Running my first 5K and looking for friends for encouragemen

LoveMyLiv Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
I am running my first 5K on October 29th and am looking for friends to help push me that might be running a 5K aslo in the next 2 months. :) I am 225.5 and just started running, though with my weight I have to alternate between running and walking. Anyone out there working towards the same goal?


  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Way to go on signing up for your first 5k!

    Did my first 5k in January and now I'm signed up to run the same race again this coming January to see if I can improve my pace and time. I'm not a great runner so I also alternate.

    Keep up the good work and can't wait to hear how your race goes! :happy:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Are you following couch to 5K (C25K)? I did that and found that it was fantastic!!! I just did a five mile run on Friday and a ten mile run on Sunday to train for my half marathon!?
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I had my first 5k back in July for the Race for Life and I am doing a 4k race in 18 days...I haven't been "running for long" so much so that i don't really run so would be good to have some friends for encouragement too - feel free to add me :o)

    Definately think alternating between running and walking is the best way to start! I went out last night for 1 mile and managed to run on and off almost half of it.

    Good luck :o)
  • LoveMyLiv
    LoveMyLiv Posts: 9 Member
    Yes I love that program. My goal in the next year is to do a half marathon. I eventually want to do the bridge to 10k after completing this program. I have a long way to go but I think I can do it!
  • I am running my first 5k on October 22nd.
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I just started my training program for a 5k! I wished to run one on Oct 15th, but I want to get thru my training first, so we'll see how that goes! Good luck and you can do it, sending a friend request! : )
  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    My husband and I are doing our first 5K ALSO on October 29th! We're also using the couch to 5k program, which altho it was definitely tough for me at the beginning, has gotten better! I've never, ever been a runner...a prefer walking and hiking. lol
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I am currently in w9d1 of c25k!! I am running my 1st 5k on Oct 1 a week after I finish c25k!! I started c25k at 212 and I am currently at 202!! I am not the fastest runner but I love to run now!! And hope to continue running through the winter and do another 5k in march/april-ish!!! Friend me if you would like!!
  • Purplegal32
    Purplegal32 Posts: 85 Member
    I am running my first 5k October 8th! Good luck!
  • I started the C25K program in July, ran my first 5K in August. I will be running another in Oct. I sent you a friend request. Hope we can help each other.
  • Good job signing up for a 5k!! Ever since I started working out I would say I wanted to be able to run a 5k but never signed up and got through about 1 day of the c25k program and had to stop because of the pain I was in from that one day. (Can you tell I was never a runner!) But as time went on and I got more fit, I started just running and trying to go further and further each time and was able to run 2 miles without stopping or walking which surprised the heck out of me. (I even had hard times "running the mile" in school!) The key to being able to do it IMO is to make sure you stretch, stretch, stretch. I would run some days and my inner thighs would kill so I'd have to stop but once I learned to actually stretch the right way, I was able to run with no problems. Then I was asked to take someone else's place in a 5k one day after not having run in a few weeks and with no time to train and surprised myself yet again and ran the entire thing with no problems. So, after that longwinded response, know that you CAN do it! If I can, anyone can! Just keep at it, stay hydrated, and stretch! Good luck to you!
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    Best of luck honey! I am definitely not a runner but managed to complete the 5k Race for Life earlier this year (albeit very slowly).
    I'm out of practice and you have motivated me to start the C25K again if anyone would like to join me? Adding you now x
  • Hooray for you! And ME TOO!! I'm excited to read your post, since I too signed up for my first 5K run for October 29th! And it's my first time EVER running in a race.
    I'm doing the Provo Monster 5K, in Utah.

    Currently, I weigh 200 lbs and never had a desire to run before. In fact, I used to poke fun of people who'd run for "pleasure".
    This year I have this unexplainable urge and desire to accomplish a 5K. Weird, I know. And I just keep laughing at myself!
    So, instead of thinking I WILL...I am DOING! :bigsmile:

    2 weeks ago I started Couch to 5K. I bought the app and put it on my hubby's phone. If you haven't heard of it, it's a 9 week program taking a couch potato to running a 5K. It starts off slow, with alternating walking and jogging/running.
    It's only 3 times a week and for 30 minutes each session. I'm loving it and hating it at the same time!

    The first day I did this, and the app on the phone said to RUN for 1 whole minute, I about died!! 2 weeks later, I can see my endurance hs gone up. It really works!

    I'm really looking forward to accomplishing my weekly running goals with the Couch to 5K, and getting out there and doing this 5K run in October I know I won't be the fastest person, but I will finish it and be oh so proud of myself!

    I hit the excecise bug these past 7 weeks or so. I also do Zumba, Spin classes, Weight training and the Couch to 5k. I'm super excited to make changes to lose my weight. However, if I could just make sure I eat right, most of the time.... lol

    Keep up the GREAT work! If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!

    YOU'RE AWESOME! :smile:
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm walking my first 5k on Nov. 5th. I'm currently at 255 lbs. and hoping to make it in under an hour. Just finishing will be a great accomplishment though!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yes I love that program. My goal in the next year is to do a half marathon. I eventually want to do the bridge to 10k after completing this program. I have a long way to go but I think I can do it!

    I did the b210K also and I really enjoyed it too!!! If you want to add me go ahead :wink:
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    You can do it!!! I ran my first 5k in march and love running now!!! Before I couldnt even run for 60 seconds straight. Prepare your muscles and prepare your mind!!! Good luck!
  • LoveMyLiv
    LoveMyLiv Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone for the Encouragement! I now have a lot of great friends!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I did my first one just last weekend. @ 330 lbs. I paced myself. took walk breaks as needed and had fun. I know I liked it and plan to do 1 a month w/the next one for me in mid-october.
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