they are made for short legs and they don't fit below or too high above my fat belly. I also usually wear a cami under all of my shirts to elongate my upper body. I wear scrubs to work everyday so sometimes i just feel like a little fat oompa loompa haha
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I'm 5'1 and a little bit and currently over 144lbs. When I was 18 I was 115lbs and even then I had a larger than average hip measurement (a little extra junk in the trunk!!) and heavy thighs. What I wouldn't give just to see the 120's again. My goal is 119lbs which is still a BMI of around 22. I am hoping to make it back into a UK size 10 pair of jeans, but right now I would settle for a comfortable 12. I am currently a frustrated 16 having overstretched and worn out my best size 14 jeans. I have a tall friend who can gain 20lbs and still be wearing the same jeans. I gain 20lbs and go up 3 sizes.
  • BackToPreBaby
    BackToPreBaby Posts: 81 Member
    I completely understand. I see people on the boards who are 5'7 and 170 lbs and look AMAZING and skinnier than me!
    Me right now at 5'1 and 124 lbs, I basically look "Wrong"...

    My best weight is 110 and its a struggle for me to reach that now...
  • tinamariebarton
    tinamariebarton Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm 5 ft 1 and I always say - I'm not fat, just under-tall!!

    I completely understand where you are coming from. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to :-)
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 5'2" (I recently grew an inch due to improvement in my scoliosis). Currently I'm down to 123.8, but like you said, that kind of weight can be rough on a short person. I'm going to try to get down to 115, then see how I feel, and how toned I am at that point. I'm always trying to explain this to my taller and heavier sisters who get annoyed with me when I say I want to lose weight.
  • Hi I am 4"11, very short. I started at 230lbs and my goal weight is 120lbs.
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    I'm a little short of 5' (about 4'11" 3/4). Currently around 118. Looking to get down to 110. In the beginning I was losing about a pound a it's slowly coming off. I hate when people say I don't need to lose!!
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    Yeah, I'm 5'1", so I totally feel your frustration. What gets me is how much more the taller people get to eat! I have a friend (a guy) who's very tall, large-framed, and still has a lot more weight to lose. He gets to eat twice as much as I do and burns calories twice as fast when he exercises! Grrrrrr...
  • I hear ya, girl. I am 5 foot 1 and current;y 124. I feel like I look and feel best at 110. I did 30 Day Shred and it has taken me down from the 130's (thank god!) and I am going to just keep pushing. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Just 5' me and now at 193lbs look awful ....(don't answer that!) ...Trouble is my bum seems to have the majority of the weight so I look rather like the typical Norfolk Dumpling!
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    I am with with all of you too. I have finally got it in my head that it is going to take more than a couple of months to get where I want to be and I am up for the challenge! I totally get the gaining of weight and not having pants fit you that did a couple weeks ago, and I do not want that, ever again!
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    Ya'll feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    It's not just height but build.

    I'm 1.63m (5'4" in old money) and as an adult I've never been skinny. I've always been broad in the beam, so to speak. I always carried too much puppy-fat as they called it back then, but when I was at my fittest (an thinest) in my 20s I was 70kg (154lbs) (with a 32" waist and 34" chest) which was technically overweight, but if I were to have lost the recommended 10kg (22lbs) I'd probably have looked wretched :frown:

    Now, of course I'm at the other extreme and my 105kg (230lbs) makes me look like Mr Blooby, whereas my husband who is 6'2" and has a pot belly, carries it off (sometimes :laugh: )
  • Amyhag
    Amyhag Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also 5 foot and had a baby 5 months ago. I weigh 132 now and have been stuck here for a few weeks now. My goal is 115. Even before I had my daughter I could not lose past 122 for anything. I work out 4-5 days a week and watch my calories but still can't seem to start losing again.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I am 5'2" I am now 119 and started at 147. I carry all my weight on my hips/butt/thighs. I agree watching the amount of food taller people can eat is annoying.
  • roxlen75
    roxlen75 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I would have to lose half of my weight to be considered normal weight. I have a long way to go and I hope I can stick to the changes.
  • Thanks for posting this! I'm 5ft and 122 pounds. Down from 130 :) And you're absolutely right. On my frame, a couple pounds makes a huge difference.

    The one good advantage we have is when we do lose 5 pounds, we start to look so much better. A friend of mine is 5'8 and 200+ pounds. And when she loses 10 pounds you can't even tell. She gets frustrated a lot by this.

    Then again, I also have to own clothes in at least 3 different sizes. When I yoyo between 10 pounds, I can go from a size 0 to a size 6.
  • ecstgrl
    ecstgrl Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just shy of 5' and 124 lbs. I feel huge. I've never been this heavy. 112-113 is comfortable for me. Its crept on in the last 3 years or so after turning 40 and getting a desk job :( I'm very frustrated... seems like every time I try to lose, I gain. Feel free to friend me, I think that maybe there are different challenges when you are so short, and I'd be interested to hear how other people have succeeded
  • mondeflottant
    mondeflottant Posts: 30 Member
    I am 5'2 and 158 lbs, so I really look huge when some people taller will look fit..
    My best moment was at 108 lbs, I think I won't be able to reach this weight anymore.
    My journey goal is 127 and I'll be happy when I reach 143 lbs ... But the weight is not everything, because if your body looks limp you won't be pretty. So you have to think that muscle could make gain weight but that you will look better and somehow thinner.