
tawktame Posts: 3 Member
edited December 2018 in Introduce Yourself
If you are on Contrave or have finished the program, please share you results. Much appreciated!


  • WillowRunning
    WillowRunning Posts: 5 Member
    I've been on Contrave since Sept 18 and have been losing an average of 2 lb/week. I'm down a total of 26 lb so far, but still have a long way to go before I'm a healthy weight.

    I started Weight Watchers at the same time as I started Contrave, but switched to MFP after about two weeks - there were too many "free" foods on WW that just didn't make sense to me. Counting calories (1200/day) and staying within the macronutrient levels I've set (40% carb/30% fat/30% protein) is surprisingly doable - and that's gotta be thanks to the Contrave! When I want a snack, I'm able to choose a piece of fruit over a handful of cookies - or the two (or three or four...) glasses of wine I used to have.

    It's no "magic bullet," but it definitely works alongside good food choices. And If I wasn't such a lazy slug and actually exercised every day, I'd probably be doing even better! :)
  • tawktame
    tawktame Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing. I've been on Contrave for 2 weeks and I'm down 9 pounds - following a 1200 calorie a day diet and I do yoga 3 to 4 days a week.
  • WillowRunning
    WillowRunning Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you! Do you have any side effects? I'm finding my mouth dries up like a desert at night, and I have a constant ringing in my ears. I've been on Wellbutrin before (one of the two drugs in Contrave), and my ears were ringing then too. I'm hoping it will eventually go away as I continue to lose weight and my blood pressure goes down.

    Good luck and have a great Christmas and New Year!
  • PhatGirly83
    PhatGirly83 Posts: 2 Member
    How did u work out how many macros u should be having per group?
    And what wud 40% be in grams?